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About Karolus

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  1. UPDATE 3: - Adjusted pilot uniform colors; - Reworked "Gelezinis vilkas" insignia; - New units (officers) added; - New beret retexture added; - Units in editor are no longer merged in one group or are sorted in unnecessary additional groups; - Units are now visible in Zeus after unlocking mods through game master module or manage addons module.
  2. I have made custom faction, everything seems to work fine, except two things: 1. Even though units appear in Eden editor under custom faction name, they do not appear based on custom CfgVehicleClasses; instead it seems they inherit classes from units they are based on; 2. Also custom faction and its units completly not appear in Zeus. class CfgPatches { class LAF_UNITS { units[] = { LITHSOF1_Operator, LITHSOF1_Operator_solid, LITHSOF1_SquadLeader, LITHSOF1_Support, LITHSOF1_rifleman, LITHSOF1_AT, LITHSOF1_engineer, LITHSOF1_explosiveSpec, LITHSOF1_medic, LITHSOF1_Designated_Marksman, LITHSOF1_sniper, LITHSOF1_spotter, LITHSOF2_Operator_desert, LITHSOF2_SquadLeader_desert, LITHSOF2_rifleman_desert, LITHSOF2_AT_desert, LITHSOF2_engineer_desert, LITHSOF2_explosiveSpec_desert, LITHSOF2_medic_desert, LITHSOF2_support_desert, LITHSOF2_Designated_Marksman_desert, LITHSOF2_Sniper_desert, LITHSOF2_Spotter_desert, LITHSOF3_Operator_new_camo, LAF_Rifleman, LAF_AT_MAAWS, LAF_AT_Javelin, LAF_Designated_Marksman, LAF_Engineer, LAF_ExplosiveSpec, LAF_Medic, LAF_SquadLeader, LAF_Support, LAF_Driver, LAF_Officer, LAF_Officer2, LAF_Pilot_plane, LAF_Pilot_heli, LAF_Mi8_Air, LAF_Heli_Light_Air, LAF_L39_Air, LAF_HMMWV1_Wheeled, LAF_HMMWV1M2_Wheeled, LAF_HMMWV2_Wheeled, LAF_HMMWV2M2_Wheeled, LAF_M113, LAF_Zamak_covered_w }; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = { a3_characters_F, a3_characters_f_beta, a3_characters_f_gamma, a3_characters_f_bootcamp, a3_characters_F_EPB, a3_soft_f_beta, a3_air_f, a3_ui_f, a3_weapons_f, rhsusf_weapons, rhsusf_weapons2, rhsusf_weapons3, rhs_weapons, rhs_weapons2, rhs_weapons3, rhsusf_infantry, rhs_infantry, rhs_infantry2, rhs_c_troops, rhsusf_hmmwv, rhsusf_m113, rhsusf_c_m113, rhs_a2port_air, LAF_balaclavas, LAF_Carryall_Bag, LAF_backpack_small, }; }; }; class cfgFactionClasses { class LAF //Faction Calling Name { displayName = "Lithuanian Armed Forces"; //Faction name in-game icon = "LAF\Data\UI\LAF_logo.paa"; //Path to texture next to the faction name in editor "PBOname\filename.paa" priority = 1; //How far down it is on the menu side = 1; // 1 Blufor 2 opfor 3 independant i think. }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class LITHSOF1_Units //Name of unit group e.g Air, Infantry, Armour { displayName = "Men (LITHSOF Woodland)"; priority = 1; }; class LITHSOF2_Units { displayName = "Men (LITHSOF Desert)"; priority = 2; }; class LITHSOF3_Units { displayName = "Men (LITHSOF New Camo)"; priority = 3; }; class LAF1_Units { displayName = "Men"; priority = 4; }; class LAF_air { displayName = "Air"; priority = 5; }; class LAF_Wheeled { displayName = "Cars, APCs"; priority = 6; }; }; Unit example (relevant part of script): class LITHSOF1_Operator: I_soldier_F //Unit Class name: Class getting info from { side = 1; faction = "LAF"; backpack = ""; vehicleclass = "LITHSOF1_Units"; genericNames="SOPNames"; author = "Karolus"; _generalMacro = "LITHSOF1_Operator"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; scopeArsenal = 2; displayName = "Operator"; }; This unit, for example, in editor appears under "Men", instead of "Men (LITHSOF Woodland)". And same goes for every unit, almost all of them are merged under "Men", except snipers, which inherit information from I_Sniper_F, and appears under "Special forces". One of helicopter appear under "Helicopter", other on "Helicopters", etc. Also, as you can see, I have written unit classnames under cfgPatches, as its required to work with Zeus, also scopeCurator = 2 is written under every unit i wanted to appear in Zeus, but whole faction and its units do not appear in Zeus. I have read that this problem was related to custom faction classname in the past and if I wanted it to appear in Zeus, i had to use vanilla classname as NATO, for example. But it appears that mods like RHS works just fine in Zeus with custom faction classnames, so i don't understand where the problem is.
  3. Thank you! I'm currently working on bugfixing, doing minor changes and adding additional small stuff and have planed to take new screenshots ASAP, because quite a lot of things have been changed since original release and older screenshots gives a bit wrong representation of a mod.
  4. UPDATE 2 - L-39 retexture added; - Mi-8 and vanilla light helicopter texture reworked; - New vest retexture added; - New backpack retexture added; - New woodland cap retexture added; - Minor fixes, some older retextures removed.
