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About booshisloose

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hey TeTeT First off, thanks to everyone involved in this mod its really fantastic! My question is, on the armaholic link there is a picture of what I believe to be the (c1 -c2?) greyhound with folded wings on the deck. Do you know if this aircraft is available anywhere? Is it available as a standalone download? It looks really well modeled and well done. I always loved the idea of a small transport plane that can be launched from the carrier.
  2. Hey dazholmes I figured out that when it gives "steam api failure", it means nothing really. It turned out my problem had nothing to do with this and the dedicated client was failing due to a muckup on BI's end. At that particular time, the updates had done something funky to linux clients. My advice is to switch to a box running windows. That way I was able to use TADST - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11655 It makes everything a lot more simple. If you just google installing a dedicated client on windows, it will show you how to make a .bat file that automatically updates your arma client to the latest version. If you need help doing this, feel free to ask!
  3. booshisloose

    Werthles' Headless Module

    Hi I was wondering if you could give me a hand making a HC for my dedicated windows server. I'm using TADST - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11655. This pretty much gives a user friendly UI to change settings, maps etc. I am not sure how this would effect the HC client. I have been using the guide you included in the documentation, but I am very confused when you are talking about the "If you will run the HC on the same machine, go to iii), then enter: connect="-connect=localhost"; " Do you think you could walk me through using WHM on a dedicated Windows machine? I am running the HC on the same machine I am running the dedicated server on.
  4. First off, This looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing it! I had just a quick question about this part. My (very small) group uses ALIVE for the dynamic mission setting, along with a zeus player. Do you have any idea on whether this would be compatible with ALIVE? Also, Here is a guide to signing PBO's http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=faq&q=220 You will need to download Arma 3 Tools from you steam games library. It is in the drop down menu, under tools. Feel free to message me if you get stuck.
  5. booshisloose

    Modules can't be rotated in the Eden editor

    It works on my end. Are you left-clicking, holding down shift and rotating when the orange arrow comes out of the module? I tested it using both the combat support transport and CAS modules.
  6. booshisloose

    Ace - Disabling friendly deaths

    I think I may have solved it by playing around a bit with the placement of the Ace Revive and medical modules. I also set respawn to INSTANT, so if it does happen, players can respawn where they died (albeit with a punishment of about a minute). Thank you for your help. I'm going to continue looking at what I did to solve this, and I'll update this post if I find out.
  7. booshisloose

    Ace - Disabling friendly deaths

    ACE is working completely as intended, apart from my issue, which is that players can still be killed on the ground or a AI will fire one too many bullets and perma-kill the player, forcing them to respawn at base and breaking the flow of the mission. I don't know how to set up medical or revive modules to achieve this. Failing that, I was wondering if it is possible set players in the unconscious state to set damage false or something. If you have any links to any documentation or guides on setting up the medical system in ACE to do this, that would be much appreciated.
  8. booshisloose

    Ace - Disabling friendly deaths

    Cheers for the response. Instant death is working as intended. I think I need to phrase my question better. I was wondering if there was a loop or something I could do in the init file, so when a player goes unconscious they are invulnerable to all damage, but can still be revived.
  9. Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right part of the forum for this question, as I am unsure where the problem comes from. I've got a problem with running Ace and using the re-spawning system. What currently happens is that a player will take too much damage and will die immediately. I have turned instant death off, but this does not fix my problem. I would like a player to go unconscious when they take too much damage, but not be able to be killed in the vanilla arma sense. Essentially I would like to turn off death for friendly units, without preventing the player to choose to respawn. I would appreciate any help you could give me.
  10. Is my problem that I have arma too far away from the steamcmd directory? The last comment on this link is useful, it is directly refering to what I did and says it is incorrect http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16526
  11. Nope, that doesn't work. Same error. I tried moving the serverconfig directory into the base original arma 3 directory. I noticed these files are grey, do I need to change their permissions? Also, I just had a brain fart. Where do I select for the start.sh to check which file to find the a3.bikey? Because it is there but is not being picked up. Also, I really appreciate your help. This problem has caused me to beat my head against my desk a few too many times....
  12. Right. I will create a start.sh that doesn't rely on the symbolic public file. Wish me luck
  13. Do you know what I am supposed to have in that folder? Inside it is the a3.bikey
  14. Cheers for that. Damn hipsters. The server loads the config files correctly and has a password etc. I can't join the server. This is the error I get before I am kicked http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198087650245/screenshot/357274621770193488 I am not running any mods currently, and I have commented out the parameter. I am still getting an error in the RPT locating the modDir of Arma 3 and the dlc bundle Current RPT Current server.cfg I learnt how to spoiler :)
  15. #!/bin/bash # Wrapper file to start the A3 server # Server installation path serverConfigDir=â€/home/ubuntu/installarma3/install/public/serverconfig†# Network settings used in -cfg param networkConfig=â€$serverConfigDir/basic.cfg†# Server configuration settings used in -config param serverConfig=â€$serverConfigDir/server.cfg†# Server profile and difficulty settings used in -name param profileName=â€public†# Server-side mods mods=â€â€ # Start server ./arma3server -cfg=â€/$networkConfig†-config=â€$serverConfig†-name=â€$profileName†-mod=â€$mods†-world=empty -port=2302 -noSound Cheers for the response Here is the start.sh. I am trying to get vanilla Arma 3 working without mods first, So I haven't tried to load any mods. It's a consistent error though, it isn't able to find the arma 3 game directory. I'm new to linux in general so, I wasn't very sure what to change from the example provided in the explanation.