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RKSL - RAF Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 Released!

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Surely the ones he's already done are good enough?

What ones? I'm talking about the OPFOR version here, he's yet to release screenshots of them.

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Oh, didn't see those. Those are perfect, got the Aggressor Squadron style paintscheme and everything. Time for an ArmA II version of Red Flag I think. :D

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I was reading the terms of use for this addon, and I got the impression that you didn't want people making missions for armaholic with it? Is this right?

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I was reading the terms of use for this addon, and I got the impression that you didn't want people making missions for armaholic with it? Is this right?

What gave you that impression?

I dont want people ripping it apart and editing the addon but it was released so people could use it in missions.

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Terms and conditions look fine by me - very clear in fact. The main bits are nothing will be done with regard to ACE and no one is allowed to hack it.

It's a beautiful product, RKSL. Thanks for making this for us to enjoy.

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THIS IS ACE STUFF (nooooo not ACE as in ACE but as in i shot down 5 enemy aircraft with one of these without a sweat, ok ok just a little bit of sweat then)

although i do get an error when i load it :

RKSL\RKSL-SYSTEM\S\addons\RKSLtyphoon_system.sqf not found   


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THIS IS ACE STUFF (nooooo not ACE as in ACE but as in i shot down 5 enemy aircraft with one of these without a sweat, ok ok just a little bit of sweat then)

although i do get an error when i load it :

RKSL\RKSL-SYSTEM\S\addons\RKSLtyphoon_system.sqf not found   


You haven't installed the required addons have you. You need v2.03 of the Core system and flares. See the first post.

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You haven't installed the required addons have you. You need v2.03 of the Core system and flares. See the first post.

yes i did !!! :P

i downloaded all the needed stuf in one haul and installed all of them (although now you are saying what i was thinking at first i better check again to see if i didn't miss anything)

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yes i did !!! :P

i downloaded all the needed stuf in one haul and installed all of them (although now you are saying what i was thinking at first i better check again to see if i didn't miss anything)

Well that error is only possible if:

  • RKSL-System.pbo is missing.
  • RKSL-System.pbo is an earlier version.

So its got to be missing or you have an out of date version somewhere in your addon tree. Try downloading the addons form the RKSL site.

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Well that error is only possible if:

  • RKSL-System.pbo is missing.
  • RKSL-System.pbo is an earlier version.

So its got to be missing or you have an out of date version somewhere in your addon tree. Try downloading the addons form the RKSL site.

sorry to have bothered you but i seem to have forgotten i also had a RKSL mod folder i copied the files in my misc folder and yes offcourse you get conflicts that way :P

so again this is awsome stuff

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BUMP is only here for what i found.

I was testing the new mana island with the typhoon and as it hit the 1400+speeds something weird happened, the plane flipped out did a 360 backflip on a pinhead, and recovered its flight at 200+

heres the video in the description, I have pointed out where the freak occurence happened. Played with this quite alot over the last few days and its the only time its happened.

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BUMP is only here for what i found.

I was testing the new mana island with the typhoon and as it hit the 1400+speeds something weird happened, the plane flipped out did a 360 backflip on a pinhead, and recovered its flight at 200+

heres the video in the description, I have pointed out where the freak occurence happened. Played with this quite alot over the last few days and its the only time its happened.

LOL i've never had that before unless i hit something at low(ish) speed. You can get 1850kph in a dive with after burner but i've never had it flip like that video. I'd put it down to a engine quirk.

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Well they have said the eurofighter can pull stunts that no other fighter can... lets call this a feature for those air combat situations ;).

How is the update coming Rock? I'm looking forward to it!

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Well they have said the eurofighter can pull stunts that no other fighter can... lets call this a feature for those air combat situations ;).

How is the update coming Rock? I'm looking forward to it!

Slowly, I keep getting sent away to make some money. The way things are for me right now its going to be christmas. :mad: I'm running all over the world atm with virtually no free time.

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Its only something ive been able to do with an F-22 Raptor on H-A-W-X, was gobsmacked when it happened as all i was doing was flying in a straightline at full speed, who knows i might of hit a bird :D

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Ha, tactical bird-strike :D Useful for shaking enemies off your tail.

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LOL i've never had that before unless i hit something at low(ish) speed. You can get 1850kph in a dive with after burner but i've never had it flip like that video. I'd put it down to a engine quirk.

Well after seeing your post I wanted to get to those speeds :) I found that going straight up with afterburner on got me roughly 1900kph, now the interesting part going roughly at a 45degree angle towards the ground, upside down :D (plane was unable to move at 20k+ altitude's) with afterburner off I was able to get to 2423kph, as soon as I put the afterburner on..... the speeds dramatically decreased.

Uploading a video now to show you all :)

---------- Post added at 20:33 ---------- Previous post was at 20:22 ----------

And here it is.

Edited by VIPER[CWW]

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Sorry If I kinda dig this thread up

Just wanted to say you guys at RKSL did an outstanding work. I was really not a fan of the Eurofighter but since I've tried yours I just love it.

Since Mandoble update his mma this plane is just a must have, definitely one of my favorite adddon released so far.

I hope I'll soon have more time to do a nice dedicated video for this beauty but so far that's all I got :


Thanks a lot for your hard work,

Keep it up :)

oh and Happy New Year

Edited by Macadam Cow

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Is there a way to make the AI takeoff with afterburner?

this action ["AfterBurner On", vehicle this];

When speed goes over 15?

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Hi all, sorry for the question, but the server key link is down. Can someone upload again? so i can try this good work.

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