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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. scottb613

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi Folks, Relatively new to Arma - while I use A3 as well - I want to get A2 working specifically to utilize Unsung 2.6... So - sadly - as posted above - the actual documentation site for ACE 2 has been removed - so I guess I need to improvise, adapt, and overcome... I've been working my way through this thread and watching relevant YouTube videos I could find on the subject at hand.... I have a couple questions I was hoping someone would remember the answers to and would be kind enough to to share them... 1) When I cycle the "F" Key - the weapon does not show what firing mode it's in (semi auto/full auto) or even what grenade I am throwing - is there anyway to determine this ? 2) when I open my "G" gear/backpack the screen seems messed up like tow different backpack screens are competing for real estate... I've seen this issue referenced in comments on YouTube - but no solutions were offered... Any idea as to how to fix this ? And finally... 3) I've seen the "Grass View Block Module" listed and referenced in this thread - however when I go through my ACE module list - this one isn't listed... Is there something I have to do to make it available ? Any help or information would be greatly appreciated... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Hi Folks, Wow - looks great and seems very relevant with Tanoa and the current state of RW affairs... Looking forward to this. Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hi Folks, I'm sure it's me - but I seem to have lost my squad member icons that are normally displayed across the bottom of the screen - the ones that you can see are selected via F1, F2, F3 etc etc etc... Any idea how I get them back ? :rolleyes: Regards, Scott
  4. scottb613

    Missing Squad Icons ?

