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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. Hi OpenDome, Thanks so much for sharing - I'm in my laptop at the moment which can't run A3 very well - hopefully I'll get time to take a gander at what you've done this weekend... Looking forward to it and thanks again !!! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hi Savage – Yeah he just posted something on the other unsung thread – I think it's a mission ready for testing – I haven't tried it yet but I will shortly. Great team effort. Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hi Folks, Been away for a bit - noticed both Alive and Unsung have new versions... Are the two compatible and if so - would someone point me to the faction names required to be used in Alive ? Thanks... Regards, Scott
  4. Hi Folks, One more question and I'll slink off to work this on my own for a while... In the editor - when you do an air assault - and you're dropping troops at an LZ - you have to sync the "transport unload" and the "get out" waypoints for the transport helicopter and the troops so they unload properly... I'm now trying to generate everything dynamically via scripts including all waypoints - do I have to code this sync (if so how ?) - or is it not necessary ? Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Hi Folks, Man - I owe you two a beer... This coding thing is a bit addicting - I was up until after midnight trying to get this all to work... Hah - the sleeps are to just leave the hints up on the screen long enough for me to read them while troubleshooting... I have a leg in both Arma 2 and Arma 3 - so I'm just trying to allow for backwards compatibility by only using commands that were available in Amra 2 - when I looked - vectorAdd appeared to be an Arma 3 command... I think I have it now - I'm sure you saved me countless hours of trouvpbkeshooting... :) Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Hi Folks, I'm trying to manually assemble a position array after dong some math on a known position... When I look at the hint - the position appears to be in a valid format - but I don't seem to be able to use it to get a unit to move to - is there anything special in the format of a positional array? Any idea as to why the code would not work as is ? Thanks... Regards, Scott _posit = getPos s1; hint format [ "Player Position = %1",_posit ]; sleep 10; _arayX = _posit select 0; // Get player position and break down array _arayY = _posit select 1; _arayZ = _posit select 2; _arayXn = _arayX - 150; // Define new position 1 _arayYn = _arayY + 150; _targ1 = format [ "[%1,%2,%3]", _arayXn, _arayYn, _arayZ]; // Create new position array 1 hint format [ "Targ1 Position = %1",_targ1 ]; sleep 10; _arayXn = _arayX + 150; // Define new position 2 _arayYn = _arayY - 150; _targ2 = format [ "[%1,%2,%3]", _arayXn, _arayYn, _arayZ]; Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Hi Folks, Working on my first attempt at real Arma scripting - wiki in one hand and notepad++ in the other... I'm trying to script a function to launch an Air Assault and for the most part it's going pretty well... I'm starting to get the hang of controlling helicopters via script... One question - I have bunch of helicopters approaching an LZ - I don't know who's going to be there first - i don't want anyone hovering over a hot LZ waiting for loops in the script to complete... I posted a simplified version of what I am working with below... The code is already running is a "spawned" sqf called from the editor... I guess a could just spawn each helicopter in its own shell and execute the code for each helicopter separately ? Is there a better way to do this ? Again - just learning so I'm trying to figure out the correct and efficient way... There are more than two helicopters... while { ( (alive guns1) && !(unitReady guns1) ) } do { sleep 5; }; while { ( (alive guns2) && !(unitReady guns2) ) } do { sleep 5; }; hint "3"; guns1 land "LAND"; guns2 land "LAND"; Regards,Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. scottb613

    Flow Control ?

