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Everything posted by Blackheart_Six

  1. How to make enemies appear in buildings, please ? I believe you need a 3rd party script. Not within current PO3 Framework. Maybe in the PO4 Framework. how to use Simulation Manager module with Patrol Ops 3 ? Here is some good info. Outside of that, I haven't messed with it. Looks interesting. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/157836-simulation-manager/page-2 I want to disable the Ambient Ground Patrol around me when I am in helicopter, who to do this please ? I don't think that is possible within PO3 Framework. But as before, you need to dig into the low level files and code, and find what controls that. Look at all the functions controlling AGP. I wouldn't put too much effort into PO3. PO4 and a new framework is coming. Soon hopefully......;-).
  2. CV is the engineering vehicle required to knock down the berms. I took out the PO3 sling load system, and used BI's when it came out. So you couldn't sling load it. It's the Bobcat CRV.
  3. Capture Intel - I found the intel would end up under a floor or building. Clear Runway - Worked great for me. I placed CV at every airport, so I wouldn't have to transport there. Or spawned in with zeus. Rescue Pilot - Never tried it. Don't know.
  4. I've replaced CSAT with AAF and others. As for planes, never tried them. I would put the airplane in the Attack Helo line, and try it. Reason being the PO3 spawner function may call Attack Helos. PO3_preDefinedEnemyVehicles = [ /* AAF Forces */ /* 0 - Anti Air Vehicles */ ["I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F"] /* 1 - Attack Helos */ ,["I_Heli_light_03_F"] /* 2 - Attack Planes */ ,["I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F"] This is one of my PO3 Configs. I use the NATO mission, and edit the CSAT stuff. // ==== PO3 Enemy Unit Groups ============================================================================== PO3_preDefinedEnemySquads = [ /* CSAT Forces */ ["EN_GroupForce_0", ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Soldier_AR_F","I_G_Soldier_A_F"]] ,["EN_GroupForce_1", ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Soldier_GL_F","I_G_Soldier_A_F"]] ,["EN_GroupForce_2", ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Soldier_LAT","I_G_Soldier_A_F"]] ,["EN_GroupForce_3", ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_engineer_F","I_G_Soldier_LAT_F"]] ,["EN_GroupForce_4", ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Soldier_exp_F","I_G_medic_F"]] ,["EN_GroupForce_5", ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Soldier_M_F","I_G_medic_F"]] ,["EN_GroupForce_6", ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Soldier_lite_F","I_G_Soldier_F"]] ,["EN_GroupForce_7", ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Sharpshooter_F","I_G_A_F"]] ,["EN_GroupForce_8", ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Soldier_AR_F","I_G_Soldier_GL_F"]] ,["EN_GroupForce_9", ["I_G_Soldier_TL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Soldier_exp_F","I_G_engineer_F"]] ,["EN_PatrolGroup0", ["I_G_Soldier_SL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Soldier_lite_F","I_G_Soldier_AR_F"]] // Fireteam Recon 0 ,["EN_PatrolGroup1", ["I_G_Soldier_SL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Soldier_lite_F","I_G_Soldier_GL_F"]] // Fireteam Recon 0 ,["EN_PatrolGroup2", ["I_G_Soldier_SL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Soldier_lite_F","I_G_Soldier_M_F"]] // Fireteam Recon 0 ,["EN_PatrolGroup3", ["I_G_Soldier_SL_F","I_G_Soldier_F","I_G_Soldier_lite_F","I_G_Soldier_LAT_F"]] // Fireteam Recon 0 ,["EN_Squad_Divers", []] // Diver Team 0 ,["EN_Squad_Sniper", ["I_G_Soldier_Sharpshooter_F","I_G_Soldier_A_F"]] // Sniper Team 0
  5. R.E. First keep all files. Don't delete anything. Either rename the file, or remark out. Review the following files. These are not the only ones you need, depending on what you are trying to remove. init.sqf description.ext Patrol_ops_3.sqf core\fn_init.sqf data\cfgFunctions.sqf data\dialogs.hpp What you need to do, is find a good editor like notepad ++, Poseidon, etc etc. A editor that allows you to "find in files". I am not going to tell you what to edit, but you need to find and remark out the functions you want to remove. It's all trail and error. I spent hours doing it. It's the only way to learn. Find it, break it, and then fix it. Short of a formal education in Programming, which I don't have. Have FUN!
