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I do not know how there is no thread on this. Yes, I searched it. I just watched it. It is amazing! Unlike anything I have seen. All the scenes are just done so nicely. And Mr Nolan did it again! I'm going to watch it again because its too awesome, and he deserve my cash.

BTW, keep out the spoilers or spoiler tag it.

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I'm going to see it in one hour from now. To be honest I think it looks interesting, but I can't say I am excited to go see it. I don't know a lot about the movie and my expectations are not real high, so I may be surprised if it is as good as the movie critics and people are claiming. I hope it will be.

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I thought it was awesome. Very well done.

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Definitely among the best movies I have seen. I thought the cast was amazing, and the directing was top notch also.

Definitely a must see!

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Just saw it and it was a really, really good film. I liked the different layers. At the begining I thought "wow, this would have been cool in 3D" but I think my brain would have been overstrained with information...

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Amazing film. Utterly fantastic. Definately worth the cinema experience.

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Hate to be the buzz-killer but I thought it was a complete wash.

First off, the plot started out interesting but became more and more convoluted as the movie progressed -to the point of tedium. The effects were not impressive and felt very CGI-like, the action was not well shot as to have any idea whom is shooting at whom and why that I found myself utterly not caring and looking at my watch.

I always thought DiCaprio was a talented actor, mostly because of the epicness of "The Departed", but after seeing this its most apparent that he is a 2 note actor -angry looking, pseudo intense guy or angry looking trying to be dapper guy. He lacks that depth that makes me wonder what makes that character tick. The girl, flat out baby diaper awful. Really the only entertaining character in the whole film was Tom Hardy.

Shame really, normally I absolutely love any movie thats got "mind-bender, gotta see twice" written about it but this one just failed at every level imho.

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Two-note actor or not, Leonardo is one of the best in Hollywood, Shutter Island sealed the deal on it for me - Marvellous performance.

To get back to the topic, I love seeing films in which the director is realizing a "dream concept". Apparently Chris Nolan had been obsessed with this film for quite a while, struggling to make it happen - After having finalized it, he apparently said something along the lines that he has nothing to dream of any more... I hope that drive shines through in the film, I love it when Hollywood does something a bit different, or tries to at least.

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Ive been told to see this at the cinema, so..... i am going too :) sounds amazing

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Amazing film. I have to admit, about halfway through i started thinking about potential endings, and guessed correctly, but it's still a damn good film. Did you guys notice the music? Once you got into it you could listen to the music and know a good scene was coming up. :D

I still can't quite *oops, spoiler*

Warning - Spoiler to End All Spoilers

come to grips with the ending. He's dreaming? So what, it's a dream within a dream, that itself is a dream within a dream that's within a dream? Or did he just never come out from the twilight zone? Only (and even then just a tiny tiny bit) disappointing bit in the film for me.

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In response to DarkHorses' Spoiler

You can take it either way. He either is dreaming still or he isn't. You notice at the end that the top is wobbling a little bit and that makes me think that it might not be a dream. I was expecting his children to be older though which makes me kind of think it was a dream. I'm going with wasn't though.

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In response to DarkHorses' Spoiler

You can take it either way. He either is dreaming still or he isn't. You notice at the end that the top is wobbling a little bit and that makes me think that it might not be a dream. I was expecting his children to be older though which makes me kind of think it was a dream. I'm going with wasn't though.

Thats my guess as well. Its a bit bothering :D

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lol, you're not supposed to quote the spoiler. :p

I found myself grinning throughout most of this film, loved it.

Saw the ending coming though, knew there'd be some sort of edge to it after it all seemed to be going too well at the airport. IMO it leaves it open to the viewer as to whether it's still a dream - as Jakerod said it does seem to wobble for a second....

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Hate to be the buzz-killer but I thought it was a complete wash.

First off, the plot started out interesting but became more and more convoluted as the movie progressed -to the point of tedium. The effects were not impressive and felt very CGI-like, the action was not well shot as to have any idea whom is shooting at whom and why that I found myself utterly not caring and looking at my watch.

I always thought DiCaprio was a talented actor, mostly because of the epicness of "The Departed", but after seeing this its most apparent that he is a 2 note actor -angry looking, pseudo intense guy or angry looking trying to be dapper guy. He lacks that depth that makes me wonder what makes that character tick. The girl, flat out baby diaper awful. Really the only entertaining character in the whole film was Tom Hardy.

