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Everything posted by gokitty1199

  1. gokitty1199

    Add the right suppressor to rifle

    make it universal with a switch statement kind of like so using the author _devName = getText (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _weaponName >> "author"); then do a switch on _devName _muzzleSlot = ""; switch (_devName) do { case "CUP": {_muzzleSlot = "whatever"; case "Bohemia Interactive": {_muzzleSlot = "yea that"}; };
  2. i have a listbox with players inside it with the players name set as the lbText and the lbData set as their actual name like R Alpha 1-1:1 (name). however i had to add that name in as a string to the listbox, now when i go to extract that name out of there its in the form of a string and i cannot seem to convert it to anything of use. i have found\tried __unit = missionNamespace getVariable [_unitClass, objNull]; and it returns null unless i give that is selected a variable name, if the unit has a variable name then it works just fine, however i do not want to set variable names for every unit just for this, any ideas? using hint and setdamage as a test _index = lbCurSel 1001; _unit = lbData [1001, 0]; _obj = missionNamespace getVariable [_unit, objNull]; hint str _obj; _obj setDamage 1;
  3. just had a issue trying to get variables from a client to the server and to another client, it was completely wrong and offered no use for information to anyone so i edited the thread so please delete this
  4. get the damage and store it with the vehicle https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getDammage get the items https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getItemCargo wepons https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getWeaponCargo do same for the other crap
  5. go into editor and press esc and click configs and find cfgWorlds(i think) and start lookin
  6. you can get various positions such as along roads/towns via the config of the map your on. check and see if theres one for something along the lines of where your looking for
  7. you could use cursorObject and isKindOf to go about this. heres the setup but with addAction, only shows on units that are not in your group, same faction, less than 2 meters. convert it to use with holdActionAdd and just change conditions to your liking. cursorObject being the main help player addAction ["Invite to group", { _unit = cursorObject; _sender = (_this select 0); [_sender] remoteExecCall ["BUF_fnc_addPlayerToGroup", _unit, true]; }, [], 0, false, true, "", "cursorObject isKindOf 'MAN' && !(group cursorObject isEqualTo group _this) && side cursorObject isEqualTo side _this && cursorObject distance _target < 2"];
  8. like stated above, set your editor placed markers of a different type or color from the script placed markers. then use a forEach to cycle through that array of markers, if the color or type equals the editor placed markers then add them to a separate array or whatever you want with it.
  9. gokitty1199

    Altis Life Shops Interaction Range

    read the addaction page https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction . you want to modify the condidion and the radius. from a quick skim of what you posted it looks like yours goes to arguments and stops(someone correct me if im wrong), just continue on until you get to radius. object addAction ["title", {script}, [arguments], priority, showWindow, hideOnUse, "shortcut", "condition", radius, unconscious, "selection", "memoryPoint"];
  10. gokitty1199

    Altis Life Shops Interaction Range

    heres an example of both of what HazJ mentioned, "_this distance _target < 2.6" is the condition that only lets the action show up if the player is within 2.6 meters of the atm(2.6 is a perfect distance imo). the 3 is the radius condition so if the player is further than 3 meters then it will not do the addaction. this addAction ["Access ATM", { //do your crap }, [], 0, false, true, "", "_this distance _target < 2.6", 3];
  11. gokitty1199

    Check if all unit 'west' is dead, if so do x

    i thought that was just AI that turned to civ upon death?
  12. maybe set the marker that you place via script or editor to a different shape? then get the shape and if its equal to the one placed in the editor then thats the one you placed via editor?
  13. gokitty1199

    Check if all unit 'west' is dead, if so do x

    ? _westCount = allPlayers select {side _x == west && alive _x}; if (count _westCount == 0) then { hint "dey dead"; };
  14. idk, that guy kinda sucks
  15. ^ as stated by HazJ, @Larrow's method worked like a charm //setting the data lbSetData[1001, 0, [_unit] call BIS_fnc_objectVar]; //getting the data _unit = missionNamespace getVariable(lbData [1001, 0]); _unit setDamage 1;
  16. tried that as well and i have the exact same result using that to. heres where it creates the list _unit = (_this select 1); _name = name _unit; createDialog "inviteDialog"; ctrlSetText [1001, _name]; lbAdd [1001, _name]; lbSetCurSel [1001, 0]; lbSetData [1001, 0, str _unit]; heres the script the button runs when it is pressed(just with your reply in it) _index = lbCurSel 1001; _unit = lbData [1001, 0]; _obj = call compile _unit; hint str _obj; _obj setDamage 1;
  17. first part was a mistake, didnt mean to have the ; and it doesnt work with it, shortly after i corrected it after i noticed. yea using params would be alot cleaner to look at, just need to get into the habit of using it
  18. its up just a tad different with colors West = colorBlue East = colorRed Empty = colorGrey west 5 units and east 5 units (balance) = colorYellow
  19. gokitty1199

    Universal Door Code Lock

    i think most of them say dope and then throw in the n word in there somewhere for class. thanks man
  20. you kinda cant use local variables for this as far as i know, but you can use set/get variable since the variable will be stored on your camScreen object like so _camScreen setVariable ["camRender", "renderscreen", true]; [_camScreen, ["<t color='#e5b348'>Normal View</t>", { _camRender = (_this select 0) getVariable "camRender"; [0,_camRender] call fnc_render_camera; },[],-1,true,true,"","_this distance _target <= 4"]] remoteExec ["addAction",0]; also an easier way to get the distance between a player and the object for the addaction is by doing this _this distance _target <= 4 instead of (format ["((vehicle player) distance (position %1) <= 4) _this is the object the action is applied to, _target is the player
  21. gokitty1199

    Universal Door Code Lock

    please re read what i posted where i mentioned it being updated. it will still throw the error for some reason with the rugged tablet, however the code lock still works as intended. im not sure why only that tablet shows the error but the normal white tablet doesnt throw the error yet they both function, it doesn't make sense. yes there is a way to make it lock all the doors in the building as its how my dynamic code lock works(other version on youtube). once i do some more work on it then it will have that option as well as many others such as preset lock codes and such.
  22. just tested with the same settings and it still works for a unit who is set to captive.
  23. remember this is arma, anything is possible lol. ill make a video on that tonight and quote you when its up :)
  24. gokitty1199

    Universal Door Code Lock

    thank you sir