    Hi... After digging around ( I'm not in front of my PC at the moment ) - I believe there is an ACE module that you have to place in the editor to restore that... I think I found it on the ACE wiki... Haven't tested it myself yet... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Hi Folks, Just a final post for posterity - I believe I found the error of my ways - I was using someone else's file for an example and they had the units organized as I posted above - all aligned in an easy to read format - I think that was the issue - when I removed all the tabs, new lines, carriage returns for each variable - everything started working... All good... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Hi Folks, Here is my config file if that helps: ////////////////////////////// // Dynamic-AI-Creator // // Version 3.0c // //--------------------------// // DAC_Config_Units // //--------------------------// // Script by Silola // // silola@freenet.de // ////////////////////////////// private ["_TypNumber","_TempArray","_Unit_Pool_S","_Unit_Pool_V","_Unit_Pool_T","_Unit_Pool_A"]; _TypNumber = _this select 0;_TempArray = []; switch (_TypNumber) do { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // VC Village Guerillas *** ALL *** //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case 10: { _Unit_Pool_S = [ "uns_men_VC_local_nco","uns_men_VC_local_nco","uns_men_VC_local_off", "uns_men_VC_local_off", "uns_men_VC_local_nco", "uns_men_VC_local_RF1", "uns_men_VC_local_RF2", "uns_men_VC_local_RF3", "uns_men_VC_local_RF4", "uns_men_VC_local_RF5", "uns_men_VC_local_AS1", "uns_men_VC_local_AS2", "uns_men_VC_local_AS3", "uns_men_VC_local_AS4", "uns_men_VC_local_MRK", "uns_men_VC_local_LMG", "uns_men_VC_local_SAP", "uns_men_VC_local_TRI", "uns_men_VC_local_MGS", "uns_men_VC_local_MTS", "uns_men_VC_local_MED" ]; _Unit_Pool_V = [ "uns_Old_bike_VC", "uns_Old_moto_VC" ]; _Unit_Pool_T = []; _Unit_Pool_A = []; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NVA Infantry Recon Squad (1965) *** ALL *** //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case 20: { _Unit_Pool_S = [ "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_nco","uns_men_NVA_recon_65_nco","uns_men_NVA_recon_65_off", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_nco", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_off", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_MED", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_RTO", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_MRK", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_SAP", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_AS1", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_AS2", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_AS3", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_AS4", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_AS5", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_AS6", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_AS7", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_RF1", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_RF2", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_RF3", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_LMG", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_HMG", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_MGS", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_MTS", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_TRI", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_AT", "uns_men_NVA_recon_65_AT2" ]; _Unit_Pool_V = [ "uns_Old_bike_NVA", "uns_Old_moto_NVA", "uns_nvatruck_open", "uns_URAL_UTILITY" ]; _Unit_Pool_T = []; _Unit_Pool_A = []; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // US Marine Corps (1965) *** ALL *** //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case 30: { _Unit_Pool_S = [ "uns_US_2MI_CDR","uns_pilot3","uns_men_USMC_65_COM", "uns_men_USMC_65_COM", "uns_men_USMC_65_PL", "uns_men_USMC_65_SL", "uns_men_USMC_65_ENG", "uns_men_USMC_65_DEM", "uns_men_USMC_65_SAP", "uns_men_USMC_65_MED", "uns_men_USMC_65_HMG", "uns_men_USMC_65_AHMG", "uns_men_USMC_65_MGSG", "uns_men_USMC_65_MGSG2", "uns_men_USMC_65_TRI", "uns_men_USMC_65_MGAASG", "uns_men_USMC_65_MTSG", "uns_men_USMC_65_GL", "uns_men_USMC_65_RTO", "uns_men_USMC_65_AT", "uns_men_USMC_65_SCT", "uns_men_USMC_65_MRK", "uns_men_USMC_65_RF1", "uns_men_USMC_65_RF2", "uns_men_USMC_65_RF3", "uns_men_USMC_65_RF4", "uns_men_USMC_65_RF5", "uns_men_USMC_65_RF6" ]; _Unit_Pool_V = [ "uns_willys", "uns_willysmg50" ]; _Unit_Pool_T = [ "uns_M113_M2", "uns_M113_M60" ]; _Unit_Pool_A = [ "uns_ch34", "uns_ch34_M60" ]; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // US Army 1st Infantry Division *** ALL *** //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case 40: { _Unit_Pool_S = [ "uns_US_6TB_DRV1","uns_pilot5","uns_US_1ID_COM", "uns_US_1ID_COM", "uns_US_1ID_PL", "uns_US_1ID_SL", "uns_US_1ID_ENG", "uns_US_1ID_DEM", "uns_US_1ID_SAP", "uns_US_1ID_MED", "uns_US_1ID_HMG", "uns_US_1ID_AHMG", "uns_US_1ID_MGSG", "uns_US_1ID_MGSG2", "uns_US_1ID_MGSG3", "uns_US_1ID_TRI", "uns_US_1ID_MGAASG", "uns_US_1ID_MTSG", "uns_US_1ID_GL", "uns_US_1ID_RTO", "uns_US_1ID_AT", "uns_US_1ID_SCT", "uns_US_1ID_MRK", "uns_US_1ID_RF1", "uns_US_1ID_RF2", "uns_US_1ID_RF3", "uns_US_1ID_RF4", "uns_US_1ID_RF5", "uns_US_1ID_RF6" ]; _Unit_Pool_V = [ "uns_willys", "uns_willysmg50" ]; _Unit_Pool_T = [ "uns_M113_M2", "uns_M113_M60" ]; _Unit_Pool_A = [ "uns_H13_gunship_Army", "uns_H13_transport_Army" ]; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ARVN Infantry *** ALL *** //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case 80: { _Unit_Pool_S = [ "uns_men_ARVN_RF1","uns_pilot1_VNAF","uns_men_ARVN_COM", "uns_men_ARVN_COM", "uns_men_ARVN_PL", "uns_men_ARVN_SL", "uns_men_ARVN_MED", "uns_men_ARVN_HMG", "uns_men_ARVN_AHMG", "uns_men_ARVN_MGSG", "uns_men_ARVN_MGSG2", "uns_men_ARVN_MGSG3", "uns_men_ARVN_TRI", "uns_men_ARVN_MGAASG", "uns_men_ARVN_GL", "uns_men_ARVN_RTO", "uns_men_ARVN_AT", "uns_men_ARVN_SCT", "uns_men_ARVN_MRK", "uns_men_ARVN_DEM", "uns_men_ARVN_SAP", "uns_men_ARVN_ENG", "uns_men_ARVN_CAS", "uns_men_ARVN_MTSG", "uns_men_ARVN_SLSG", "uns_men_ARVN_SLSA", "uns_men_ARVN_STY", "uns_men_ARVN_STY2", "uns_men_ARVN_STY3", "uns_men_ARVN_RF1", "uns_men_ARVN_RF2", "uns_men_ARVN_RF3", "uns_men_ARVN_RF4", "uns_men_ARVN_RF5", "uns_men_ARVN_RF6", "uns_men_ARVNci_PL", "uns_men_ARVNci_SL", "uns_men_ARVNci_ENG", "uns_men_ARVNci_HMG", "uns_men_ARVNci_RTO", "uns_men_ARVNci_MED", "uns_men_ARVNci_S1", "uns_men_ARVNci_S2", "uns_men_ARVNci_S3", "uns_men_ARVNci_S4", "uns_men_ARVNci_SCT", "uns_men_ARVNci_GL" ]; _Unit_Pool_V = []; _Unit_Pool_T = []; _Unit_Pool_A = []; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unsung Civilians //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case 90: { _Unit_Pool_S = [ "uns_civilian1","uns_civilian1","uns_civilian1", "uns_civilian1", "uns_civilian2", "uns_civilian3", "uns_civilian4" ]; _Unit_Pool_V = [ "uns_Old_bike_CIV"; "uns_Old_moto_Civ" ]; _Unit_Pool_T = []; _Unit_Pool_A = []; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Default { if(DAC_Basic_Value != 5) then { DAC_Basic_Value = 5;publicvariable "DAC_Basic_Value"; hintc "Error: DAC_Config_Units > No valid config number"; }; if(true) exitwith {}; }; }; if(count _this == 2) then { _TempArray = _TempArray + [_Unit_Pool_S,_Unit_Pool_V,_Unit_Pool_T,_Unit_Pool_A]; } else { _TempArray = _Unit_Pool_V + _Unit_Pool_T + _Unit_Pool_A; }; _TempArray Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. HI Folks, Had a Stuka bomb the heck out of my mechanized infantry squad last weekend - I watched the bomb come right at me - couldn't look away - controlled by ALiVE Military Commander Module - scared the bejesus out of me... HAH - Guess they work... :) Now if you could only have the Stuka do a true dive bomb with the siren screaming like a banshee... IF3L seems to play nice with ALiVE - a huge plus in my book... Thanks for all your efforts !!! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Hi Froggy, I setup a test IF3L mission last weekend - seemed to work very well... I'm using US (Green) against Germany (Blue) - hah - it's pretty intense and truly ALiVE... It's on the largest Polish map with a small mechanized squad trying to take a city defended by Germans... Nothing polished - just testing... I can send it to you next weekend when I get home if nobody else responds... One thing I did notice - is fixed wing assets don't seem to get spawned on either side by the placement modules - Both TAOR's included an airfield... I just placed aircraft individually and synced them to the OPCOM which seemed to work... Another thing I tried - which worked pretty well - IF3L includes preloaded ammo trucks - so instead of using the Player Logistics Module for convoy resupply (which I've had really mixed results with) - I assigned these trucks to a Player Transport Module and it seemed to work as well... Obviously - just use the move button and none of the ones related to flying... Do you need quotes on those strings - I forget ??? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Hi Folks, I'm fairly new to Arma - brand new to DAC - I realize this is the Arma 2 thread - I prefer historical combat - so I'm trying to get DAC 3.0 working with Unsung 2.6... I downloaded and installed DAC 3.0 last night - I read the 60 page manual - looked at some of the tutorial missions - and - got my first test mission up and running... It works !!! The problem is - I can't seem to get DAC 3.0 to read my custom "DAC_Config_Units.sqf" with Unsung 2.6 units defined... I loaded the requisite directories into my mission folder - I set my Game Logic to "extern" and everything works fine with the default units config file... If I make changes to the default units file - they are reflected in the game - so it appears that everything is setup correctly and the files are actually being read... However - if I add official classnames for units from Unsung 2.6 - the units are never spawned... Is the mod load order important ? Any ideas ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Hi Folks, Figured it out - for some reason I had to manually copy the "addons" directory from Arma II to Arma II OA - that fixed it... Regards, Scott
  11. Hi Folks, Sorry - one more question - I had to rebuild my machine - loaded Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA... Installed UNS 2.6 and using the Arma Synch Launcher... UNS 2.6 is installed in the Arma 2 OA directory and I have CBA_CO installed there as well... If I select the OA executable - with both CBA_CO and UNS 2.6 enabled I get a missing water texture on startup - then the initial animations on other menu screens with the chickens just runs very sporadically - as well as all the other menu screens until I actually get a map open in the editor - the editor seems to work normally - however once I preview a mission on say SEA - a bunch of textures are missing such as some of the buildings and fences around the main base on the SW of the island... In the Arma Sync Launcher if I choose the executable labeled CO the animations are smooth but the textures are still missing... What's frustrating is I know this worked before - anything obvious I'm missing ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Operation Prophet [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Yeah - maybe I should do that as well - my bandwidth isn't the greatest so it's just a serious investment in time... I've been using mostly stand alone... Yeah Inshallah starts - I am at the base - I see all the trucks parked - your scrolling text starts displaying on the right - about the time it's finished I get crash to desktop... I can only hit this in spurts so I'll keep trying to play with it - I've noticed from feedback that your missions seem to be universally liked... Thanks again... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. scottb613

