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Posts posted by Cheitan

  1. I wonder if there is a way to make ACE consider other objects as ToolKits ?


    We have a backpack that is visually suitable as a toolkit. We can adjust its weight in order to reflect the fact that it carries some tools, but is there a way that ACE accept it as a valid toolkit ?


    I've found that for some modules, some properties are definded to allow this. For example, in the logictics_wirecutter module, there is a config property that you can have, so the item (backpack or vest) can be considered as having an embedded wirecutter. I would like to see the same thing for repair (and eventually medical) modules.

  2. Hey everyone,


    I set up a scenario using Eden, and the EditTerrainObject module to give a damaged look to a few buildings. I hosted it on my PC and had a try with one of my team mates. We are encoutering a strange behaviour :
    - I can see buildings as damaged.

    - He can see buildings as clean.

    - When I enter a damaged building, nothing change.

    - When he enter a damaged building, he can see some kind of glitch, with the damaged version quickly appearing and then the clean version is here again.


    I had a look on the function used by the module, but it seems perfectly fine.


    Did anyone ever had a similar problem ?



  3. On 12/10/2018 at 12:16 AM, Nichols said:

    I am guessing it is one can per tire usage?

    Your guess is right ! This type of device can be found in most car repair stores. It is design to contain enough matter to fill in and reinflate a standard tire. Afterward the can is disposable. Of course, here comes a bit of unrealism, given the size and the composition of military grade tires such as the ones on a Marshall for example. But here the goal is to bend the realism a little bit in order to bring a more usable feature ingame.

  4. Anti-Puncture Spray

    for ACE Repair module

    by [LM] Cheitan




    What is this about ?

    Tired of not having enough spare wheels in your vehicle to keep it moving at a decent speed ?


    Here is the solution : an anti-puncture spray ! This mod adds a new item you can store in your inventory or in your vehicle. It is a spray that you can plug on a damaged tire. It will inject a specific paste in the tire which will firstly fill the hole and secondly emit a lot of gas, leading the tire to be usable again ! Initially developped among other features for the french team La Muerta, it is now available for everyone. Only french and english translations are available for now. Feel free to submit your own language !


    How to use it ?

    You must have at least one spray in your inventory. Get close to the damaged tire and use the external action key from ACE. It will display a new action on the black part of the tire, named "Use anti-puncture spray". Trigger this action, and it will open a loading bar during 10 seconds with a sound effect. Once the spray is empty, it will be removed from your inventory, and the tire will be usable again. However, keep in mind that over damaged tires cannot be fixed with this spray. Also it will not magically restore the tire at factory state, but it will make it able to reach max speed with the vehicle.


    Known issues

    - If the loading action is interrupted, the sound effect will still be hearable until it end. However, do not worry : no item will be taken from your inventory !


    Disclaimer and credits

    This mod is released under APL-SA.

    - La Muerta Team for testing and support
    - Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
    - Dedmen for various help with code and licence
    - ACE Team for creating such an amazing mod/framework
    - Bohemia Interactive for bringing us such a great game

    If you have developped or enhanced a feature and you think it should be included in this mod so that everyone can benefit, feel free to reach me on BI forum. I would be pleased to see your work and integrate it if relevant, making you a contributor of this mod.


    Changelog can be found in readme.txt



    La Muerta cloud space (deprecated)




    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1

  5. Hi @leshrack , thanks for your awesome work ! We rely on your mod since a long time to get our choppers and planes out of their comfortable nest every time we need to bring Hell to the enemy !


    I'm very glad to see this small but essential mod updated. I wonder, have you ever thought to render the tow bar between vehicles ? A very simple 3D model with its position updated with the aircraft and tower movement would be very good looking. As you are thinking to set a github, maybe someone will have something to give you for this !

  6. Hi, if your question is about my "reduced" version of Persian's script, you just have to add one line in your forEach block, calling LM_fnc_addInjurableUnit.


    You can also call LM_fnc_addInjurableGroup right after the forEach, out of the block, but if you open the script file defining this function you will see that the only thing done in it is to loop over the units of the group and calling the first function on each one. Here your code is already looping through a group, so let's call directly LM_fnc_addInjurableUnit from it, no need to do another loop after.

  7. Hey @Rockapes, here is the downloadable zip with the code inside. You have to integrate it to your own mission to test it, it's not a standalone package. Have a look to the readme.txt to learn how to use it. It's very simple.


    Note that I've not checked if it's still working as expected, but we are using it in various missions, and it still seems to work fine.


    MEGA + Key

  8. What's the problem with the last hotfix ? Didn't see anything wrong.


    Anyway, yes I can share it, no problem. I don't have it on my computer right now, but let me a few hours and I will pack it up and share it here. However, keep in mind that I don't want to steal @Persian MO's work, so only the anim part is still existing in my code. Other effects such as smokes, AI healing, etc etc, are not part of my script anymore, as we are playing with ACE and ASR. And the vanilla healing is hardly compatible with them. If I have some time during the first quarter of 2018, I may design a more complete and compatible script, but right now it's only for ambient purposes.

  9. Thanks @Valken for these advices. I alreday know about several of them.

    - RHS is way too big for my needs

    - Winter Marpat is too restricted, not enough gear :dontgetit:

    - Winter AAF and R3F are also vanilla retex, not giving the feeling to be in a very deadly cold environment. Despite the quality of the texture, this seems to be "winter" camo of a "summer" gear, whereas I'm really searching for a true "artic" gear.


    - CSAT Snow Tigers, Uriki's Viper Expansion, CTRG Combat Equipment, Portugal Snow Uniform, wasn't aware of these ones, I will give them a try. Hope I will find what I need in it !

    - WY Snow Effects is already considered as one of the best candidate, but the problem is still that it's only a retexture of vanilla gear, with half-gloves, very light uniforms, and so on. Except that the Shemag is really cool.

    - White MX rifle will probably be used, as they are nicely compatible with other mods we are using since they are inheriting theirs properties from vanilla MXs


    Also I will probably not use the Steam Workshop, for various ethical reasons. As we are manipulating a willingly restricted modpack, we are used to deal with mods manually, testing updates before deploying, etc.

    Thanks again !

  10. Hey there,


    I am searching for a good artic/winter gear pack. It should includes things like snow coats, scarfs, shemags, etc. I know there is plenty of stuff here and there. But most of the time it's juste vanilla gear with white texture, which implies that the soldier will freeze to death considering small partial gloves, thin uniforms, etc. All that have nothing to do with artic gear.


    I gave @teriyaki's TRYK pack a try, and winter stuff is pretty cool, exactly what I need. Problem, the whole pack is more than 500 MB heavy, containing plenty of interesting but useless stuff in my case. I tried to extract only the gear I'm interested in (as it's realeased under APL-SA), but the pack is widely messy, with strange folder managing and a bit of config weirdness. I successed anyway, unifying classnames and folders, correcting multiple config inconsistencies, but there is still lots of problem, as the mod is using texture path dependent P3D file, with no selections.


    So here are the questions :

    - Do you know about any good artic gear mod ? Even if it's a bit too heavy, I can extract what I need if the licence is OK (APL-SA or other) and then credit the author. I will not distribute the extracted material anyway, it's for a private test project.

    - Do you know if there is a fixed version of TRYK, correctly organized, with consistent classnames and containing A3's standards P3D files (not relying on the texture path to work properly) ? Here again I'm ready to work as much as needed to extract what is interesting for me, as long as the licence is OK, and even share this work with the original creator if he/she is interested.


    Happy Christmas to everyone ! :)

  11. On 06/11/2017 at 3:04 PM, ricoarma said:

    Hey dude, I know it's be a long time but how can you do that, please?


    I nearly blown up the whole code, so it's a bit hard to say it in a few words ! Really, the whole thing is upside down :hehe: I digged into this script and various things around it, finally designing a from-scratch version of it, way more simple than the one of @Persian MO, which is indeed very good and well aimed, but not fitting my goals.

  12. Hi fellow mission designers and scripters,


    I'm probably missing a really, really stupid and obvious point, but I can't find what is the problem. I need to require someone else's look on it. I'm trying to detect each bench in a given radius, around a given position. I've designed a small function to do this and then to use these objects. But this function is not working and I started to try to figure out why. First thing I tried is to log in the system chat all the objects found by the function. No one. Not a single bench in a kilometer radius centered on Pyrgos. Can't believe it. I checked with my own eyes and obviously, there is plenty of bench here and there.


