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About londo19

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    Private First Class

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  1. Gentlemen, Today we reached the milestone! I handed the model over to the test teams for internal tests. so we're getting really close. I made a Promo video of the very last state that I will share with you to keep you informed. PT-76B Promo Video and a impression of the wreck I'll introduce to this vehicle. It's a early test of the look and feel. Wreck Impression
  2. so to show it's not dead and it's not so classified anymore;-) ....I just finished the modelling task and the first reasonable Texture-Set. the indicator is more on the finish site than on the wish site now. image taken on Khe Sanh Map at some point in the afternoon, it was.
  3. sorry I did not hear of this problem...but if there is a problem it will be fixed. I can't tell. because none of the guys said something about a specific Mod it's being made for.
  4. I'm not quite sure what you mean with official, but since this is my child I can give you this information about it. It has not been introduced offically. it will be official part of UNSUNG-Mod. it is not a dead project, but it does not have a number one prio so it was put on halt every once in a while. I'm on it and try to get it done anytime soon
  5. londo19

    Planes Crashing upon Landing

    Finally, I can tell you that all your points have been fixed in the latest build and will be released any time soon for testing. greeting
  6. londo19

    How to make 700x700 m map?

    how about creating a 1024x1024 map and lower the hightmap that much to have a 700x700m island?
  7. londo19

    Terrain builder crash on open project

    well I suppose nobody can provide, qualified, help with these info. the cause could be almost everything!
  8. thx for your report. get on my todo list and will be fixed asap. thx and enjoy the Mod anyway;-)
  9. hi there, you set your clutter right. your surface Character looks also good but your surface itself tries to load clutters from a class "empty" that I don't see to be defined anywhere. "StratisForestPineClutter" would do
  10. londo19

    Create SatMask from TB

    ahh ok I got it as well now;-)
  11. londo19

    Create SatMask from TB

    what do you mean with "make a satmask"? are you talking about a mask that defines on what spot is a certain texture being placed, or are you talking about map creation?
  12. londo19

    Buldozer weird issue

    after you finish a build of your map. you probably wanna see something in buldozer.
  13. londo19

    Double id detected

    hi there, for those still messing around with this kinda acting. here is an info to get rid of it. it is an binarizing issue causing this error. most likely the pbo has been packed with pbo-manager without binarizing it first. using addon builder or mikeros tool to build your pbo does not end in this kind of acting.
  14. hi there, at first thx for the support;-) then, I can approve the accuracy of the statements made by egg and nakkas. and to answer the texture question. its a mixture of both.
  15. hi six, jup know about that too. but didn't work for me. as soon as I press any key or button my buldozer crashes without any further response. that's why I had to find out another way to get around that. but made 1 mistake yesterday when I posted this. I used a corrupted roads.shp. thats why the roads didn't show up. got rid of it now and did some tests and the outcome is that the roads appear as they should! so you can cut my "add" point;-)