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Everything posted by lex__1

  1. TOP hundreds of changes in Arma3 feedback for the period from Sep 12 2016, 16:28 to Nov 29, 14:51 https://feedback.bistudio.com/dashboard/view/8/ Most of the tickets are closed because: - repeated - An unreasonable request - Unconfirmed request - Other reasons (use MOD or similar reasons) There are not more than ten tickets which admit mistakes and make corrections. Guess - Changes in Arma3 v1.66: - 95% of new sounds. - 3% correction of problems. - 2% of new problems (Traditional) BIS Thank you for your attention to requests for correction. Excuse my sarcasm. I do not understand your attitude to corrections.
  2. It is my comment from. The lack of informational content on feedback.bistudio.com is also not present the TOP of tickets (the hot ticket) https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121520#1535796
  3. lex__1

    UAV Discussion - Feedback

    I do not understand this bug is easy to appear on bespilotnike. I put two drone in the editor, and a detachment of the enemy. During the game in the editor, drone revolves around the point and can not take the appointed position. Is there no time to fix it? https://youtu.be/Vk_Rjf8liOA
  4. lex__1

    TAC-OPS DLC discussion (speculation and hopes)

    Someone check how it works on the carpet at home, or on the front lawn? That should cheer up your home or neighborhood. :D
  5. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    In the first seconds of video - axis offset ballistic computer AI, for an explosive charge HE, T-100 on. Centre sight arrow above the target. But AI is on target. Keeping sight position, your shot is off target. https://youtu.be/2SHxhEWiyQw How it works ? AI gunner is ballistic eyes on the target? In 99,9% AI arrow hits the target. tank gunner player has no ballistic correction optics, optical center does not match with ballistics barrel in most situations. The only factor drawing and the brightness of the green square to the target. Manual adjustment of shooting distance does not correct ballistics shot to the center of the sight optics. Correction takes place relative to the horizontal line of sight optics. When the tank is not smooth, with a slope of the hull to the left or right arrow frame optical sight and the commander will also have a slope. The reason for the absence of angular stabilization optics. tank gunner player has no reference points on the lens for precise shots are usually necessary to make a few shots, to their own adjustments. To speak in this case about the shooting at a moving target does not make sense. You do not have any reference points in the sight and ballistic capture no purpose. The tanks used games mesh sighting frame scopes modern tank with onboard ballistic computer, the capture and target tracking. Implemented all only arrow AI, no implementation for the player hand. Personnel at the end of the video clip show - The total lack of inclusion AUTO correction distance for a shot discontinuous in the infantry. Laser lights drone did not help to do it. AI view of an optical sight, relative to the point of impact https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83302
  6. lex__1

    Multiplayer FPS problems

    It doesn't solve all problems, but I received good result. Some decision: https://forums.bistu...back/?p=3077414
  7. hm... It is necessary to try this "D". On DEV of the version this ticket has been solved. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T118468
  8. lex__1

    Arma 3 - Feedback Tracker

    All categories have a wide range of tickets. At a stage of creation of the ticket it is possible to choose only category. There is no choice under categories. Each category has to open under category (if such exist). There is no combination of tickets around objects. All tickets created around one subject aren't considered together, it is difficult to reveal repetition option. If it is possible, to add the choice under categories.
  9. lex__1

    Malden DLC discussion

    And mission "Cleaning", "Demolition man", masterpieces.
  10. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    That that frightens me in DEV of the version. The turn of a tower of the tank provokes to twitch the case and to fail in soil. Mission \Demonstration \NATO There was no time to test more widely. https://youtu.be/RAzF2DVthuI
  11. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    Make an inscription on the tank bottom - "Excuse for the caused inconveniences. Thanks for purchase Tank DLC". Connected with this ticket https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82457 Politeness manifestation, not so irritates at this moment. ))) Good viewing https://youtu.be/6ppTyxQhb2s
  12. lex__1