    Hi Folks, I thinks I'm making some pretty good progress on my first attempt at Arma scripting... Much of what I'm trying to accomplish seems to be working - LOL - still working on the guns side if the house and haven't started testing my slicks yet... I have a keg in both Arma 2 for Unsung and Arma 3 for IF and RHS... Some of the commands had to be edited to make them backwards compatable.... For reference: //=============================// // GUNSHIPS - My Launch Script // //=============================// // Given: Two loaded gunships ready for launch - named as listed in assets. // Given: Player named s1. // Assets: (guns1 - gunship helo) (guns2 - gunship helo) (M1 - initial lz target marker) (M2 - initial lz target marker) // Assets: (s1 - player) hint "Launch Gunships"; // global var - run flag // FlgGunRtb = 0; // var - gun units // _gunU1 = guns1; _gunU2 = guns2; // var - gun groups // _gunG1 = group guns1; _gunG2 = group guns2; // var - array test // _aray1 = true; _aray2 = true; // var - player position // _posit = getPos s1; private ["_gunU1","_gunU2","_gunG1","_gunG2","_posit","_targ1","_targ2","_aray1","_aray2"]; sleep 2; // Get marker positions - M1 M2 // _mpos1 = getMarkerPos "M1"; _mpos2 = getMarkerPos "M2"; { // Test to see if markers exists - M1 // _aray1 = _mpos1 select _x; if ( _aray1 != 0 ) exitWith {false}; } foreach [0,1]; hint format["aray1 = %1",_aray1]; sleep 2; { // Test to see if markers exists - M2 // _aray2 = _mpos2 select _x; if ( _aray2 != 0 ) exitWith {false}; } foreach [0,1]; hint format["aray2 = %1",_aray2]; sleep 2; // If either M1 or M2 missing - create new positions // if (_aray1 != 0 && _aray2 != 0) then { _targ1 = getMarkerPos "M1"; _targ2 = getMarkerPos "M2"; hint "M1 and M2 Markers Exist"; } else { // Get player position and break down array // _posit = getPos s1; _arayX = _posit select 0; _arayY = _posit select 1; _arayZ = _posit select 2; // Define new position 1 // _arayXn = _arayX - 150; _arayYn = _arayY + 150; // Create new position array 1 // _targ1 = [_arayXn, _arayYn, arayZ]; // Create new marker M1 // _mkr1 = createMarker ["M1", _targ1]; _mkr1 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mkr1 setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _mkr1 setMarkerText "M1-SAD"; // Define new position 2 // _arayXn = _arayX + 150; _arayYn = _arayY - 150; // Create new position array 2 // _targ2 = [_arayXn, _arayYn, arayZ]; // Create new marker M2 // _mkr2 = createMarker ["M2", _targ2]; _mkr2 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _mkr2 setMarkerType "hd_dot"; _mkr2 setMarkerText "M2-SAD"; hint "No Defined Markers"; }; sleep 2; // Delete all waypoints guns1 // while {(count (waypoints _gunG1)) > 0} do { deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _gunG1) select 0); hint "delete waypoints gunG1"; sleep 2; }; // Delete all waypoints guns2 // while {(count (waypoints _gunG2)) > 0} do { deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _gunG2) select 0); hint "delete waypoints gunG2"; sleep 2; }; // Create new SAD waypoint and launch guns 1 // _gunG1 addWaypoint [_targ1,0,1]; [_gunG1, 1] setWaypointType "SAD"; _gunU1 forceSpeed 100; hint "Launch guns1"; sleep 5; // Create new SAD waypoint and launch guns 2 // _gunG2 addWaypoint [_targ2,0,1]; [_gunG2, 1] setWaypointType "SAD"; _gunU2 forceSpeed 100; hint "Launch guns2"; //==========================// // GUNSHIPS - My RTB Script // //==========================// // Given: Two loaded gunships ready for launch - named as listed in assets. // Given: Player named s1. // Assets: (guns1 - gunship helo) (guns2 - gunship helo) (M1 - target marker) (M2 - target marker) // Assets: (HmPad5 - home helo pad) (HmPad5 - home helo pad) // global var - run flag // FlgGunRtb = 1; // var - gun units // _gunU1 = guns1; _gunU2 = guns2; // var - gun groups // _gunG1 = group guns1; _gunG2 = group guns2; / var - home helo pad // _hmPad5 = getPos HmPad5; _hmPad6 = getPos HmPad6; private ["_gunU1","_gunU2","_gunG1","_gunG2","_hmPad5","_hmPad6"]; hint "Gunship RTB"; sleep 2; // Delete any markers // deleteMarker "M1"; deleteMarker "M2"; // Delete waypoints guns1 // while {(count (waypoints _gunG1)) > 0} do { deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _gunG1) select 0); hint "Delete Waypoints guns1"; sleep 2; }; // Delete waypoints guns2 // while {(count (waypoints _gunG2)) > 0} do { deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _gunG2) select 0); hint "Delete Waypoints guns1"; sleep 2; }; // FUNCTION - landing // _myLandGun = { hint format ["helo func start = %1", _this]; // delay - to make sure ready // sleep 3; waituntil {unitReady _this}; if (!alive _this) exitWith {false}; if ( FlgGunRtb == 0 ) exitWith {false}; _this land "LAND"; hint format ["helo func end = %1", _this]; sleep 3; }; hint "Add Waypoints guns1"; sleep 2; // Add waypoints guns1 and spawn land // _gunG1 addWaypoint [_hmPad5,0,1]; [_gunG1, 1] setWaypointType "MOVE"; _gunG1 setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _gunG1 setCombatMode "BLUE"; _land = [_gunU1] spawn _myLandGun; hint "Add Waypoints guns2"; sleep 2; // Add waypoints guns2 and spawn land // _gunG2 addWaypoint [_hmPad6,0,1]; [_gunG2, 1] setWaypointType "MOVE"; _gunG2 setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _gunG2 setCombatMode "BLUE"; _land = [_gunU2] spawn _myLandGun; Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. HI D... Thanks for the response - let me play with this and see if it works for me - much appreciated... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. scottb613

    Flow Control ?

    Hi Folks, So putting it all together - might this seem plausible ? Haven't had a chance to try it - just typed up on my iPad... //My Launch Script Slicks// hint "Launch Slicks"; FlgGun = 1; // flags global FlgIni = 0; _slkU1 = slick1; // slick units _slkU2 = slick2; _slkU3 = slick3; _slkU4 = slick4; _slkG1 = group slick1; // slick groups _slkG2 = group slick2; _slkG3 = group slick3; _slkG4 = group slick4; _lzPad = _lzPad; // lz landing pads _lzPad1 = getPos LzPad1; _lzPad2 = getPos LzPad2; _lzPad3 = getPos LzPad3; _lzPad4 = getPos LzPad4; _hmPad1 = getPos HmPad1; // home landing pads _hmPad2 = getPos HmPad2; _hmPad3 = getPos HmPad3; _hmPad4 = getPos HmPad4; _count1 = 1; // counters _count2 = 1; private ["_slkG1","_slkG2","_slkG3","_slkG4","_lzPad1","_lzPad2","_lzPad3","_lzPad4","_count1","_count2"]; _myLandSlick = { // function lz land params ["_chopper"]; sleep 3; waituntil {unitReady _chopper}; if (!alive _chopper) exitWith {false}; _chopper land "GET OUT"; }; sleep 10; { while {(count (waypoints _x)) > 0} do // delete all waypoints { deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _x) select 0); _count1 = _count1 + 1; }; _lzPad = str _lzPad + str _count2; _x addWaypoint [_lzPad,0,1]; // add lz waypoint [_x, 1] setWaypointType "MOVE"; // move to waypoint _count2 = _count2 + 1; sleep 5; _land = [_x] spawn _myLandSlick; // spawn landing function } foreach [_slkG1,_slkG2,_slkG3,_slkG4]; Regards,Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. scottb613

    Flow Control ?

    HI Folks, OK - thanks for the responses - let me play with this and I'll take a gander at that other editor as well... Much appreciated - gents... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. scottb613

    Flow Control ?

    Hi Grumpy, Thanks for the response... One bit of clarification ? If I understand it correctly - the first helicopter to be "alive" and "ready" will break the loop - thereby - issue land commands to every helicopter all at once - even those not ready ? From testing - it seems I should have each helicopter at its final waypoint location before issuing the land command to the respective helicopter ? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Mighty fine craftsmanship ! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. You guys rock is any understatement... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Great - had same issue - thanks folks! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Hi Spyder, Thanks for the response. I'll see if I can put this new information to good use tonight when I get a chance to try it. Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Hi Folks, I played with ORBAT a bit last night - the potential of this mod is fantastic... Thanks so much one and all !!! I figured out how to create new factions, new units, and new groups - the one piece I didn't seem to get is once you build a new faction - how do I get the groups I build into it... It seems when I have the new faction selected - I don't have any of the group/unit options available to add to said faction... I'm specifically working with Unsung Charlie - and on the faction screen - the only faction that appears to have units is the overall Unsung West (unsung_w) or something like that - which includes all western units - all the other smaller Unsung factions won't show any units... All the existing Unsung factions show "incompatible" status with ALiVE hence my need to build new ones... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. In game - just throw down a unit and the ORBAT module in a map and then preview the scenario - it will dump you right into the ORBAT interface... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Hi Egg, Thanks !!! Also - - - NEW - - - development release of ALiVE has a new tool - "ORBAT" for Order of Battle - you can create all your own groups and load outs right inside of ALiVE... Just downloaded and looking at it now... ALiVE ORBAT Wiki http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/ORBAT_Tool ALiVE - Development Build https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/releases/tag/v1.2.0.1608231 Regards, Scott
  20. Hi Folks, OMG - it sounds perfect... I'll have to give it a shot - I've got all the classnames for Unsung created in config files for DAC - it should allow me to modify for ALiVE pretty easily - looking forward to giving this a try... Thanks for the heads up ! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Hi Folks, While I am pretty familiar with the production ALiVE system - what's ORBAT - Order of Battle - I'm assuming - but what doe it do ? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Hi Egg, How does that WWII vintage grenade actually work ? Is there a charge in the chamber of the rifle that ignites the rocket or something ? Looks great... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Hi Folks, Just looking for some guidance - been working on an Unsung Air Cav assault for the past several weeks... I've read countless posts on how to do it - but - much of what is described doesn't really seem to work without some serious work around... Basic things - like if I place more than a single "move" waypoint in the helicopter path - the helicopter flies to the first move waypoint and hovers indefinitely... OK - so only use a single move waypoint - right - all well and good unless you're trying to avoid known air defenses... I seem to be able to add script at a waypoint - to tell the helicopter to fly to the next one - but - it seems as if a move waypoint should infer I want it to fly to the next one... On landings to insert troops - I've read and used the "transport unload" on the helicopter path synced to the troops "get out" waypoint - which gets the job done - but again - the helicopter refuses to depart the LZ and fly to the final RTB waypoint... If I kick it in the butt with a script to do it - it seems to work... Tons more of similar issues... Is this pretty much everyone's experience with AI helicopters - or is something messed up on my end ? It just seems really buggy... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Top of my list to download. Now - LOL... Thanks for the heads up folks. Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Hi Folks, Oh disregard - that only happens with a mission I built on the previous version - - - it works fine on a new mission... The M1 is FIXED - woohoo !!! Thanks !!! Regards, Scott