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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. Hi Folks, Thanks for all the effort !!! :) Installed via PW6 - throws a missing file error: Regards, Scott
  2. Hi Folks, A couple of questions if you don't mind and you have a moment... Spent some time again with "Grunt's" SP missions last night - it appears that many have been updated for Charlie and is that night mission a new one ? Anyway - on more than one I noticed after I played for 15 to 20 minutes - all of a sudden I'm getting dumped back to the load screen for the mission and it freezes - no messages - and I have to kill Arma to get out... While it certainly could be something on my end - it just seems related to the mission since it dumps back to the mission load screen you see at the start of the mission - before freezing... Has anyone else experienced this issue ??? I thought maybe they were timed and I failed - but - it really seems frozen... I believe this is just a generic Arma question... In one of the missions there is a static machine gun - and - I thought I was getting into man the position - the next thing I know the machine gun is in a bag - I tried everything I could think of - but I couldn't get it out of the bag to deploy it for use... No pressure - my position was being overrun by the NVA and I'm stuffing my weapon in a bag... LOL - what do I do ? Again "Grunt" nice job on the missions - although I still haven't completed any - it sure is fun trying - the new Tanoa trees seem larger - therefore providing better things to hide behind - so I'm doing better - if I can just stop it from freezing in that load screen... With a name like "Blood Red Sandman" how could it be other than great - very creative naming - I like it... Hope to see more from you ! Has anyone made a hot LZ Air Assault SP mission for Unsung Charlie ? Just one bit of constructive feedback on Da Krong - if acceptable - the plants that look like Rhododendron - could have their texture toned down a bit - they seem to almost glow in the day and night in comparison to all the other texture used on the map - it's meant only as a respectful suggestion and just my 2 cents - so please take it for what it's worth... :) Thanks to all involved with this fantastic project... Thanks, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Hi Folks, Yeah along those lines - if it's possible and not too much work - I'd really like to see the ALiVE factions be able to specify an - early war/late war - time frame... I've been spending most of my time running around as a Marine with an M-14 in Unsung... While it sounds like you're almost done - opendome - if I can be of any help - I'd gladly help out - I've been a UNIX admin for more than 20 years - have some basic programming skills - and can manipulate text files/spreadsheets all day... With a little guidance - those skills should probably be relevant to what you're doing... I've been spending some time building all the config files for Unsung in DAC - since I know how to make them - for more dynamic missions.... Anyway - a big thank you for your efforts... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. scottb613

    Spawn - in layman's terms ?

