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[CO] ANZINS Upgrades

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I think I've found a bug.

To check it quickly place the russian MVD commander - you will get a error connected to a missing entry of a CQB variable for the weapon "AK107 GL PSO".

When I remove weapons.pbo and weapons_x.pbo this doesn't happen.

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Didn't happen for me but maybe try THIS and let me know if it goes away.

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Yep the bug seems to have went away.

Can't access the alternative aiming viewpoint though (like ironsights) provided there should be one of course.

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I am tinkering with something for this package but it's not that M4. There's no holosight in the ArmA Sample Models release so I'd need to beg, borrow or steal one from elsewhere. I think the OA one (which is superior) was made by a community member but I don't know if he'd be allowed or inclined to permit its use. Failing that it's a Counter-Strike item but there's still permissions that would need to be sought. Would be nice to have a pimped M4 though, what about with Aimpoint instead?

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Original AA2 M4 models with aimpoints have no flashlights as a part of their model as far as I remember, only M4 holos with and without 203s. But hey original AA2 weapons need some more OA stuff like aforementioned flashlights so why not try?

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Well I can soon put an Aimpoint on the M4 w. Flashlight or vice-versa.

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You can I guess. Although I would've wished this mod stayed within borders of updating AA2 content to OA standards.

BTW can you change NVG optics from binocular (as they seem to use the same "form" as generic binoculars) to some more monocular ones or at least default? Anzins seems to modify this aspect.

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How can I stop the NVG change in 1.4 from overriding my preferred NVG mod?. I've set this mod as a low priority but it still takes control.

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I think I prefer the TrueUser one now too, I'll post an update with the change removed in the next day or two.

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Awesome thanx Defunkt, the TrueMods version is the one I want also.

Edited by Trauma.au

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TGW zeroing ANZINS mod is conflicting with v1.5.2.

I get the following error msg;

No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/m8_conpact/OpticsModes/Scope.opticsZoomMin'.

It also applies to the M8 + M203 but not the M8 CQC. If I try to swap to the scope using these weapons I get a pale blue screen, also the stock M8 only has the zoomed scope sight which gives the pale blue screen.

Unrelated to the above, the AK107 has no CQC sight option.

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AK107 MLODS aren't released so I can't add a secondary sight for the original model. Vilas does have some excellent AK107's (plus PKP etc) and I plan to ask him for permission to use his instead but have been knee-deep in other projects.

I'm afraid you'll have to speak to TGW about the other, this mod no longer alters the M8 (in hindsight what I was doing made no sense and became redundant with 1.56 or 1.57).

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TGW zeroing ANZINS mod is conflicting with v1.5.2.

I get the following error msg;

No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/m8_conpact/OpticsModes/Scope.opticsZoomMin'.

It also applies to the M8 + M203 but not the M8 CQC. If I try to swap to the scope using these weapons I get a pale blue screen, also the stock M8 only has the zoomed scope sight which gives the pale blue screen.


Trauma: find the TGW Zeroing thread on here; Xeno426 may be able to find a solution for you.

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I was going to post there also but i thought I would leave it for now as Defunkt may have a simple fix for it.

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Hullo. No news on the weapons front (not entirely for want of trying) but I thought I'd post this facelift I made for the BIS Javelin CLU. No change to functionality, just visuals, adds one more working lamp to show when the launcher is empty. Download from Mediafire.


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great addon, thanks, do you think add lamptorch on weapon one day, because nothing (little) mod do that, it will be great.

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I really want to try this mod but at the moment I'm stuck with the following error message everytime that i load a mission:

No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Ak_17_GL_GL_pso/OpticsModes/Scope.opticsZoomMin'

Any idea why this is occuring?

And how to solve it?

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As I've not seen or heard of it I can only assume there's a conflict with another addon which you might be able to fix by changing the load order (as dictated by the order in the -mod parameter value). First you'd have to identify the other addon by trial and error.

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Upon first seeing this mod, I thought that it would be the ideal solution to what I've been hoping for since I first purchased ArmA 2 a month ago: using the built-in ironsights attached to aiming aides that supply magnification.

I've just finished trying this mod out with it being the most dominant, to the least dominant mod. While I am able to use the build-in ironsights on the MK17, I have yet to be able to peer through the MK17's glass. I've read through the supplied Read Me for v.1.5, but have yet to see any indication that whether there's a key combination to make this work.

Is there?

With my first pressing of the R mouse button, the built-in ironsight is brought ahead of me, and when I hold it down to apply the controlled breathing, the view zooms in. All of this is standard fair for when using regular ironsights, but I just can't seem to figure out how to peer through ACOG's scope.

Any advice on what I'm missing? Are there certain mods that are well known to conflict with it no matter what its placement is while using the ArmA 2 Launcher? Or...?

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The only thing this mod does to the Mk17's (and only optionally provided you leave weapons_x.pbo in place) is reverse the order of the normal and CQB sighting modes. If with this installed you're only getting ironsights (and presumably without it you only get the optic) it sounds to me as though you haven't found or bound a key for Optics Mode. With or without this mod that's the bind you use to switch between, well... optics modes.

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that's the bind you use to switch between, well... optics modes.

And that sir, was the CORRECT answer! Thanks, what a HUGE improvement that made. ArmA II now seems like a whole new entity.

This mod really is enormously important. The only advice I have at this time is to keep on adding as many weapons as possible to it.

Thanks again!

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