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Everything posted by gza036

  1. Are there any WW1 missions available anywhere? I see a campaign pbo included in the mod folder, but it's a tiny 9KB file and doesn't appear in-game when installed. That's not supposed to be working is it?
  2. I guess you don't have a copy or a link
  3. I've searched and don't see a kegety's OFP/CWA launcher v1.1 anywhere... one exists?
  4. gza036

    Legen Of Madness Open Beta Release

    I saw a video of some psycho chasing the player around with a chainsaw lol Anyone still have this? Can't find a working link anywhere.
  5. edit to previous post: actually it is "ColdWarAssaultPreferences.exe" that keeps opening. another edit: I seem to have this problem with every version of Kegety's launcher I find OFP Launcher 2.18: http://www.kegetys.fi/ofp/index.php?p=others Arma 1 launcher v1.11 http://www.kegetys.fi/arma-launcher-v1-11/
  6. I always loved Kegety's launcher and want to keep using it... It works initially with CWA but the second time I run it, it seems to want to open "ColdWarAssaultPreferences.exe" I click the launcher and nothing happens, except a "ColdWarAssaultPreferences.exe" appears in task manager... It won't work correctly again until I re-select the executable path. How to fix this?
  7. Can't seem to turn off animations from within the TPW settings GUI Also I'd like to only have the heartbeat screen-effect when wounded or at least not as closely tied to fatigue. It looks cool but gets really distracting after a while
  8. gza036

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Was just testing out the new RHS sounds. Noticed the US Marksman M-14 sound seems to be missing. It's really quiet, sounds like the distant sound is playing up close
  9. well, that's embarrassing, totally works now. .JPG worked fine at other resolutions, but .paa must be one of those. I didn't need to do the ctrsetbackgroundcolor or change the compression format, just getting it at the correct resolution fixed it. I'll see if I can do drawIcon3d to simplify things too :) It really doesn't look bad, I could use a few different textures in rapid succession to make it kind of "twinkle". Some of the issues: -I don't know how to make it bigger when you zoom in on it or are closer. Not that big of a deal since it will only appear for an instant and sun reflections look the same close or far away, really. -Since it's placed over-top of everything in the UI, it shows "through" your weapon, through a tree or building in the way.... any ideas of a way around this?
  10. Trying to think of a way to simulate this in a mission: Hunting a sniper and he gives his position away from long distance by the reflection of sunlight off his scope. momentarily displaying a texture, (muzzle flash or custom texture) at the sniper's position? Camcreating some kind of particle effect on the screen? ??? I'd really appreciate some help.
  11. I show it like this: And sorry I don't follow you with CtrlSetbackground, I don't see that in the command reference
  12. Oh right. Resolution n^2. Okay so I make it 800x800, but when I select DXT5 from the dropdown menu in either box, or both, then save as .paa, If I open that new .paa with texview, it appears to be back to ARGB4444 ??? That may still be the problem because it's still no color in-game
  13. Ahh yes, apologies, I see all the detailed explanations now. Will have to figure out which combination of Dragonfyre, Dynasound, and ES is very best
  14. every pixel in paint.net has an alpha channel component, and the png version blends over other pictures just fine, so I don't think that's the problem exactly. The alpha channel is the transparency/opacity channel, and since there are transparent parts, I think this shows there is an alpha channel. Here is what it looks like in texview: But in-game, not white at all
  15. Thank you! Got the script portion working perfectly. Having difficulties with the texture... Using some paint.net plugin, I created a .png of a sparkly white effect with transparent background. From what I understand Arma requires a .paa file of n^2 size, so I must convert with texview2. But after converting to .paa, the texture displays in-game as kind of a dark grey... Really don't know why?? It looks white in texview... It doesn't look great, just a test, and I offset it above the sniper so you could see it. How to make it show bright white..?
  16. Should this be used with Enhanced Soundscape or is that included with Dynasound?
  17. gza036

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    I guess an arma 3 update must have messed up the tank round impact effects? apfsds-t makes a big explosion but HE-T and HEAT do nothing... too bad, I can't go back to vanilla after seeing some of these effects.
  18. crap. stuck again. But I think if I figure one more thing out I'll understand this a lot better. so I create the picture then attempt to update its position each frame inside of the eventhandler (i guess) but it doesn't move: with uiNamespace do { picture = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", -1]; picture ctrlSetText "images\glint.jpg"; picture ctrlCommit 0; }; glint_oefID = ["glint_oefId", "onEachFrame", "glint_OEFControl"] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; //CodeBlock you actually run: glint_OEFControl = { _screenpos = worldtoscreen getpos sniper1; with uiNamespace do { picture ctrlsetposition _screenpos; }; }; I guess I don't understand how to properly reference the uinamespace variable "picture" inside of the eventhandler
  19. Awesome. Thankyou! I knew it was really simple... Now I just need to play around with it and make some convincing "glinty" textures with photoshop or something. Might look really stupid/fake or could be pretty cool. But I won't mind if someone spoonfeeds me the texture too. ;) ;) :D :D :D
  20. I love the camo textures, and I really wish every guy wasn't wearing a black vest! It works on the recon units, since they've got the black sweaters. But the rest need a camouflage variant... then they'd be the perfect.
  21. Thanks for the hints guys. I will try the texture route. I am able to display a texture on screen at the position of the sniper. I launch the script from "radio alpha" in game _glint = execvm "glint.sqf" _screenpos = worldtoscreen getpos sniper1; with uiNamespace do { picture = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", -1]; picture ctrlsetposition _screenpos; picture ctrlSetText "images\glint.jpg"; picture ctrlCommit 0; }; Now to make it update position each frame. Did some research and I think I need to combine this with "oneachframe" using "BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler" ? But I can't figure out how to do this correctly. Can you give me some more clues?
  22. Well then I'll just have to use the Unsung vietnam mod :D
  23. Lol I knew this was coming. :D What I am reading here is that it's uncommon, not unrealistic. I'd say it would be very realistic: https://youtu.be/lnKvyrMf9EE?t=360 I can find multiple accounts from real snipers of this happening. It would be scripted to only happen at a certain distance from the sniper and correct angle in relation to the sun. Perhaps just for one specific, especially-well-hidden sniper in the mission.
  24. Yep I edited because I figured out what was happening... I had mapped the GTI key to "alt", which is also the key for the gti mouselook scrolling, that's why it was going haywire! so by default it's actually how I wanted it. It does have some bugs that show themselves over time. I tried using it with the Hunter Six mission, which is basically a campaign in one mission... it worked well for the 1st few hours but it eventually completely broke and the mission is unplayable. I was doing so well too lol I agree with removing the unnecessary cam though, seems like deep into my Hunter Six test as things started to slow down, GTI couldn't decide which cam to go to and would randomly cycle through them. Using vehicles and switching between players probably helped break it too.
  25. Just got a new objective about a rebel who drives a truck and lives "1e+007 km South-West of Panochori..." Is this trying to tell me that he is .7 km away in scientific notation?