    Hi Folks, Thanks for the help - and Neo for going the extra mile - very clear and helpful... So for the UNIX inclined - spawn is like putting an "&" ampersand on the end of he line to get a command/script to run in the background... I think I've got it... I'll look at the link you posted as well - Grumpy... Much appreciated - gents... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Hi Folks, Getting my feet wet with Arma scripting - would someone better be able to explain the "spawn" function (nothing to do with spawning units) in scripting - it's used in a snippet of code someone helped me out with - I've read the wiki page several times - looked at examples - but - I still don't get what it's doing... Maybe an example of when and why I would use it would help... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Hi Folks, Just to follow up here - while I've read a bunch of threads saying it was almost impossible to get AI to break off an attack once the enemy was seen - I've found it not too bad (maybe it was an older version of A2) - I tested many things with [disableAI], [removeWeapon] , and the [setCaptive] functions as posted above - but this is what I've found works consistently on helicopters actively engaging ground forces where they abort the attacks immediately every time... It's a stand alone SQF script called by a radio trigger... I seem to be having better luck writing SQF scripts - as the same code in an "Activation" window seems to behave differently... Thanks for all the help !!! ;) WP-3 = "Get Out" _grp1 = group cobra1; _grp2 = group cobra2; _grp3 = group cobra3; { _x setCurrentWaypoint [_x, 3]; _x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x setCombatMode "BLUE"; sleep 30; } foreach [_grp1,_grp2,_grp3]; Regards, Scott
  7. Hi Folks, A simple question I'm sure but one I've struggled countless hours with trying to get to work... What's the proper way to get three AI Helicopters to launch (30) seconds apart - after firing a trigger ??? I've tried using Move and Hold Waypoints (WP) with synced triggers - I've tried tried putting sleep statements in both Condition and Activation fields of WP's... I've scripted the WP to check for the activation of an un-synced trigger - I've tried using all kinds of timings in the three WP time fields (min/mid/max)... Nothing yields consistent results... It appears that the WP timers increment even before the WP is reached - are those times "global" to the mission times - as opposed a little relative timers associated to the WP ??? Any help appreciated... Regards, Scott
  8. Hi... Ok - thanks - you've definitely gone above and beyond - sir... I'll play with this all tonight... Oh - I deleted the preceding underscore on variables because when used in the activation field they throw an error "Local Variable used in a Global Variable space" or something like that... I tried using the "private" to initialize the variables thinking it would isolate them for use in my script - but - it still threw an error... The only way to get to to stop was to remove the underscore... I'll research it more... You've been more than helpful and I don't want to abuse the courtesy... :) Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Hi... Thanks again for taking the time - while I'm currently messing with Unsung in A2 - much of this carries over to A3 so I'll be able to put it to good use there as well... I'm taking it all onboard... I'll try what you posted above tonight when I get home... I've tried several ways to delete all the munitions carried by the aircraft - that doesn't seem to work - as they are always able to shoot after issuing the commands - would you know if it "should" work on a helicopter in flight ? One thing I did find in my search was a thread related to level bombing - they didn't want the plane attacking after the initial bomb run - so they used "setVectorDir" and several others to basically fly the aircraft at a level altitude, in a given direction, for a given distance - does this also sound like it should work ? With these commands would it ignore the automatic attack routines ? I can't find the post at the moment... Thanks again !!! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Hi... If I might ask one follow up - the other side of this mission I am firing a trigger to get the same three helicopters to break off combat and RTB... Again - spent hours on this - my latest code follows - it's trying to delete all "search and destroy" WP's - disable targeting - and removing all ammunition from said aircraft... Doesn't seem to work at all - the aircraft continue their attack runs and still have weapons to shoot - despite orders... Any idea what I'm doing wrong ??? grp1 = group cobra1; grp2 = group cobra2; grp3 = group cobra3; deleteWaypoint [grp1, 2]; deleteWaypoint [grp2, 2]; deleteWaypoint [grp3, 2]; deleteWaypoint [grp1, 3]; deleteWaypoint [grp2, 3]; deleteWaypoint [grp3, 3]; grp1 setBehaviour "CARELESS"; grp1 disableAI "TARGET"; grp1 disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; grp1 allowFleeing 1; {cobra1 removeWeapon x} forEach weapons cobra1; grp2 setBehaviour "CARELESS"; grp2 disableAI "TARGET"; grp2 disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; grp2 allowFleeing 1; {cobra2 removeWeapon x} forEach weapons cobra2; grp3 setBehaviour "CARELESS"; grp3 disableAI "TARGET"; grp3 disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; grp3 allowFleeing 1; {cobra3 removeWeapon x} forEach weapons cobra3; Regards, Scott
  11. THANK YOU - YES - WORKS !!! I've spent probably more than 8 hours - not all in one sitting trying to get this to work... It seems when you just have a list of statements in the activation field - - it executes them all simultaneously... I used "hint" to comment the execution and the "sleep" prior to the hint had absolutely no effect - as soon as the waypoint was activated - the hint would trigger as well ignoring the preceding "sleep"... When I moved my code into an actual SQF file - the "sleep" started working as I though it should... Very strange... Your method works exactly how I wanted it - thanks again !!! You made my night... :D :D :D Regards, Scott
  12. Hi Folks, Just perusing the Wiki on my lunch break - would this work ??? If WP-1 (HOLD) and WP-2 (MOVE)... Remove all synchronization from the trigger and just execute the following on activation ? _grp1 = group cobra1; _grp2 = group cobra2; _grp3 = group cobra3; deleteWaypoint [_grp1, 1]; sleep 30; deleteWaypoint [_grp2, 1]; sleep 30; deleteWaypoint [_grp3, 1]; Any input appreciated... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Hi... Be prepared to be blown away... Look for "Grunt's" SP missions - they were designed for Bravo but they might still work... They're a hoot... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Hi... Well - this is just a small part of a large Air Assault - these are the gunships in support of slicks that I want to launch first... Without delay - it just looks fake as they all launch at exactly the same time... While individual triggers will most definitely work - I'm trying to use a single trigger to kickoff the entire event with scripted delays between launches... With the slicks I control the troops with the same trigger prior to load - and the timers on those Move WP's seem to work - it only seems to be the helicopters without troops giving me fits... In addition - I did read somewhere that you should attempt to keep triggers to a minimum as they aren't very efficient - I can neither confirm nor deny - just something I read... Thanks for your help !!! :) Regards, Scott
  15. Hi Egg, Yeah - while no expert - from my understanding there are two ways to provide compatibility with ALiVE - one is working with the mod - the other is with ALiVE... I believe "OpenDome" stated he was working on the 2nd method for inclusion with a future release of ALiVE - as time permits... Regards, Scott
  16. scottb613

