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Everything posted by stburr91

  1. You cannot change the color of the text if you are using "spawn BIS_fnc_showSubtitle". You can change the color of text using "titleText" as gc8 mentioned.
  2. stburr91

    Stoping a Say3d Loop

    Place a sphere on your generator, and remove the texture on the sphere so it isn't visible. Play your sound on the sphere instead of the generator. To end the sound loop, simply delete the sphere.
  3. Low power optics don't get "misaligned" unless you are moving quickly, or moving over rough terrain. Moving the entire upper body left, or right is the proper technique, and almost entirely eliminates any "misalignment" of the optic. While we're on the subject, why the heck do the sights/optics completely misalign while in a moving vehicle? That almost completes ruins shooting from vehicles.
  4. There are ways to script this, but why not just use the CAS module?
  5. I'm not a scripter, but something like this may work. You would need to decide what weapon you want to be the taser, and find the classname for it. I would suggest that you use the starter pistol for the taser, it looks like a gun, but cannot do damage. if (currentWeapon _shooter == "classname of taser here") then
  6. Just a heads up for anyone playing around with this concept. You cannot see the refraction effect through many of the optics, such as the RCO. Test it for yourself, look at the exhaust on a vehicle, you will see the refraction effect. Then look at it through the RCO 2x scope, the refraction effect is no longer visible.
  7. stburr91

    Tactical supply drop

    There's something weird with backpacks, you can't attach them to something.
  8. Interesting, I just attach a laser to the target, and it seems to work well, but I've only tested in singleplayer.
  9. So I've tried a number of times to create overlays for NVGs, or gas masks using cutRsc, but I can never get them configured correctly in the Description.ext file. Ok, I got this working thanks to KillZone Kid's blog post, and an example I found. Next I have to figure out the "keydown" displayAddEventHandler.
  10. stburr91

    Publishing a Campaign

    You can publish the campaign to Steam, and set it to private. Subscribe to it yourself, and test it to make sure it's working correctly. If everything works, then set the campaign to public. If you are asking how to properly configure a campaign, sorry, I don't know how to do that, I've never been able to find complete, and up to date documentation for that.
  11. stburr91

    3den Enhanced

    @R3vo Since you can disabled/enabled triggers using enableSimulation command, would you consider creating a check box option to enable/disable Simulation for triggers?
  12. I always wondered what Miller was up to when he would disappear during the campaign, or what kind of "Black Ops" he may have been involved in, so the idea of Ops with Miller was created. Ops with Miller is singleplayer project that (hopefully will be a 2-3 missions) follows the exploits of Captain Miller during the lead up to hostilities between the AAF, and NATO. The player will accompany Miller during his "Black Ops" missions on Altis/Stratis. This first mission is a two man CTRG sniper team mission. Captain Miller is your team leader as you infiltrate into Altis to eliminate a VIP. Ops with Miller Link to the mission https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2072030601 A two man CTRG sniper mission where Capt. Miller is your team leader. This is a scripted mission, follow Miller's orders as he leads you through AAF controlled territory to your sniping position to eliminate a VIP target. Situation A meeting between the AAF, and FIA is taking place tonight. A VIP will be at this meeting. You are tasked with eliminating the VIP. Infill will be a paradrop by Blackfish. Move undetected to your sniping position, eliminate the VIP, and exfill. Exfill will a water pick up by a Huron. SP Mission No Mods Required Mission Play Time is about 40-50 Minutes *NOTE* For best experience, follow Miller's orders, and move directly to waypoints when assigned to you.
  13. stburr91

    RELEASED: Ops with Miller

    Thanks, I'm glad to hear you liked it. Yes, CoD4 was some of the inspiration for the mission. As for "good scripting skill", well, I don't think I know what the heck I'm doing, LoL. Two, and a half years ago I knew absolutely nothing about scripting, so I guess I've come a long way. Heck, if I actually knew something about scripting, I could really make some cool missions. I'm working on a part 2 right now. It will be less scripted, giving the player tasks, and giving them more leeway to decide how to carry out said tasks. I'm still developing the mission, but there will likely be some stealth gameplay, but the mission will start off with plenty of action (gunfights) so there is some balance to the mission. Here's a pic from the mission. I know, it doesn't make any sense, what's with the stupid white textures, and funky white lasers? I promise there won't be cheesy white textures, and it will all make sense when the mission is released.
  14. stburr91


    Any plans to release these textures?
  15. stburr91

    Future plans to continue "The legacy"

    I don't know, maybe because ragdoll physics look terrible. I hated when that became the industry standard. Dead units folding in half, or knees bending backwards, very immersion breaking.
  16. stburr91

    Future plans to continue "The legacy"

    I'm sure about that, it's not going to happen. Arma 3's development is done other than small tweaks, and maintenance updates. BI isn't going to spend time, resources, and money to move a 7 year old game to a new engine. We can be pretty sure there won't be two different Arma 4 versions, one on PC that is like the current arma, and a simplified console version.
  17. stburr91

    Arma3 Videos

    From my latest mission, Ops with Miller Mission can be found here. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2072030601
  18. stburr91

    RELEASED: Ops with Miller

    Op was updated to include the Steam page link to the mission.
  19. stburr91

    RELEASED: Ops with Miller

    Glad to hear you enjoyed Dunes the Informant. This mission is a little different, it's more scripted. Your job in this mission is to follow Miller, and carry our his orders. There is stealth, sniping, and some fight your way through the enemy game play in this mission. Here's a pic of the meeting location where your target VIP will be meeting the FIA.
  20. Up coming mission, Ops with Miller Mission can be found here. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2072030601 Waiting to board the infill aircraft. No mods
  21. stburr91

    List of all hidden texture inits

    I can confirm, the rear, and side doors do open on the medical, and transport pods. Only the rear door/ramp opens on the Taru helicopters.
  22. stburr91

    Future plans to continue "The legacy"

    Can you provide a link to where this information was confirmed?
  23. stburr91

    Mission Presentation

    Yes, exporting a mission to singleplayer doesn't work properly. It has been this was from the beginning, so I can only assume that there is no intentions of fixing it.
  24. From my upcoming mission, Ops with Miller Me and Miller at our sniping position No Mods
  25. So I'm using cursortarget == vip1 in a trigger to detect when the player see the target in a sniper mission I'm working on. This trigger works, but since vip1 is a unit, and is over 1000 meters away, it seems to be a finicky. So I would like to use something larger. At first I thought the 200 CM sphere would be perfect, as it can made invisible, and not interfere with AI pathing. However, cursortarget doesn't seem to work with the sphere. Does anyone have any ideas for a larger target for cursortarget, that can be made invisible, and preferably not interfere with AI pathing?