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10 Good

About Gigatek

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  1. Wow well done. I will be trying this next month for sure. Once my marma subscription runs out. :) Another player validation parameter could be if the steam account isn't set up (If you haven't done this already). Those guys are always script kiddies.
  2. We are also getting tons of spam. Not much new with that but since 1.60 it causes our servers to freeze in time but remain looking full until we restart the server manually through RDP. During this time the OS is also very slow and drops connection in RDP. We get these ALOT Server: Object info 2:5771 not found. 21:00:50 Can't change owner from 0 to 2 Server: Object 364:6 not found (message Type_92) NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(1998848841): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled 23:58:08 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1408924851 (user) I'll pm our RPT files.
  3. Gigatek

    ArmA-Banlist (Community Banlist)

    What's wrong with Sa-Matra's ban list? I thought they were one of the most respected server community's running Arma 3 servers.
  4. Gigatek

    ArmA-Banlist (Community Banlist)

    Is the wasteland.arma.su ban list included? wasteland.arma.su/_wsbans/bans-a3-permanent.txt