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About Marine1@

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  1. I need help this is my last try idk what to do to solve this bug or issue. Since 3 Months i have the bug/issue that the Launcher marks subscribed some mods as unsubbed or the are missing completely in the list. I tried to verify Game files nothing changed, i tried an complete new install for the game itself (not the workshop stuff), i tried the methode "Re-downloading Workshop Mods" https://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/1/135510194254064583/ it worked only once at the first try. So would be cool if anybody have the same bug and found a solution or so. 🙂 EDIT: So yesterday i deleted all the Workshop files and Steam downloaded over 400gb of mods agin ( i have total 1400 mods) but the problem still exist... I had a look in the "Steam Workshop Folder and in this folder are all my Mods downloaded but in The Arma 3 Workshop folder are just 1200 mods so in the launcher are missing 200 Mods. I think the problem is caused by Bohemias Launcher and not by Steam. I will post some screenshots for better comprehensibility i really hope for help. https://imgur.com/bHKHAXY https://imgur.com/jjBgNPA https://imgur.com/srXNrMv https://imgur.com/Pih3mK8
  2. Marine1@

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey guys i think i found a little bug all russian Mi 8 helicopters have english radio chatters. The Mi 24 and 28 have russian radio chatters.
  3. Marine1@

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey which file is this? I can't find it. Thank you for any help:)
  4. Marine1@

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I know the Hunter is based on the M-Atv but it's not the real M-ATV who is in serive in Afghanistan! There are several things that should be changed to make the hunter more authentic. Many problems with it are an easy fix. Some will require some config work and modeling/porting. Some changes needed are listed below. A simple retexture mimicking the tan color as used in the Middle East. Examples can be found in links under other topics. A change of the turret on the vehicle to either an M240 or M2 with a GPK mount as seen in the picture below: Or an automated M2 version like in the picture below: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/M153_CROWS_mounted_on_a_U.S._Army_M-ATV.jpg A few simple authenticity changes would be the addition of long antennae: http://www.americanspecialops.com/images/photos/vehicles/special-ops-m-atv-hr.jpg And a change to the rear mount (where the canvas is on the hunter) this can also be found in the other photos linked. I do understand that the MATV also has this canvas, but from pictures, a majority of them don't and it would once again add to the immersion. Wiki link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oshkosh_M-ATV Thanks for your attantion:)