    Okay so let's try to work with the debug console. I entered this command :

    hint str (player nearEntities ["Land_Bench_01_F", 100]);

    The hint displays an empty array. I've double-checked the bench's classname, it is the right one. I've also checked the syntax of the command nearEntities, and no problem with that. I finally ended by testing the following line :

    hint str (player nearEntities ["Man", 100]);

    And finally, it works ! This line detected 4 objects, a result that I found surprising. That's how I learned that ambiant snakes are considered as agents by the game, and are a subclass of "Man" class. Strange world !


    Anyway, I'm able to detect myself and my "snaky" friends, but no bench. Considering that a bench placed as a map object is not necessarily the exact same thing than a bench placed in the editor, I manually placed some of these tricky things around my character, and then triggered the first line again. Still zero result.


    What am I missing here ? O_o


    PS1 : I know that there is a warning in the doc of the command stating that it only return living entities and not dead ones, but I assume that this warning is only about researching things that are able to live, such as humans, right ? Buildings are supposed to be always "alive", no ?

    PS2 : I also tried with nearObjects command in case I am wrong in PS1, and this time it is able to "see" all bench placed with the editor, but none of those placed by default on the map.

  13. Hi !


    As I say in the title, I have a script that is meant to populate some sectors around a given position, and some of the targeted areas are industrials sheds that the ennemy is supposed to use in order to store vehicles when not used. Here is the part of he script I've designed.

    _shed = _x;
    _pos = [[1.4,0,0],[1.4,7,0],[1.4,-7,0]];
    	if(random 1 > 0.5) then {
    		_type = selectRandom _veh;
    		_v = createVehicle [_type, [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
    		_v setDir (getDir _shed)+90;
    		_posDef = [(_shed modelToWorld _x) select 0, (_shed modelToWorld _x) select 1, 0];
    		_libre = _posDef findEmptyPosition [0,2,_type];
    		if!(_libre isEqualTo []) then { _v setPosATL _libre; LM_MISSION_TEMP pushBack _v; } else { deleteVehicle _v; };
    } forEach _pos;

    All is working as expected, appart from my problem. This fragment of script is obviously not working alone, it is part of a bigger one (and wrapped in a forEach loop, as you can see at the first line). _veh is an array containing various types of vehicles that we can spawn with this type of building. Due to shed's size and nature, not all sheds are spawning the same vehicles, but all are following the same method, only relative coordinates are changed. Basically, the script is meant to spawn various vehicles like Gorgon APCs, some offroads, both armed and unarmed, Ifrits with HMGs, and a few Tempest trucks.


    Here is the problem : coming along with the script, a " general alert" system is in place, making crew members all around vehicles to run to their own one when the alert is given. They all do it properly, but I noticed that only drivers of Gorgon APCs manage to go to the fight. All other vehicles don't even move from their base position. I've searched a bit and I have discovered, when trying myself to drive one of those recalcitrant things, that it's impossible to start the engine. Gorgon APCs are not affected by this problem, but Ifrits, offroads and trucks are. I'm unable to start the engine even if the vehicle have its fuel tank full, 0 damage, and no obstacle around. When trying to start the engine, the small indicator on the screen switch on and then switch off instantly. Same for the regime indicator, it goes up like normal engine starting, then instantly return to 0. No engine sound is audible.


    I tried to place the concerned vehicles through the arsenal : all is working as expected. The engine is starting well, AIs can drive it, and I can too. It seems to appears when those vehicles are spawned through a script. Any idea about this trouble ?

    Thanks, Cheitan

  14. Hi scott,


    Thanks for your answer. I took a quick look on the LOAD waypoint, it seems to implies that the group must "possess" a vehicle, which is in my case a bit hard to do, as vehicles and units are spawned dynamically.


