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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. Hi Jaki, Thanks for the response - yeah - LOL - maybe just a lazy 3D modeler used on the TV show... Regards, Scott
  2. Hi Folks, Just a question on the historical use of Sherman's... I watched a documentary yesterday on US Tank Battles in the Pacific Theater and while CGI - they portrayed the Sherman's swimming in to land on the beaches (Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima, Okinawa) without any of the skirting we saw on the Normandy invasions - could the Sherman's swim without this skirting ??? Thanks... Regards, Scott
  3. scottb613

    Prei Khmaoch Luong

    Hi Folks, LOL - that's the problem when your develop - all your energy goes into your creation and you don't get to enjoy it - often... I haven't developed anything for Arma - but I've modeled in both Flight Sim and Train Sim - so I'm pretty familiar... @bludski - hope you make the time to enjoy your work as well... Can't wait to get home this weekend !!! And if you're unfamiliar - @HeroesandvillainsOS makes some of the best Alive missions for Arma that I've come across - looking forward to anything he does with this map as well... Regards, Scott
  4. scottb613

    Prei Khmaoch Luong

    Hi Hero, Thanks - I'll make a point of trying this over the weekend with this beautiful map... I'm strictly SP - and I can't use Arma without Alive... Regards, Scott
  5. Hi... Yeah - I believe previously the Military AI Commander would utilize aircraft spawned in for your faction - these new features are just developing the air warfare further - with plans to include new options and capabilities... I think the previous use was also just for CAS operations - I've never seen two planes dogfighting before... It sounds promising... Regards, Scott
  6. Hi Folks, For comparison - I'm running an older Sandy i2700K OC 4.7Ghz with 16GB RAM and a top end GTX 970 - I also use a few Samsung Evo SSD's - and my performance seems pretty good... Is your CPU OC capable - 3.4 Ghz seems relatively slow and CPU clock speed seems to give you the most bang for the buck... I run some reasonably sized Iron Front, Unsung, and RHS scenarios using Alive... Frame rates seem reasonable - I would think you should be able to exceed my performance with your setup... I'm actually getting better performance since I moved to the x64 executable... Regards, Scott
  7. Hi Marcel, Thanks so much - I'll definitely try it again and pay particular attention to the box type... Regards, Scott
  8. Hi Hero, I'm pretty sure it was the real crate - lol - but like anything else I could be mistaken... I'll try it again this weekend but I'm also pretty sure this has happened to me more than once... Do you think it would be different if I chose a different insertion method (helo or truck) - or it's just the logistic module relating to the RHS content in general ??? LOL - I hope it was that new Cambodian Map - it looks absolutely incredible - I won't get to try it until the weekend - but - WOW - seriously WOW... Regards, Scott
  9. Hi... Thanks for the response - yeah - I had used UNSUNG_E, UNSUNG_C before and they seem to work although I was hoping for a bit more granularity - also only one combatant side is represented... I'll check out Opendomes ORBAT factions - - - been a way for a while and didn't know if anything changed... Roger that - on the ammo crates... Appreciate the help - as always... Regards, Scott
  10. Hi Folks, Wow - this mod becomes more amazing every time I look at it... Superb effort guys - truly looking forward to trying the new features... Question: I see that some of the UNSUNG maps are indexed - were the UNSUNG factions ever officially added or do we need to use the ORBATS tool to create our own ? Question: (Player Logistics) - - - last weekend I was messing with an RHS scenario - requested a parachute drop of an "RHS Ammo Crate" - said crate was delivered but was empty... If I place the same crate manually it contains ammo... Anyone else see this issue ? Thanks !!! Regards, Scott
  11. scottb613

    Prei Khmaoch Luong

    Hi Folks, Oh - that looks absolutely fantastic - seems on par with Da Krong which is my gold standard for measuring all maps in SEA... Thanks for the effort and sharing - I'll be sure to take a look once I get some time... Regards, Scott
  12. Hi Folks, Huge fan of Voice Attack - don't know how you could play SP without it... Best $10.00 I've ever spent on a program... Use it as a virtual copilot in P3D as well... Woofer is the man for VA profiles - copied his examples to suit my own tastes - just about every squad command has associated voice command... Just watch his video - pretty impressive to me... He's shared his profiles as well... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. scottb613

    Malden 2035

    Hi Folks, It's just a map - all it would need is for someone to index it - right ? Regards, Scott
  14. Hi Folks, LOL - don't hold back - please - tell us how you really feel... Some superb work there on the models... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. scottb613

    [CO 22] Evolution Nam mission

    Hi Folks, OK great - yep U key works - great - thank you... HAH - and you've already answered my next question - I noted the "disabled" - I'll give that a shot as well... Appreciate the help... Regards, Scott
  16. scottb613

    [CO 22] Evolution Nam mission

    Hi Folks, I've tried the Evolution series a few time - I've read the manual on it - one issue that's probably obvious to everyone but me - how do I recruit AI to join my squad ? I see in the manual there should be a "T" menu option (I've tried "T" and "TAB") - it never seems to come up ? I am in a multiplayer LAN server session... Do I need to be in a specific location for this to work ? Thanks. Regards, Scott
  17. Hi Folks, I drift in and drift out - - - is the most recent method to address factions for Alive in Unsung ??? Thanks... Regards, Scott
  18. Hi Steve, Much obliged - sir... Regards, Scott
  19. Hi Folks, What's the trick to get your AI Squad to grab more ammo after they've expended a bunch ? Currently messing around with IF3 and I have a truck loaded with the correct ammo boxes... I can restock my ammo from the truck fine - but my squad seems to ignore it and I can't figure out any command to tell them to grab more ammo... Thanks... Regards, Scott
  20. scottb613

    How to get AI Squad to grab more ammo ?

    Hi... Thanks so much for the detailed write up - I've used Arma for a while and could never figure this out... I'll give it a try as soon as I am able... Again - much appreciated !!! Regards, Scott
  21. Hi Steve, Sorry - looking through the controls - I don't see one for Turret Control - which control should I be using to slew the turret ??? Thanks... Regards, Scott
  22. Hi Folks, I drift in and drift out around here - just loaded up the new IF stuff and WOW - you guys are fantastic !!! Love the new Greyhound... Question: is there a better way to slew turrets - a full sweep of my mouse pad only move the turret about 10 degrees or so... It's impossible to swing it on target... Question: Is there an airborne mission I can try and use as a model to figure out how to get the troops to drop in from the Dak via parachute ??? Question: Does the US mortar team work ? I can't seem to get them to shoot with either Alive or High Command... Thanks so much !!! Regards, Scott
  23. Hi... I don't think so - I have them downloaded though - are they required ? Easy enough to add to the mix... Any of the other CUP packages required ? Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Hi Folks, Been away for a bit - noticed IF has changed a great deal... Noticed and error on startup "missing CABuildings" - - - where do I get this ???Also noticed missing some textures on wood fences and buildings - I'm assuming this may fix it ??? Thanks. Regards, Scott
  25. The instruction is simply for those that do have monetized servers - free servers were not addressed in that statement - so I'm sure you can use it... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk