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Everything posted by Jimmakos

  1. Jimmakos


    Sounds good!, from experience though i had a bad luck with zombies wearing RHS uniforms.. ( I'm not really familiar with the CUP content over A3 or the Warfare Thai assets since i see their presence in the module ) but having that zombies wearing that detailed RHS uniforms noticed a huge performance drop while on my testings but i think that would be optional and everything would be good.
  2. Jimmakos


    Quote Does this mean that the dynamically spawned zombies would now have gear? this one got me really confused. Seeing that the "equipment pool" module is a weapon/equipment content chooser.
  3. Jimmakos

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    When i believe we all used to enjoy the game back then,i'm now happy if i'm reaching 50fps tops with the same video settings unchanged since then (fps used to be 90ish) but i guess all we need is new content when we are not able to enjoy the existing one. -Sgh
  4. Jimmakos


    Nice find EO, i had a thought that there wasn't missing textures since i wasn't seeing a pingblack chessboard but i never thought it was the lighting,the same that use to happen with the ponds on custom terrains.
  5. Jimmakos


    Does anyone else getting textures for these items or is it something wrong on my end or there are some unassigned materials over there? That happens for the toolkits,the knife the hose and for any type of cooked/raw meat.
  6. Jimmakos


    I'm using BC Skies with Esseker and it works as intended,cant really deal with the downgration we got for the volumetric clouds among with the visual upgrade update, just look how epic the clouds were looking even in the alpha release of the game and how crappy looks now..Just my two cents"
  7. Ha! good one! I'm getting the same error every time i previewing a mission in the editor with cup core enabled but hell i don't even know if this has to do with the Cup Core or Maps, more likely not. I'm seeing this at the latest stable public branch as well.
  8. Jimmakos

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    I guess it's all come down to personal preference,basically it's just a mismatch of the versions combination.I liked the weapon sound loudness from the previous versions but i like the variety n quality of what you have put now in the RC,i like the vehicles sounds on the RC branch more than the previous versions even i have test only a few until now.I'm not amazed with most of the ambiance sounds on the RC,i liked the one from the previous versions more, like wind,insects,birds etc.Saying again that all might be on my ears just because of the new sound format or from the compression that files put up with, but as i said it all comes down to personal preference which means it doesn't have to been done one way. Thanks
  9. Jimmakos

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    I did find the previous version more pleasant for my ears too, the detail on 1.3 and back were simply amazing but i guess that have to do with the uncompressed files.
  10. Jimmakos


    Here you will get all of your answers regarding the vehicles part: http://ravage.wikia.com/wiki/Transport
  11. Jimmakos


    Haleks could you add a population factor for the wreck/damaged spawned cars,having that enabled on maps smaller than Altis used to be an overkill.
  12. I've seen some people referring to that in exile forums but the same thing happens to me even in SP,was also mentioned that the problem stops when using AiA instead.But none is sure if this is indeed from cup or from the map itself.
  13. Jimmakos


    Yeah sorry forgot to mention that and show an init field of that units,I've been using EAST faction but same applies for Guer as well,whatever enemy faction units have ambient combat animations happens the same.I do use BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat (if you see in the second part of the video with the DMZ script disabled the units get out of animation loop and attack me normally).
  14. Jimmakos


    Haleks do you have any idea why this is happening? Having the cleanup script enabled and any type of ambient combat animations binded to any enemy faction units, not give a single damn about you, noticed that while i visited a crash site in Esseker the other day where i have an EAST group guarding it and have them also doing ambient anim stuff, then there is also another guy on the workshop page mentioning this issue with units at camps which i narrowed down to be the clean up script. Do i really need to go and remove their ambient animations and make them look silly standing like that "I" ,or do you think there is any kind of fix. Take a look at the video it might help you understand better.
  15. Jimmakos

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Since this is RC i would like to report in that sounds of the footsteps sounds pretty loud in 3rd person and i feel that the ambience animals sounds been nerfed a little at least the birds like crows etc. Thanks for releasing this!
  16. Jimmakos


    You can find it in the general attributes of the 3den editor over the mission states section, also for the folding map thing i believe that's because whatever that is is binded to "ItemMap" and not to "rvg_itemMap".Which means you have to edit the "Tao Folding Map mod" files.
  17. Jimmakos


    Yeah because "Show GPS" value is disabled in general attributes of the mission in the editor,at least for the demo mission if i remember correctly. It's not meant to work i believe.
  18. Hey tpw! Using the fog script is there any of the enviromental effects we should have disabled in the editor (setted to manual override and 0%) like fog and or rain,lightings etc. in order to avoid confilicts? What's the wiser thing to do when using your fog script in a mission?
  19. Jimmakos

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    So can we now be expecting for the ver 1.4 sooner or later?That would make us damn happy!
  20. Jimmakos


    Hey Haleks i've been getting this error lately:
  21. Better having something that getting constant updates rather have something of this type of scripting work buried and forgotten,no need to feel sorry imo!
  22. Jimmakos


    That will save our ass,really a big plus on that! Make sure to use the garbage collection instead,for both dead corpses and vehicles wrecks because right now disabling the DMZ delete script will not get you despawning those and you will suffer in performance.
  23. Jimmakos


    It seems that I narrowed down the performance issue guys, it was kinda obvious,the degradation came straight from RHS uniforms (i believe due to the uncompressed materials as stated previously), now having a nice potpourri of the vanilla uniforms gives no performance impact whatsoever. @Haleks i was wondering if you are allowed to edit the gasmasks files and make them as nvg items,having 2 breath effects (stamina and rebreather effect) while wearing one kinda is kinda goofy if you ask me. @tourist Thanks man!, well i never live enough to load a save game ha! guess someone will give you a better answer than me.
  24. Jimmakos


    Ok so I've get my time today and made a complete revisit on my Esseker version (since most of the addons were updated recently after the latest game update like map,cup terrains etc.) and update it to all the latest Ravage mod features. One of a major issues i came across so far was with the zombies uniforms override feature within the ambient zombies module, having the majority of the vanilla civilian uniforms class names presented and with a few RHS uniforms i've noticed a huge performance degradation on my end, basically it was one of a few times i've seen my arma heading down to 30fps since i started playing it.Going back and deleting all the uniform arrays and testing it again did gone like it should be and as what i used to get performance wise. I guess thats what happens when the engine have to render each of uniforms again and again (knowing that some of RHS uniforms have 4k texture sheets), also reminded why zombies and demons sometimes its a huge memory hog since as it has to render each uniform,vest and gear each time.