  6. I'm done with PO3 until PO4 is released. Every time there is an update, I've got to tracked what was broken, and try to fix it.
  7. Yep this would be the file to edit and get rid of the vehicles. BUT, what you edit and how it impacts other components of the mission is unknown. You can turn off ambient ground patrols in the params.hpp, and not effect the tasks. Of course this removes foot and vehicles. or You could edit the Patrol_Ops_3_configuration.hpp, and remove all vehicles from enemy forces, or insert less lethal vehicle. This is what I do. So instead of MRAP's, I put in armed pickup trucks. A good fire team, with concentrated fire on a pickup truck can take it out quickly but still make the mission exciting.
  8. Blackheart_Six

    Soldier Tracker ( Map and GPS Icons )

    Hi QS, I have a question regarding the GPS. The markers will flicker in the GPS. I noticed the same refresh flickering when you zoom all the way out on the map. Although I don't know if they are related. I've looked at the iconUpdatePulseDelay value. But to no avail. Also tried using the master switch _QS_ST_gps_enableUnitIcons to false. But doesn't seem to do anything. Anything else I can look at deeper in the code? I am not a scripter, so not sure where else to go. Everything runs great, just the refresh flicker is very annoying on the GPS. When I use the military symbols module, and turn off QS_icons, it doesn't flicker on the GPS. Thanks for any help!
  9. Hi Roy, A question regarding your video about the injury system. I noticed the map marker shows unit information left and right of the marker. This is the correct way to display unit information on a map. How are you doing that? With the new framework? Thanks BH6
  10. Are you talking about in PO3? I haven't tested ambient life, but I have uncommented "Clear airfield". Works great. Capture intel, not so good. The intel ends up under the structure. Water ones I've stay away. Here are the tasks I have running. Been working on tightening the positions. It seems they put the names of the cities and towns over the water, and not on land. That affects the spawn locations. PO3_missions = [ "PO3_task_m01_attackBase" // OK,NEW LOCS ,"PO3_task_m02_attackConvoyArmour" // OK ,"PO3_task_m05_captureOfficer" // OK ,"PO3_task_m06_captureTown" // OK ,"PO3_task_m07_captureVehicle" // OK ,"PO3_task_m08_clearMinefield" // OK ,"PO3_task_m09_clearRunway" // OK ,"PO3_task_m11_createSupplies" // OK ,"PO3_task_m12_createTower" // OK ,"PO3_task_m13_defendBase" // OK,NEW LOCS ,"PO3_task_m15_defendTown" // OK ,"PO3_task_m16_destroyArtillery" //OK ,"PO3_task_m17_destroyCaches" //OK ,"PO3_task_m18_destroyTower" //OK ,"PO3_task_m19_intelDrone" //OK ];
  11. Terox, Great job! Works like a charm. I've gone back and updated my tasks, and it opened a lot more locations.
  12. I'll see about that. I hesitate to do that because I also have TFAR customizations, respawn, and other stuff I do to the mission only I would know how to remove quickly, and easily. Join my operations server to see it run. I use CBA and TFAR mods. To get PO3 to run on tanoa: 1. Make a copy of PO3 folder for altis and place it in documents/arma3/mpmissions 2. Rename the folder from altis to tanoa. 3. Open the editor. 4. Import to the 3d editor. The file name will be gray out. 5. Quit the editor, and open the multiplayer editor. Edit the mission. 5. Move all the objects to where you want them. I placed them all in the center of the big island to start. 6. Delete all empty location markers except the 4 original. Airport, Military Base, Resupply Base, ACRE Tower Location. 7. Open each mission file and find the line // ========================================================================================================= // Define Random Location // ========================================================================================================= _location = ["city","town"] call PO3_fnc_getNewPos; 8. I replaced all lines for the missions I wanted to run with _location = "town" call PO3_fnc_getNewPos; 9. Test. The task will fire, there should be no error. To make the error repeatable, in the taskmaster file, rem out all the missions except the M01, Attack Base. If you look at the M01 file, _location = "base". Make sure you don't have any markers at the training base. Run the mission. The position error will occur when the task fires. Now to eliminate the error, make a copy of the empty military marker location, and place it on the name "training base". Run the mission. The task should fire with out error. The other option would be to place empty markers on the same type of locations as in Altis. But the problem is the points of interest are not the same, which are listed in the registered locations file. It is easier to fix the issue using "city" and "town" locations to get things up and running. NOTE: Use NOTEPAD++ or equivalent code editor.