    But I think that I finally got it work. When you are placing waypoints through Eden, it automatically attach the waypoint to the vehicle you are clicking on. But with script, placing the waypoint on the precise position of the vehicle is not sufficient. The IA head to the position but don't know what vehicle to board (even if there is only one). So we have two solutions :


    1) Use the "GETIN NEAREST" waypoint. IA will board the nearest vehicle with enough free space. I have tried that, fully working. But in my case, there is a risk that the IA board in another vehicle because of the mystery of pathfinding. So I used solution 2 :

    2) Use the "GETIN" waypoint combined with the waypointAttachVehicle command. This command have to be called before the waypoint is reached, so in order to be sure that everything is okay, I use it as soon as the waypoint is created, even before setting the type. Here is the code I used :

    _gp = group ((player nearEntities ["KICC_HOMME_EQUIPAGE", 50]) select 0);
    _veh = nearestObject [player, "KICC_GORGON"];
    _wp = _gp addWaypoint [_veh, 0];
    _wp waypointAttachVehicle _veh;
    _wp setWaypointType "GETIN";
    _wp = _gp addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "marker_0", 0];
    _wp setWaypointType "SENTRY";

    With this method, all seems to work as expected, but I'm gonna keep on investigating with more complex situations. At least here, the group go to the vehicle, board it, then use the vehicle to go to the marker and stay here, watching for ennemies. Maybe you can use this to simplify your code by using only one waypoint instead of two ?

  15. Hey there !


    I'm having troubles to make waypoints spawned by scripts to work. For test purposes, what I want to do is to order a small squad to board a vehicle. When I try placing waypoints in the editor, all is working as expected : at mission start, the squad head to the vehicle and board it. I can even chain waypoints, for example by ordering them to go here and there once they are in the vehicle.


    But with a script... Nothing is working anymore.


    Here is the small code I wrote for test purposes, aiming to do the same simple thing as above :

    _gp = group leader (nearestObject [player, "KICC_HOMME_EQUIPAGE"]);
    _wp = _gp addWaypoint [nearestObject [player, "KICC_GORGON"], 0];
    _wp setWaypointType "GETIN";

    The classnames are from a custom faction, no problem with that. Player is here my character, located at a few metters of both the squad and the vehicle. When I start the mission, nothing happens : the squad stay in place.


    I've decided to try these things because I'm having a hard time doing a sort of "general alert" script, making all drivers to run to their vehicles and to board it. Of course, they don't care. I use a code close to what I've posted here. And I also use a similar code to order some other groups to wander around ("dismiss" waypoint). "GETIN" waypoints are not working at all, whereas "DISMISS" waypoints are fully working.


    Any idea ?


    EDIT :

    Some progress about this. It seems that nearestObject is a bit old and not capable of detecting units, only not living things. My crew member were not found by the command. So here is the new version of the code :

    _gp = group ((player nearEntities ["KICC_HOMME_EQUIPAGE", 50]) select 0);
    systemChat str _gp;
    _wp = _gp addWaypoint [nearestObject [player, "KICC_GORGON"], 0];
    _wp setWaypointType "GETIN";

    What happens here is that the group is well displayed in the systemChat, and we can see that the squad is moving to the vehicle. But they stop once they are close to it, and never enter it. Is there any problem with the way I set up the "GETIN" waypoint ?

  16. On 04/03/2017 at 6:11 PM, kimi_uy said:

    Hey Cheitan,


    You have my permission, but only under one condition: i wanna see your gameplay! Do u guys have a youtube channel?



    I'm back here ! Our server is now public since two weeks. In fact, we don't have many new players actually, but we are confident in our capacity to bring new players around us. About the YouTube channel, one of our admin is streaming some of the missions on YouTube, his name is @Arwyn, and here is the channel : ArwynFr on YouTube


    Unfortunately, there are nothing in these videos showing your work used by our members. Arwyn is nearly as good as me with choppers. Which means he is currently searching where is the steering wheel...

    Anyway, further gameplay will be shared through this media, and maybe one day we will be sufficiently numerous to use a bit more helicopters and other vehicles.

    • Like 1

  17. 24 minutes ago, dystopian said:

    Any suggestions on heavily modded host providers? 

    The best option for modded gameplay and/or performance optimisation is still, in my opinion, to have a dedicated server on what you can do everything you want. There is a lot of dedicated server providers, but the only one I can tell you about is OVH, the provider of our team. They provides very high speed connexion, extended support for nearly any OS, and you take advantage from the numerous DDOS/security protections already in place. The anti-DDOS can be a problem when using a virtual machine (e.g. VMWare solutions, as we do) to host your A3 server, but everything is configurable with nearly no propagation time. So on one hand, you have a very flexible solution and the ability to do whatever you want with your dedi, but on the other hand this option require a considerable amount of time and various skills in computing and networking to set up.