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Hi Folks, Yep - still messing with Arma II for Unsung - I just reloaded after a rebuild - seems I can't get "Groups" to display in the spawn fields... I select the faction - do the "update" - hit the "refresh" - and the correct units display for placing single units - however the group field remains blank... Same thing happens whether I'm using vanilla factions or unsung factions... I know this did work - any ideas on what I'm doing wrong ? Thanks - any help appreciated... Regards, Scott
  14. Hi Folks, Thanks for the feedback... Hmm - when I use the ALiVE transport module with the UH1 included with UNS - I still get the stairway to heaven with Charlie as well - if I swap the aircraft out for the "Medium Lift" UH1 it works normally... Hah - even without the full blown ALiVE factions working - you can still use some of its features which sure help... Again - my thanks to all you guys on the UNS team... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. scottb613

    [ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Operation Prophet [Insurgency]

    Hi Hero, Figured I'd give this a try - the other one still crashes on me... Where do I get the map and the "mad build" files ? Everything I've found state it's for Arma 2... Thanks... Regards, Scott
  16. Hi... Understand on 1 & 2... Hmm - never thought of that on 3 - let me give that a try... Thanks for your insights and information... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. HI Opendome, Will do and thank you... I've noticed you've made a bunch of posts on "ALiVE" issues - are you working on ALiVE compatibility for everyone and has anything new been included with Charlie ? Really appreciate any info you could provide... Hi Pognivet, Hah - I did notice that with Bravo - I was using the "Player Support Transport" module with "ALiVE" and the helicopter just climbed indefinitely - I thought it was me or ALiVE... I'll try it again with Charlie... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Ahh - thanks furcas - let me give that a try... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. scottb613

    CH-46 Knight

    Stunning... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Hi Folks, Is there a way to have the Player CAS module start with aircraft airborne for those maps that might not have a suitable runway ? For the Player CAS and Transport modules - is there a way to assign more than one aircraft to the flight ? On the Player CAS module - it would be helpful to be able to assign a direction of travel - ingress/egress vector - to minimize danger to friendlies when danger close... As always - thanks much for all you guys do... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Hi Folks, Will unit capture also record the release of any munitions - such as a bombing run - or is this strictly flight path ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. scottb613

    CH-46 Knight

    Hi Folks, Just wanted to say - that's one fine looking model - really like the paints as well - can't wait for my first hot LZ landing in Unsung with CCR blasting through the headset... Best of luck with it... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Hi Folks, Thanks for the responses... I'll take a look at both options - I've never used Zeus so I'll have to poke around... Yeah - a bit surprised it's not a basic option with just using the included waypoints in Eden... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Hi Folks, Is thee a way to simply have an aircraft simply fly over a specified location and drop its bomb load ? I did some searching and all I could find were some seemingly complex scripts for Arma 2... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk