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Everything posted by Bitesrad

  1. Bitesrad

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Nope, you gotta use Adacas' uniforms. Cunico's (and by extension RHS' blufor models) work okay as well. Dont worry though, adacas said he'd focus on getting more uniforms out in the future.
  2. Bitesrad

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Thanks for the quick fixes adacas. Incredible to see how this pack has grown over time. From a simple render of a vest to a fully fledged SOF pack. You're now my premier HSLD gear supplier for arma :D
  3. Thanks for the update! CUP terrains is probably the only mod I dont really see as a mod, but part of the base game :D
  4. Bitesrad

    Zee Identity Pack

    Aw shit yeah, arma needs more shades, happy to see you bringing the bling
  5. Yeah that's the one :D Im not really bothered with release dates (or order of release), just knowing we'll get two very high quality biomes is the take away from me here.
  6. Bitesrad

    Project Infinite v1.0

    New update is looking nice. Will you give the sounds some more love in a future update? I'd love to see (or hear rather) the new soundscape being taken advantage of :D
  7. This flew completely under my radar. I was wondering how your alaska map was going and found out you were working on this as well. You're talented as hell!
  8. Bitesrad

    Caucasus Insurgency

    Yeah, that's the look I was going for :D Forgot Colbert had a m203 attached to his m4 though
  9. Bitesrad

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    I shall wait patiently then :D
  10. Bitesrad

    Caucasus Insurgency

    Awesome update, the woodland gorka can double as a makeshift mopp suit for an iraq war invasion loadout :D
  11. Bitesrad

    NIArms Release Thread

    Alright cool, dont really know a lot about sigs so I figured Id ask anyway ;)
  12. Bitesrad

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    What? I'm asking because coyote brown, ranger green, khaki and multicam seem to be the base colors for the items included in the mod. Simply wondering why that didn't translate over to the helmets.
  13. Bitesrad

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Other than increasing your workload exponentially, any reason why multicam covers are not part of the helmet options?
  14. Bitesrad

    Scope Mod A3

    Would you consider a steam release? I searched the thread, but wasn't able to find anything.
  15. Bitesrad

    Caucasus Insurgency

    I'd love to see you tackle that. Your retextures are ace and I really appreciate you limiting the dependencies to just RHS.
  16. Bitesrad

    NIArms Release Thread

    Oh I dont doubt it :D I was just wondering if the p320 will be included in the upcoming pack or if it's too different from what is currently being worked on.
  17. Bitesrad

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Awesome update! Thanks for all the hard work.
  18. Bitesrad

    NIArms Release Thread

    Is the US Army's p320 within the scope of the sig pistol pack?
  19. Bitesrad

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It was all made by the same author ;)
  20. Bitesrad

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Awesome release! Hope you guys get the manpower you require.
  21. Bitesrad

    Nord, Arctic circle map II

    Damn, that was some death race level event :D
  22. Bitesrad

    Project Infinite v1.0

    Looks great, but the pattern is too perfectly applied. In reality it's rather hard to spraypaint patterns onto uneven surfaces as you cant perfectly position your stencil over the object. So the pattern would be more streched out/faded on the round surfaces. Also, some wear and tear would go a long way (mostly around the barrel and any other movable parts.
  23. Bitesrad

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Oh that's a damn shame, was quite looking forward to that. Is it in any way salvageable or is it a total write off? Nevertheless, I'm happy we're getting a chestrig either way, that's some fantastic news :D Man, we have a very talented community, but you and roadrunner are probably the ones with the most realistic (or at the very least authentic) loadouts. The placement of the items looks very organic. That's a lot of goodies incoming :D Regarding the first point however, will the vests still be compatible with cunico's g3 uniforms? Also, yay for stand alone battle belts. Finally something to replace BIS' rangemaster belts. Will you also add blood textures somewhere down the line? Would add a lot to the immersion. Lastly, I see you changed your multicam textures again with the most recent update. Honestly, I think they're a bit too brown now with no green hues to balance it out. I know it's hard to replicate multicam as it shows up slightly differently each time in reference pictures due to changing lighting conditions and other issues. Still, the previous version looked pretty nice.
  24. Erm, what? Am I missing something here?