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Everything posted by Incontinentia

  1. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    That works much better, thank you! One last little issue (I hope!!) is that I can't stop giving waypoints once I've started now. This is only a problem with running on dedi but it means once I've decided to give a group a waypoint I then can't do anything else on the map (same goes for assign vehicle if there isn't one nearby - basically anything involving waypoints)! Secondary mouse button doesn't work. Only way out is to exit the mission. Sorry for all the hassle! Another donation inbound.
  2. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    I have a feeling that it may mess with some other functions I'm running (for some reason ALiVE load order is a bit messed up for me at the moment) so I've got a loop that works quite well now. Here it is: while { true } do { sleep 30; if((SRROp == player) or (sniperTeamLead == player)) then { ["FullCommand",true] call AIC_fnc_showCommandControl; }; if((strikeTeamLead == player) or (SRROp == player) or (sniperTeamLead == player)) then { ["CSSCommand",true] call AIC_fnc_showCommandControl; }; }; Works perfectly! Thanks Duda. EDIT: Seems this method won't work on dedicated server... for fck's sake Arma!! EDIT 2: Your way works! I'm a numpty.
  3. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    And thank you again for working through this with me, it's really appreciated!!
  4. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    Well it now works perfectly in the mission I sent you, but not in the more complex mission I'm working on! I'll see if executing that a few seconds after the mission has loaded does anything helpful. Edit: It works on the more complex mission if I execute it via debug console after the mission has started. I'll see if I can write a little script to do this automatically.
  5. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    Yeah of course, here it is: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36308156/AICTest.Tanoa.zip Tested vanilla and still the same result unfortunately. Thanks for looking into this!
  6. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    I doubt it's relevant given how the mod works globally, but I am using ALiVE and CBA. Just thought I'd let you know in case you can't reproduce the issue.
  7. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    Still no luck unfortunately. Created an entirely new mission with new init and description but still couldn't get command. The only way is default it seems.
  8. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    Yes, it works perfectly that way. I'm using it to command a civilian helicopter; would that cause any issues with the script?
  9. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    I won't post all of them as they're massive but this is the stuff I added for High Command in the init.sqf: //Advanced AI Command [false] call AIC_fnc_initAICommand; ["CSSCommand"] call AIC_fnc_createCommandControl; And in the description: class CfgNotifications { #include "AICommand\cfgnotifications.hpp" }; class CfgFunctions { #include "ais_injury\cfgFunctionsAIS.hpp" #include "functions\CfgFunctions.hpp" #include "AICommand\cfgfunctions.hpp" }; I also put ["CSSCommand",true] call AIC_fnc_showCommandControl; in the commander inits and ["CSSCommand", group this] call AIC_fnc_commandControlAddGroup; in the subordinate unit leader inits. Figured that should get it going?
  10. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    Hi Duda, struggling to get the script working unfortunately, I've done as you said and it doesn't seem to load up at all. The mod works fine though, any thoughts?
  11. Thanks guys! Works flawlessly.
  12. Hi all, I'm trying to get a playable character starting with setcaptive true on a mission run on a dedicated server and haven't had any luck. I've tried putting "this setcaptive true;" into the unit's init and "[this setcaptive true] call BIS_fnc_MP;". Also tried setting it in the init.sqf. None of these options seems to work (along with quite a few methods I've forgotten!). Also, how would I get a script that changes the unit to setcaptive false to run properly in a MP environment as well as a SP one?
  13. Thank you!! I haven't tested yet but this looks perfect. Any ideas what the best way to execute this through a killed eventhandler? No worries about the handler itself, just wondering whether evecVM "sneakyscript.sqf"; would be fine of if it would be better to do it another way.
  14. This is the script I'm using to switch setcaptive to false when certain conditions are met: spook sideChat (format ["Compromised"]); spotted = true; publicVariable "spotted"; [spook setcaptive false] call BIS_fnc_MP; _cooldownTimer = (60 + (random 60)); uiSleep _cooldownTimer; waituntil { uiSleep 10; ((2.2 > (INDEPENDENT knowsAbout spook)) && (2.2 > (EAST knowsAbout spook))); }; spotted = false; publicVariable "spotted"; [spook setcaptive true] call BIS_fnc_MP; //["INS_HINT_EH",["You escaped."]] call CBA_fnc_globalEvent; spook groupChat (format ["Got away with it"]); Thanks in advance to anyone that can help!
  15. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    You are a hero! Thank you so much buddy.
  16. Incontinentia

    Advanced AI Command

    Hi Duda, just working on a mission now and I'd like to use the script version of this mod. Just wondering, is there a way to specify which units can be commanded by players with the script?
  17. Incontinentia

    High Command Transport

    Hi Hansen, thanks for the awesome mod! Just wondering, could I use this in a mission in script format?
  18. Incontinentia

    Error "'author/' is not a value"

    Crack on dude! Seems like a good idea.
  19. Incontinentia

    Error "'author/' is not a value"

    Looks like this error is still kicking around... gutted!
  20. Incontinentia

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    Weird as it sounds, maybe disable FSAA - for some reason that really improved clarity for me. Also, you could use the Oculus Debug Tool in the Oculus SDK and select 2 in the "Pixels Per Display Pixel Override setting. You have to keep it open while you're playing the game. This does the same thing as the pixel density slider in DCS. As for headtracking, what's wrong with it? You can change the settings in your Opentrack profile to help get the right feel. Hope this helps!
  21. I have the same issue! Glad to know it's not just me.
  22. You wonderful people!! Thanks for the update. Really pleased about the virtual battle overhaul, those enhancements sound awesome. Great work all. Also, just to note, I haven't had any issues using RHS GREF so far.
  23. Incontinentia

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    You'll also need to install this wrapper for Opentrack to work with the latest Oculus software: https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/4h08da/oculus_sdk_08_13_wrapper_release/ Also for me, stability was improved with the xtbbmalloc by Blub. Performance binaries may be unnecessary as Apex is on the cusp of being released. Let us know how you get on with it!
  24. Incontinentia

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Probably best read the instructions again... but to save you the time, yes you can. Just don't add the PBOs in the "Extra" folder into the main "addons" folder.
  25. Incontinentia

    Oculus Rift & Arma 3?

    It is awesome, and thanks for your encouragement a few weeks back, Elite was as good as promised! Edit: Also, with the latest performance binaries, stability seems a lot better.