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About Cherkasov

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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    Cologne, Germany

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  1. Thank you both for your replies, I have now gone and deleted any old/duplicate version of the Toolbox manually. I can now import the full p3d however I can not verify if that did the trick.. Regardless, problem solved 🙂
  2. Hello all, I wanted to rework one of my old projects now with blender 2.8. However when trying to import I only ever get the first LOD in my collections of whatever p3d I try to import. I receive this error: I am running on blender version 2.80.75 and the latest git-hub version of the Toolbox. The O2Script.exe path is also given. I have also tried other p3d's, including some from the ArmA3 Samples. I have asked earlier today in the A3 Discord but the suggestions there unfortunately did not solve my issue. Hope anyone can suggest some solution, sadly I do not know how to troubleshoot this..
  3. Cherkasov

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Hey guys, got a tiny preview for all of you, all subject to change obviously.
  4. Cherkasov

    Aspis Gear (Spec 4 Retextures)

    Fixed for the new update. Apologies for the amount of stupid errors, I never checked my release folder good enough :/ Thanks for the great amount of feedback
  5. Cherkasov

    Aspis Gear (Spec 4 Retextures)

    Awesome to know you got to modify it a bit, precisely what I want for people! Errors fixed for future updates. My psd file is really big and it would take me a lot of time to upload.. can't promise it but I will want to try sending that your way
  6. Cherkasov

    Aspis Gear (Spec 4 Retextures)

    Thank you for the love, much appreciated. Currently I'm updating the vests, expanding the airframes by a bit and fixing issues that I've been informed about. I can't tell when I will have the update ready but I will be working on it for sure.
  7. Mods used: RHS, SMA, VSM, custom Vests (based on MGP) and Uniforms (Based on Spec4) Terrains: Chernarus by CUP
  8. Cherkasov

    Aspis Gear (Spec 4 Retextures)

    Yes, I was planning to do some smaller nation-based "extensions" eventually primarily for UK, Russia, Germany, Australia and so on.
  9. Cherkasov

    Aspis Gear (Spec 4 Retextures)

    Thanks for the nice words. :) Regarding AOR mixes I will eventually work on a whole set for DEVGRU related gear. Keep in mind that I started working on this solely for my unit in which AOR camo's were not used. That error you posted should resolve itself by restarting the game. It shouldn't be caused by my uniforms.
  10. Cherkasov

    Aspis Gear (Spec 4 Retextures)

    Yes, I am releasing 26 different Fatigues either today or tomorrow along some fixes to the current contents.
  11. Cherkasov

    Aspis Gear (Spec 4 Retextures)

    Thanks for the headsup. I will make sure to fix that up next :)
  12. Cherkasov

    Aspis Gear (Spec 4 Retextures)

    Backpacks coming with matching camo up next. Just making some more variants :) Thanks for the feedback
  13. 1st SFOD Mods: CUP Terrains, RHSUSAF, SMA, Military Gear Pack, Spec4Gear, Road Runners Opscore's, Retextures made by me
  14. Mods: RHSUSAF, CUP Vehicles, CUP Terrains, Spec 4 Gear, VSM, Ace Extension, Private Retextures