Shame really, normally I absolutely love any movie thats got "mind-bender, gotta see twice" written about it but this one just failed at every level imho.

Wait, so you just said that Cillian Murphy is a bad actor? And that Leonardo Dicaprio is a bad actor? And Ellen Page was awful?

And the plot was bad? And the CGI was poor?

I am starting to believe you didn't even watch the movie...

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Spoiler about the ending.

Because Mr Nolan is clever like that, he gives the audience thier own totem which allows you to tell whether it's a dream or not. It's not the spinning top. If you want to have fun trying to figure out what the totem is, don't click the spoiler within a spoiler.

Cobbs wedding ring. He always wears it in dreams. Never outside of. At the end, he's not wearing his wedding ring.

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I found the movie incredible, to be honest. DiCaprio and Murphy did awesome jobs as always, but the supporting cast was pretty damn good too. I quite liked Gordon-Levitt, and Page did a better job in this movie than she has in any other one of her's I've seen. The rest of the cast did a good job.

Aside from the actors, the plot was very interesting. At the start I was a bit confused about what was going on, but as it progressed and the idea of dreaming came into play, it all clicked, and continued to click until the end of the movie. The CGI was also jaw-dropping in points.

While not as good as The Dark Knight, in my opinion, Inception is definitely one of Nolan's best movies, and I'd recommend it to everyone.

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Spoiler about the ending.

Cobbs wedding ring. He always wears it in dreams. Never outside of. At the end, he's not wearing his wedding ring.

nice one, didnt see it but I guess you are right.

great movie! well worth a trip to the cinema. keeps you thinking :)

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Wait, so you just said that Cillian Murphy is a bad actor? And that Leonardo Dicaprio is a bad actor? And Ellen Page was awful?

And the plot was bad? And the CGI was poor?

I am starting to believe you didn't even watch the movie...

Your right, Cillian Murphy WAS good and is certainly a very good actor. I guess if you like DiCaprio's persona in general you will enjoy watching him perform, I find him stuck in gruff-mode and taking himself too seriously. And yes, Ellen Page was horribly miscast and if I ever see her again on screen it will be too soon.

As far as plot, like I said, it started off interesting and definitely deserves points for originality but ultimately, the stakes just weren't there. Why do I care if a businessman decides to forgo his fathers legacy so that another can thrive? Hardly life or death stuff here. Subplot involving DiCaprio's wife was a little more interesting, but he couldn't carry the emotions that he really really wanted to see his kids again ie... the "oh cool, my kids have turned around" moment at the end. I think I would have been a little more excited- but thats just me.

CGI was wholly unimpressive. When the girl folded the metropolis in half, and then proceeded to strut through her dream *sigh* I was hoping that mob grabbed her and just ended it. Walking on walls has been done since big-hair 80's rock videos and floating while fighting....too literal and lets just say that Ang Lee has done it bigger and better a long time ago.

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Well, he was excited enough to, for the first time in the movie, ignore the spinning top that he was up till that point obsessed with. It's meant to symbolise that, whether it was a dream or not, he didn't care; he had what he was after.

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Yes, story wise, it made sense. What I was discussing was the lead actor's lack of range in acting. You have a heavily weighted dramatic moment -your dream of getting your kids/wife/BFF back, your going to have a glow or disrupted breathing or at least something internal which shines forth...this guy had the reaction of "ooh, a ham sandwhich"

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Mhm today I got the feeling I had to watch this film a second time to understand everything... Thats rather unsual =)

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I watched this this weekend.

I wouldn't have gone and seen it my Mrs had asked me to.

Great cast, OK movie. Matrixesque and ultimately very forgetable.

She's not a native english speaker and the plot lost her, I had no trouble followng it, although I can see why she did.

I have to say I was mightly relieved when she chose that one, sitting through a Rom Com would have been a nightmare.

Edited by Baff1

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To everyone:

Its real. You see him wearing a ring in the dream, and he's not when he's out of it. And his children have different clothes.

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Interesting fact I saw the other day, not sure if it's been pointed out, or whether it was blatantly obvious to people more perceptive than I am -

The ominous, deep-pitched, slow music played at various points throughout the film is the introduction of the Edith Piaf song slowed down.

Edited by echo1

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