  13. Bottom Line Up Front..... To fix the position error edit all the individual mission files and set the location to "town". This is the quickest easiest way to get up and running Tanoa until PO4 comes out. Then work back through and customize locations and missions. As far I can tell there is only 1 military base in the map. The problem is a combination of Location Types, and empty marker locations. When you change the files to "town" it gives you the largest selection of random positions, and doesn't throw an error. At least not yet. :-) Update..... Played last night on DS. Every mission fired, and no errors.
  14. Here are the missions I have working so far.... ​ PO3_missions = [ "PO3_task_m01_attackBase" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m02_attackConvoyArmour" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m05_captureOfficer" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m06_captureTown" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m07_captureVehicle" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m08_clearMinefield" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m09_clearRunway" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m11_createSupplies" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m12_createTower" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m15_defendTown" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m16_destroyArtillery" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m17_destroyCaches" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m18_destroyTower" // WORKED ,"PO3_task_m19_intelDrone" // WORKED ]; I edited each individual mission file here. // ========================================================================================================= // Define Random Location // ========================================================================================================= _location = ["city","town"] call PO3_fnc_getNewPos; I removed any reference to "base" or "poi", and replaced with "city", "town" or a combination or both. I think valid locations are airport, hill, city, town, based on what is listed in the fn_getNewPos.sqf, and for the map of Tanoa.
  15. That code is coming out of fn_showTacticalText. It has nothing to do with the position error that I can tell. As I said above the error occurs when the task is fired. I think it is related to cfgLocationType or cfgLocation. From the header of the fn_showTacticalText..... Author: Jiri Wainar Modified by Eightysix Description: Display OSD with location, time and possibly some other campaign related info. Parameter(s): _this select 0: array (optional) - position (default: player's position) _this select 1: array (optional) - date in format [_year,_month,_day,_hour,_min] (default: current date) Example: [] call PO3_fnc_showTacticalText; Returns: - nothing -
  16. That's good stuff.....And I think your on the right path. I've got half of the missions running by editing the individual missions. The pos error is thrown when the task is fired. So I eliminated "base", and just use city and town right now. But I am going to look at what you found. There is an offset between altis and stratis. There has to be for Tanoa.
  17. Terox, I would used the standard PO3 first and work out from there. That's what I am doing.
  18. I updated to APEX. I went into the editor, drop one soldier, and saved the mission "PO3_Tanoa". Copied all the files from unpacked NATO PO3, except the "mission.sqm" file, and pasted into new tanoa folder. BAM! PO3 on Tanoa. I don't have any errors, and the first mission popped up. Destroy Arty battery. It did take longer than normal for the mission to start, and I haven't gone down range to the mission to see what spawned. I have to set up a ZEUS module for that.
  19. It's a pos error. It might have to do with PO3 being setup for Altis, and your trying to run it on Tanoa. You need expert help. :-)
  20. Nothing wrong with default logistics, but R3F offered more in what I was looking for. Plus BI came out with sling load, so I wanted to use that. To edit out anything, I started with functions file, and just rem'd out stuff. Then looked at addAction items and searched in notepad ++ for the action, and rem'd it out. Lot of trail and error. As I've said, I can read code, I can break code, and can fix code. But I can't write code from scratch. That is a true art. I am a hardware guy. PO4 Framework looks much cleaner. Excited about it being modular and being able to use one or all, or anything in between.
  21. Ruppard, Just add VA to the Vehicle ammo box yourself. Remove the line that uses VAS, and add this to the init of the ammo box 0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; I don't think there is any more updates to PO3. We are waiting for the release of PO4.
  22. Like the medical.... Clean, and no mods required.