    (Phabricator) Feedback Tracker Categories

    Excuse that I write to this subject. All categories have a wide range of tickets. At a stage of creation of the ticket it is possible to choose only category. There is no choice under categories. Each category has to open under category (if such exist). There is no combination of tickets around objects. All tickets created around one subject aren't considered together, it is difficult to reveal repetition option. If it is possible, to add the choice under categories.
  13. Article not about that to leave Arma or not. What effect of sales of DLC expects to receive BIS. I want to buy DLC too. But the product of questionable content, doesn't interest me. What I new will see in new TANKS DLC? They to fly also? Or even quicker? https://youtu.be/MlrZEIOQt7I I don't write the ticket, that at the tank the bottom isn't painted, it is so a shame when turns over upside down))) The structure of Feedback isn't capable to reduce questions one direction, questions around any subject. Today in a branch of development-branch-changelog it is possible to see decisions on tickets of 2013. Prospect of the decision of tickets for problems of new DLC 2017 approximately in 2020? Look at numbers of tickets - T119417. There likely there is more half-fault of tickets on productivities, memory errors, sudden crash of a game and others. Other half it was dissolved between and has the general broad categories: - UAV - what? - Vehicles - what? - Weapons - what? There is no general set of tickets to one task.
  14. Bipod is the primary tool for accurate shooting. Bipod reduces the effect of fatigue. Bipod does not work correctly, poor mating with the surface and there is no Bipod height adjustment. Bipod limits viewing angles. For me, Apex has died, from part of this problem. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82167 If this question in the ticket doesn't concern a question in video, tell, I will create other ticket. My look. Bipod should get control from the ADWS keys, to change the viewing angle, up / down and left / right. So far these actions unfasten a point of fastening of Bipod.
  15. Servers statistics: https://arma3.swec.se/server/list Write in Mission filter: Altis or Tanoa
  16. There is no speech about DLC suspensions. There is a doubt that mistakes old, new, duplicated will remain and will work at new DLC. As practice has shown, the solution of problems happens slowly. Considering these mistakes, new DLC can appear it isn't demanded. - Everything who has bought DLC Tanoa= ~ 1160? Them it is much bigger. Considering this experience, and in fact there is no difference old or new DLC will make former mistakes. I don't need the new tank which flies as former. The most part of offers on feedback look as a request, but there are offers on the verge of an elementary defect of elements. Why to me new content of DLC with elements of old defects. For this reason I want to draw attention to BIS to decisions on feedback. The problem of productivity of Arma3 remains for many unresolved. Here indicator of this problem: http://www.gametracker.com/search/arma2/?searchipp=50#search Or for these people of Arma3 it is simply unattractive? The golden mean has to be found. I know many people who, have thrown Arma3 owing to not solved problems from BIS, and I know that many wait for solutions of problems.
  17. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    DEV today. AUTO \ Self-directed charges or what is it? https://youtu.be/i7mlUwiduzE When the Demolition charge how to include AUTO? Or make pressing of the right button of a mouse included AUTO on any distance, and on any object.
  18. lex__1

    TAC-OPS DLC discussion (speculation and hopes)

    This video about too acute eyesight of AI. Very much there isn't enough possibility of Stels as it was in OFP. In bushes + weapon with the muffler, gave more chance to be unnoticed. https://youtu.be/Y6RUaPu7aNo
  19. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    In Arma3 the movement of a trunk and tower, as on old tanks. On the modern tank nobody twists a tower and trunk. All actions with a tower and a trunk are made by mechanics, automatic equipment and the onboard personal computer. The tipper-of-shooter, or the commander, fix the purpose in optics. The trunk and a tower go synchronously (not synchronously) to an optical look of the shooter (or the commander). The ballistic calculator adds adjustment relatively - weather conditions - movements own - movements of the purpose - distances to the purpose - like ammunition The commander from the optics can carry out capture and management of the main trunk. It happens seldom. Shooting accuracy from the tank vanishes. Did aiming on a reference point of the previous shot. The sight stood on "Auto". I don't know the reason of bad accuracy, desynchronization in the north or not horizontal position of the case of the tank at hill top. https://youtu.be/aW71VIcOarA Has understood in what a problem. Has reproduced a situation in the editor. When range of a shot costs in AUTO, it will work well distance more ~ 1600 meters. Distance closer ~ 1600 meters, it is necessary to switch off AUTO. AUTO not absolutely AUTO. How to include AUTO when there is nearby no opponent on whom it is possible to include it? Where this secret button? https://youtu.be/8RUAk_L3zSo Tried to resolve these issues, but my tickets beat are closed. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83302 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83874 The optical center of a look has to be the main weapon emplacement. Here doesn't matter at what distance from what party from a trunk, there is an optics. All calculations are made by the onboard personal computer, his task to put a bullet in the optical center of a look of the shooter.
  20. lex__1

    TAC-OPS DLC discussion (speculation and hopes)

    1. The corner of a look and well-aimed shot is limited. Often there are provisions, outside a possible shot. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121038 In position of a body lying, the head without problems looks forward, the corner between an axis of the head and a back isn't clamped in a neck. When or standing on a knee in all growth, the neck clamps a head look corner up. 2. Bipod has to help with exact firing. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82167 And he helps to include the Stels function. https://youtu.be/__nILLrpDcc
  21. Error of recalculation of groups in Arma3. A problem of system of recalculation Blocks creation of new group. The error of recalculation of groups in Dev is made. In Arma 3, after an error of creation of the 145th group. After this blocking, there is a problem with groups, with creation of new groups. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120533
  22. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    Before to Eliminate bad consequences https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120795 ))) Make them as tanks
  23. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    I would be grateful if the DLC will get something out of my view. Byl bych rád, kdyby DLC dostane něco z mého pohledu. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189468-feature-request-correction-of-a-sight-in-heavy-battle-tank/
  24. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120533 This problem is present at DEV of the version. Restriction "144" units regress in "0" units. In missions the system of emergence of free slots of groups breaks. It leads to a problem of dynamic groups. - All players, enter on the server, get into one group - There is no opportunity to operate the UAV (all UAVs out of group of fraction) - Emergence of units of protection according to the scenario breaks (units don't appear) https://youtu.be/v1iWzxIuONs
  25. lex__1

    Wrought iron bushes

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableCollisionWith I am not an administrator of the server, I no understand work of scripts, I don't know as to apply it to bushes and fences, on all island. In the editor and in a mission, the car breaks bushes and fences. Everything depends on collision speed. There is a balance of sensible representation of such collisions. On the server the mission gets a problem with balance of damage. On the server there is no balance, it is possible to break wheels and to receive damage to health, at a speed 10km \h. If to make that bushes were as the ghost, it isn't absolutely good