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Town generator

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The generator of Towns!!!

Just put the module somewhere on the map and there you have an instant town.

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Because it allows you to place a random city anywhere you want on any Island you want? What's not to like about that?

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Yep, it allows you to have more places for scenarios instead of using the default villages. (Which are not too numerous in Takistan)

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any problems, homie???

Please try to post in a more mature manner please.

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I would have thought the ability to generate a random town, with a dynamic AI battle in cooperation would end with some very intesting battles...

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Its very useful, the fact that one of the maps is a desert with nothing on it is kind of obvious that the Town Generator will come in use.

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Just tested it out and what a great module indeed!

Can place as many as you want! :)

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You can also use it to make cities bigger. Just see what you can do with Zagarbad:

Small (because let's face it, Zagarbad isn't too big ;) ) : http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Dougall_McAngus/zagarbadklein.jpg

Larger : http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Dougall_McAngus/zagarbadgroot.jpg

And I only used about 4 or 5 Town Generators for that. Imagine what you could do with 10 or 15!

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And I only used about 4 or 5 Town Generators for that. Imagine what you could do with 10 or 15!

Really long startup times? :p They do their job very well.

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You crazy man, I can't even run regular Zargabad that good let alone doubled in size....God I can't wait till my new PC next year haha.

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Its one of the best things to happen with Arma!

would you rather like an island tour module? :p


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is it possible to place enemys by accident in these citys

Only your own fantasy limits you in what you can do by accident.

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My town is bigger than yours (this is one town generator)!

I'm in the middle of it: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5936545/OA/towngenfun.jpg

5000m radius, 2000 houses.

Also, good reference info: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Town_Generator

OK, so how did you do that? Because I tried those variables (townsize and housecount) in the init line and my town was TINY. :confused:

That picture is pretty sweet. A large city, at last! :D

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I just put this in the init line (if I remember correctly):

this setvariable ["townsize",5000]; this setvariable ["housecount",2000];

It took my poor i5 750 @3Ghz around 10 minutes or so to finish generating/loading all the houses. It was generating while I was flying around ingame.

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How many towns does the module make?

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How many towns does the module make?

1 town per module placed, each can be varied in size and such.

I reckon it should probably be used sparingly though, it does take time for the module to load. But it's probably good for some close quarters type pvp or if you need 2 warring towns or so.

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