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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. Hi Woofer, Understand - thanks for the response - I'll keep an eye out for anything you release... Enjoy your vacation... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Hi Folks, Basic Question: Can I actually assign the position number to squad members in the editor ? F1, F2, F3, etc etc etc ? Regards, Scott
  3. I'll take a gander - thanks ! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Hi Woofer, What a superb bit of kit you've created... I've learned a ton about VA just looking at how you did it... Question - do role assignments work on AI 11-20 ? It doesn't seem like I can set a role to the higher numbers - probably due to the menu shift... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. scottb613

    Tanoa Trains

    Man - that was one of my favorite movies as a kid!!! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hi Folks, Been out of touch for a bit - THIS is what I've been waiting for - thanks so much for the work and effort !!! I'll try this on the weekend... Regards, Scott
  7. scottb613

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    Wow - that's no joke - seriously fine work... Regards, Scott
  8. scottb613

    Drop a Squad Member ?

    Hi Folks, Ahh - so it's not possible via the interface and we have to use work arounds... Thanks for the prompt answer... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. scottb613

    Drop a Squad Member ?

    Hi Folks, Re: Single Player Basic question - on occasion you have a squad member that becomes separated, incapacitated, or wounded and you can't find him - how do you drop him from your active team roster while in the game ? Thanks... Regards, Scott
  10. scottb613

    Arma 3 and 21:9 monitors ?

    Hi Folks, I've been in the market to upgrade my monitor - I've heard some good things about the 21:9 ultra wide monitors in other sims.... Any feedback in performance with Arma 3 ? I would think it might give you a more realistic sense of peripheral vision... Any thoughts welcome... Thanks... Regards, Scott
  11. Thanks for a the info - I'll take a gander - much appreciated gents... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Hi Folks, Yeah - always wondered why nobody ever tried to upgrade that little pop gun on the Shermans... I'm sure speed would suffer - the tankers triad... What was it - the "hellcat" that had no armor - could move exceptionally fast and had a really big gun ? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Superb job on the video - right up there with "Uncle Ho's" work on that Vietnam movie he made - which I consider one of the best I've seen... Thanks... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Hi... Hmm - definitely using Iron Front personnel during my M1 Garand testing - I'll try it again when I get some time - thanks for the response... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Hi Folks, Look'n Good... Question: can you script a dust off mission? Meaning - are the tools available to script AI to physically pick up the wounded from some consolidation point and load them into a medivac helicopter you are piloting after you land at some LZ ? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Hi Marcel, OK - thank you - best of luck when/if you do... :) Regards, Scott
  17. Hi Folks, If I recall correctly someone is working on the artillery module – if so I just like to offer a quick suggestion. I was playing around with the ALiVE artillery module over the weekend and I normally play in expert mode where troop positions are not displayed on the map. It would be very helpful if the Command Tablet would actually remember the last artillery shot made by the player - with a marker or something. This way we could shoot a ranging shot to make sure the shells are landing where we expect them to – before ordering a "fire for effect"... As it stands it's pretty difficult to find the same location your last shot landed on the tablet - especially when shells are landing danger close and someone is shooting at you. Anyway – just my two cents – please take it for what it's worth. Thanks for all you guys do. Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Hi Folks, Just curious – from the response I received above – is someone saying the plink sound when the clip ejects on the M1 garand actually works ? I played around with it a bunch – even reloaded Iron Front – and it's still missing for me... It did work on the last release. Thanks for all you guys do. Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Hi Folks, M1 Garand lost its "plink" again ? :( Regards, Scott
  20. Hi Folks, Can't thank you guys enough for what's obviously the countless hours you contribute to this - thanks one and all !!! Looking forward to trying the update... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Hi Hero, As always - thank you... Regards, Scott
  22. Hi Vasily, Perfect - thank you !!! Regards, Scott
  23. scottb613

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hi Folks, Just a heads up on something I noticed - seems to be a bit of a conflict with "ALiVE" - when using the "Player Transport Module" the helicopters really start behaving strangely and the "Command Tablet" becomes unresponsive... Thanks for all you guys do... Regards, Scott
  24. Hi Folks, Just a question on the "Player Logistics" module - requested vertical resupply with one RHS Ammo Crate - helicopter showed up - landed - and took off again before I could get to it (pretty close) - no Ammo Crate was left - what's the trick to get this to work ??? Thanks... Regards, Scott
  25. Hi Folks, Question - does ACE3 change the vanilla team control menus ? I can't seem to specify a "formation" or "combat mode" any longer... The key presses for 7 and 8 no longer bring up the menu... Thanks... Regards, Scott