  5. UPDATE 3: - Adjusted pilot uniform colors; - Reworked "Gelezinis vilkas" insignia; - New units (officers) added; - New beret retexture added; - Units in editor are no longer merged in one group or are sorted in unnecessary additional groups; - Units are now visible in Zeus after unlocking mods through game master module or manage addons module. UPDATE 2 - L-39 retexture added; - Mi-8 and vanilla light helicopter texture reworked; - New vest retexture added; - New backpack retexture added; - New woodland cap retexture added; - Minor fixes, some older retextures removed. UPDATE 1: - Removed CUP and TRYK dependencies. Mod now only dependant on vanilla ARMA and RHS assets. This should make mod server friendly; - Changed unit loadouts; - Changed unit identities; - Added groups for easier unit placement in editor; - Reworked woodland uniforms. ABOUT MOD: This mod adds new faction (Lithuanian Armed Forces) to ARMA 3. Faction currently consists of Lithuanian Land Force, Lithuanian Air Force and LITHSOF. Mod mainly does retexturing of various vanilla ARMA 3 textures and RHS textures. MOD FEATURES: - New faction; - Various uniforms, helmets, vests, caps and balaclavas retextures, adding Lithuanian camouflage patterns; - LAF insignias; - Mi8 and vanilla light helicopter retextures; - L-39 retexture; - Zamak retexture; - AI units uses lithuanian names and surnames; AI LITHSOF units uses pseudonyms (almost all pseudonyms are real lithuanian partisans pseudonyms). DEPENDENCIES: - RHSAFRF; - RHSUSF; - RHSSAF; - RHSGREF. CREDITS AND SPECIAL THANKS: - Karolus - mod author; - Special thanks to Bohemia Interactive for allowing ARMA community modify their work; - Special thanks to RHS team (especially soul_assassin) for allowing modify their work.
  6. Thank you, this worked perfectly! Topic now can be closed.
  7. I finally found instructions on the forum by searching for genericNames (it worked like a charm): https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/180641-how-does-one-create-new-classes-for-genericnames/ This topic now can be closed or deleted.
  8. I'm currently working on my custom faction. For immersion I want that AI soldiers in-game name would be Lithuanian (like Jonas, Petras, etc.) istead of default names (like John, Peter, etc.). I heard that this is possible, because some people already did this, but I couldn't find a way to do it. First I thought that it is possible changing it through soldiers identityTypes[] but it looks that this script command is used for assigning only faces and voice, but not in-game names. I guess in-game names has something to do with classes, like I_soldier_F, B_Soldier_base_F, etc. So my questions are: 1. How can i achieve this? 2. Also is it possible to randomize these names so that placed AI would have random name from the list?
  9. Currently i'm working on my custom faction mod. I have different soldiers wearing same uniform variant. I have created three insignias and they work in the game (all of them are visible and usable in virtual arsenal). First insignia is used with my woodland uniform, second insignia used with desert uniform - they appear in-game when soldiers are placed through the editor. But when I try to assign my third insignia, which is again used with woodland uniform, game loads first insignia instead of third. Insignias script looks like this: class CfgUnitInsignia { class LITHSOF_insignia1 { displayName = "LITHSOF Woodland Insignia"; author = "Karolus"; texture = "\LAF\data\LITHSOF_woodland_insignia2.paa"; textureVehicle = ""; }; class LITHSOF_insignia2 { displayName = "LITHSOF Desert Insignia"; author = "Karolus"; texture = "\LAF\data\LITHSOF_desert_insignia.paa"; textureVehicle = ""; }; class LITHSOF_insignia3 { displayName = "Zaliukas"; author = "Karolus"; texture = "\LAF\data\YPT_Zaliukas_Insignia_co.paa"; textureVehicle = ""; }; }; Uniform script looks like this: class LITHSOF_Woodland_Uniform: Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "LITHSOF Woodland Uniform"; picture = "\A3\characters_f_epa\data\ui\icon_U_B_CTRG_uniform_ca.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo", "Insignia"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"LAF\data\LITHSOF_Woodland_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformModel = "-"; uniformClass = "LITHSOF1_Operator"; containerClass = "Supply50"; mass = 40; //Weight hiddenSelections[] = {"camo", "Insignia"}; }; }; My first soldier has these: uniformClass = "LITHSOF_Woodland_Uniform"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo","insignia"}; HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"LAF\data\LITHSOF_Woodland_co.paa","\LAF\data\LITHSOF_woodland_insignia2.paa"}; My second soldier has these: uniformClass = "LITHSOF_Woodland_Uniform"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo","Insignia"}; HiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"LAF\data\LITHSOF_Woodland_co.paa","\LAF\data\YPT_Zaliukas_Insignia_co.paa"}; Anyone have ideas how to fix this?
  10. Karolus

    Steam WorkShop?

    Most of the players has multiple mods installed; personally I never had any issue with them. Mods are huge part of ARMA 3 gameplay experience. By the way, in this report Bohemia Interactive kind of encourages to download mods through steam workshop: https://dev.arma3.com/post/oprep-official-mod
  11. The action meniu system and the use of icons feels very old and outdated. It creates many flaws and for me personally - often disturbs gameplay and immersion. Dslyecxi made an interesting video about it few years ago to adress the issue, but it looks it haven't improved since then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-Ve4PJQhjY
  12. I think this was always a feature in ARMA games to add realism for the gameplay. In ARMA 2 you were limited to use to such scoped weapons like DMR or the ones with built-in thermal imaging, like L85 or AS50 TWS.
  13. Karolus

    Ideal setting for an Arma game.

    Maybe it's because of nostalgia for the game, but i found myself enjoying ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA setting the most.