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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Devastator_cm

    Turret high angle rotation issue

    hmm I can give a try to those two alternatives thanks
  2. Devastator_cm

    Turret high angle rotation issue

    our problem is not about firing. Firing is initiated via script which is checking the relative direction between the unit inside the turret to target, so I can be sure that turret is in correct position. So after Aplion deleted that lod thingy, relative direction between unit to target is broken. That command started to use the ship itself instead of unit and as a result eventhough turret turned to 90 degree right and have reldir to target 0, I still get 90 degree from reldir as ship is facing to 0 north. So fire event is not happening as it things, turret is still not in position
  3. Devastator_cm

    Turret high angle rotation issue

    Just correction, fire event is based on script and I am not able to capture the current direction of turret after removal of lod Getreldir is not giving the relative direction between unit inside turret to target anymore. It started to use the ship instead so gives wrong direction
  4. Devastator_cm

    HAFM NAVY v1.5 Release

    Automatic mode only fires if there is danger to the ship itself, so it will not fire if it assess no danger. Manual mode can be used to intercept such targets
  5. Devastator_cm

    Artillery Config - misses the shot-

    initial message updated :) then what is affecting the size between two lines where we can fire with artillery? Which config is affecting the size of that area? for Elevation, the default arty has such settings https://prnt.sc/kaacx9 right ? In that case the 60 degrees stuff which you told me before is not a must to have? :(
  6. Devastator_cm

    Artillery Config - misses the shot-

    Thanks @reyhard, I adjusted initial post with these information :) How is the elevationmode 3 is used? In wiki it says it can behave like 1 or 2 based on selection but I do not know how to make the selection between modes during the game.. What is the magic parameter artilleryDispersion is actually doing? I have a feeling it is increasing or decreasing the band where artillery can fire in a fire mode but how it works no idea yet... What is the parameter which affects the accuracy of hit? In internet I can find information regarding which gun has what Circular error probable (CEP) but I do not know how I can make a setup to reflect this real world information in Arma.. Let's say if I have a gun which has 10 meter CEP, how the config should be done? For turning rate I mean these stuff class MainGun: MainTurret { type="rotationX"; source="mainGun"; selection="gunF"; axis="gunF_axis"; minValue="rad -5"; maxValue="rad +40"; angle0="rad -5"; angle1="rad +40"; };
  7. Devastator_cm

    Artillery Config - misses the shot-

    Here are some updates to setup ballistic artillery following stuff are needed (unfortunatelly there are not enough information in wiki) 1- ballisticsComputer for weapon set to 0 2- vehicle should have artilleryScanner = 1 3- turret elevationMode should be 2 or 3 4- Weapon should have fire modes attribute set 5- each fire mode which is created should have following attributes set artilleryDispersion => dispersion by each shot. Works same as standard weapon dispersion https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgWeapons_Config_Reference artilleryCharge => used to calculate the range of the specific fire mode. It's coef to shell initSpeed which is the base to generate different ranges 6- in model.cfg and config.cpp the gun needs to have elevation bigger than 60 degrees to calculate the fire resolution correctly. 7- The thickness of the donut where artillery can fire (http://prntscr.com/kc4tli) is depending on maximum turret elevation and projectile speed
  8. very nice idea, thanks for the update! Btw, I think in vehicle chat you can use the description or shortdescription instead of classname when a hit happens. Description fields has cleaner text. Is it possible to add a non Firewill airplane to the select list of laptop to set up the training mission?
  9. Devastator_cm

    HAFM NAVY v1.5 Release

    in RL ships do not engage such battles like in pirate of caribbeans most of the time. They use their Antiship missiles and torpedoes as engagements are happning in longer distances. Still if you want to use your deckgun, you can still do it with page up and down buttons although not that comfortable like a standart canon but still would do the trick
  10. Devastator_cm

    HAFM NAVY v1.5 Release

    Two more points Cruise-Missile system - Missiles to fire against ground targets which you fire and then start chasing them via spectator camera to see how lovely they fly Artillery Computer - No more canon for the deck gun. They will work as artillery
  11. Devastator_cm

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    got today again an update but still direct communication is not working..
  12. Devastator_cm

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    I had another weird situation yesterday with TFAR. People could not hear me over direct communication but only over radio. I never had this in the past. Any idea what can be the issue?
  13. can you prepare a sample mission with the issue but on vanilla so I can check what is going on?
  14. mb the car in front is stuck and not moving with correct speed at all? AI driving skills in Arma 3 is not that reliable. They might got stuck without any reason time to time :/
  15. Hi Guys, when I attach an helicopter on top of another vehicle the engine is getting stuch. Even if I select engine OFF the engine is not stopping and rotar keeps turning although action menu shows Engine ON which means actually engine is off... Any idea why attach to is breaking the engine of a helicopter?
  16. Devastator_cm

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    please forget. Like said I am working on a ship mod and if you do not know the mechanics how to make ANY ship landable then you cannot help...
  17. Devastator_cm

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    Mate once more it is not for CUP. I am asking for a general ship. I asked you if you managed to land to CUP frigate without anyscript and answer was no right? I also don't care the AI part. I just need to know how to make the vehicle not to sink into the other one
  18. Devastator_cm

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    @johnnyboy in above example did you attach that reservoir to something? I think attachment is breaking up the attached object. @pierremgi what will the player who is driving the frigate think if I disable the frigates animation? ;)
  19. Devastator_cm

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    Which exact Frigate has than landing ability without any scripting behind? Can you give me the mod name and tell me if you are 100% sure there is no scripting involved? :/
  20. Devastator_cm

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    no success.... :((((((((
  21. Devastator_cm

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    Sounds a solution.. you placed them via attaching I suspect is that so?
  22. Devastator_cm

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    How do you counter that? I can remove damage but heli will sink into that surface after some seconds
  23. Devastator_cm

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    It is not scene or something so. It is a heli which needs to land and user can turn off engine as I can't control his mind. If he stops the engine, then engine needs to properly turn off.
  24. Devastator_cm

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    Landing to a ship
  25. Devastator_cm

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    this is about collision. My problem is engine is getting stuck to its initial state. So if you attach the helicopter to another vehicle you cannot turn on or off its engine anymore properly. What I mean with "Properly" is, game engine states the engine is off (when I check via script isengineon) but the rotors are keep rotating without an end. Or in opposite case, game engine says engine is on but rotors are never coming to full speed