    Coordination with AI Teams ?

    Thanks Grumpy... I looked at High Command and got it working in a test mission - seems promising... Now I just have to learn how to use it... Appreciate the assist - sir... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Hi Folks, Still relatively new at building missions... Question: Is there a way or does something already exist to coordinate a bit better with other AI companies in a mission working towards the same goal ??? I'm not looking to micromanage other teams - but - just some basic coordination - such as moving forward to some intermediate point towards our goal - you go left and I'll go right - or pulling back when resistance is too stiff - things like that - nothing fancy... Thanks, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. scottb613

    RH Pistol pack

    Hi Folks, Would any of the included models be appropriate in Unsung (Vietnam War) ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. And work is being done on ALiVE compatibility as well... Woohoo ! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. scottb613

    IFA3WarMod Release

    Hi Gunter, First off - thanks for what's obviously a monumental effort supporting this mod - I'm anxious to try it... I'm traveling this week but I'll try it out next weekend... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. scottb613

    IFA3WarMod Release

    Hi Gunter, RE: IF3L Compatibility (CBA, IF3L, and IF WarMod) Just downloaded all the mods - 1.6 => 1.11 - installed same - no joy - same errors as pit mentioned above - it appears the WarMod is incompatible with the latest IF3L mod... I went into the editor and just placed a single IF infantry unit - then hit play - bunch of SQF errors pop up in the command window type screen - a bunch of error dialogs about outdated PBO's, Backpacks, and Armor - then exits to the score screen and terminates on its own... I can't get it to work either... Regards, Scott
  22. Just to add a bit to the answer - with Vortex Ring State - when doing a vertical descent - you're basically descending into your own rotor wash which makes a descending column of air - get caught and it can be difficult to escape... There's a video on YouTube - IIRC - shows it happening to a real world MI-8 - the pilots didn't escape... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Hi Folks, Yeah - mod is looking fantastic - I know many complained about "light" textures but with the improved graphics in A3 with the Real Light shader mod - I don't even notice it... Extremely immersive and a joy to look at... I'm just anxiously awaiting the fix for the "plink" sound when the M1 fires it's last round... Many thanks to the whole team !!! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Hi Folks, Working on diving deeper into the arcane art of Arma Scripting... I've searched and looked at the scripting wiki functions before posting... If I have a defined position - can I define a new position relative to my first - such as 500 meters north and 250 meters west ? Thanks ! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk