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Everything posted by arma131

  1. I don't know if you're still considering this, but I would really like to see Syndicate equipped with RHS weapons. The AK-12 seems unrealistic for them.
  2. arma131

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Can somebody tell me if RHS units are supposed to be using their RPGs against infantry and cars?
  3. Hi tpw, Unfortunately more undefined variable errors popped up: 17:29:34 Error in expression <-2.64746,0.184475],19.4736]]]; _items = _templates select floor random count _te> 17:29:34 Error position: <_templates select floor random count _te> 17:29:34 Error Undefined variable in expression: _templates 17:29:34 File TPW_MODS\tpw_furniture.sqf, line 122 17:29:34 Error in expression < _item enablesimulation false; } count _items; _bld setvariable ["tpw_spawned",> 17:29:34 Error position: <_items; _bld setvariable ["tpw_spawned",> 17:29:34 Error Undefined variable in expression: _items 17:29:34 File TPW_MODS\tpw_furniture.sqf, line 509 18:24:44 Error in expression <ount tpw_civ_houses))); _wppos = getpos _house; _wp =_sqname addWaypoint [_wppos> 18:24:44 Error position: <_house; _wp =_sqname addWaypoint [_wppos> 18:24:44 Error Undefined variable in expression: _house 18:24:44 File TPW_MODS\tpw_civs.sqf, line 196
  4. Hey tpw, I've been getting this error in my rpt with the latest version: 17:23:59 Error in expression <able ["tpw_crowd_dest",_dest]; }; if (_mov > 0 && {_vis ==0}) then { _civ setv> 17:23:59 Error position: <_mov > 0 && {_vis ==0}) then { _civ setv> 17:23:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: _mov 17:23:59 File TPW_MODS\tpw_crowd.sqf, line 299 Other than that, excellent work as usual.
  5. arma131

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    Honestly I would be overjoyed if they just fixed what has been already provided. Physx and AI predominantly. Any battle with AI tanks is a no go with them unable to drive or fight without ruining the player's immersion. There is no fun in watching AI tanks run over their own or having their vulnerable rear constantly exposed.
  6. Hey tpw, First of Ι'm grateful to you for making the sterile environment that BIS provided alive. Your mod is indispensable and highly appreciated. That said, I've a bug report. I see that you support Leight's Afghan civilians but you have the wrong classnames and the standard Altis civs get spawned instead. If memory serves they are LOP_Tak_Civ_man01/02/03 and 04. And a request: Is it possible to have spawned AI and cars run a user defined script upon their creation? It's a feature available in COS and DAC. In any case, keep up the good work. You're doing us a great service.