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Anyone willing to trade me their ArmA 2 ?

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Hey guys.So here's my story.I first started off playing OFP with a friend of mine and from that game,I had probably the best multiplayer experience ever.After the release of ArmA 1,I managed to buy it also and continued playing online (even joined a clan for more than two years :) ).I have amazing memories from this game and I still play it from time to time.After the release of ArmA 2 though,it wasn't available in my country.I was searching for it everywhere,even wrote on some of our forums for someone to get it for me from another country and I would pay him.But no luck.Now I saw on one of our online-shopping sites, Operation Arrowhead available for preorders!!I was extremely happy and preordered it instantaneously :) I asked the lady that called on the phone,and on their forums also,is there a way I can buy ArmA 2 also,but they told me they don't have it and have no news about that product..I am happy about Operation Arrowhead,but I still want to play the vanilla ArmA 2.I thought about buying it online,but I don't have a credit card so I can't.

So,my question is,if someone out there,who has two copies of ArmA 2 and doesn't need one of them,please send me a message.I can trade you a CD key for these games (legit of course) :

ArmA 1

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

I know it's not much,but if someone has two copies and one of them is just collecting dust,maybe you can help me out and you shall see me many times on the online battlefield.Thank you.

Edited by Tzvetoslav

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No way that someone on this forums is going to give away his beloved Arma 2. Why don´t you just order it on the Internet and pay when it arrives? Amazon for example? In which country do you live?

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No way that someone on this forums is going to give away his beloved Arma 2. Why don´t you just order it on the Internet and pay when it arrives? Amazon for example? In which country do you live?

I don't want someone to give me his game,I'm just asking if someone has 2 games and if maybe he doesn't need one of them or wishes to trade it to me :rolleyes: .I tried ordering from amazon,but it still requires a credit/debit card..Trust me,I've searched a lot about this game.These forums are my last hope.I hope I don't sound like a douchebag.

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I haved the same problem only with Arrowhead. Try getting it on Sprocket or Steam.

It still requires a credit/debit card..But really,there's no problem.I just wanted to give it a last try.I'll keep asking about it in our stores.Hope dies last you know :) Admins/Mods can delete the thread.

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what country that does not have Arma2 released ?

where do you live ?

and is it not possible to order and pay to postman when letter arrives ?

i know that if you are not older than 18 it is impossible in some countries to have bank account (and pay) or paying abroad is very expensive (in my country such cost of payment is 13 euro (50 ZÅ‚otys) , even if you buy CD for 5 euro from other country, so when i was buying music in Germany or Netherland, i put 10 euro to letter and they send me back CD, other wise i would have to pay 100 PLN ca. 25 EU/ 33 USD (more than whole day salary) to bank for transiting 7-8 or 10 EU :( )

so i understand your problem with goddamn banks

but i bought from Germany and Netherland stores some CD with music and there was never problem with sending them 10 euro bill in letter

they said that people from east europe buying this such way, cause they know our greed banks

i was sending email "sir, i wanna buy this record, can i pay in post or send you money in letter"

answer was "send me letter with 10 EU inside" and i received music CD from them :)

if you are under 18 and not have "full time job" bank may not give you have account - i know it :/

Edited by vilas

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Perhaps you could use Paypal, which goes directly into your bank account and does not require a creditcard? Most websites accept this form of payment, including Steam.

I think most people are being very cautious about trading stuff for the fear of being scammed, so i wouldnt hold my breath for that to happen. (not saying anything about you obviously, but there are surely enough shady figures on the internet)

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on Polish website there is info that Paypal requires credit card (i also don't have "credit card" but only "bank account" to avoid any debts, i have only "pay card", not "credit card" which is required - as told on Polish paypal "PayPal umożliwi Ci płacenie za zakupy kartą kredytową bez ujawniania Twoich informacji finansowych innym" or "register and" "Załóż konto bez żadnych opłat i dodaj do niego swoją kartę kredytową." )

Polish website informs that Paypal is "hiding your card personal data details" to avoid internet hacking thieves

i don't know how it function

but what is cost of trade for example 9 EURO abroad ?

cause using for example Polish banks : for transit of 8 or 9 EURO you will pay 12 Euro (50 złotych)

i advice him do as i do : send money in letter (after e-mail) and pay cash by letter

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on Polish website there is info that Paypal requires credit card (i also don't have "credit card" but only "bank account" to avoid any debts, i have only "pay card", not "credit card" which is required - as told on Polish paypal "PayPal umożliwi Ci płacenie za zakupy kartą kredytową bez ujawniania Twoich informacji finansowych innym" or "register and" "Załóż konto bez żadnych opłat i dodaj do niego swoją kartę kredytową." )

Polish website informs that Paypal is "hiding your card personal data details" to avoid internet hacking thieves

i don't know how it function

but what is cost of trade for example 9 EURO abroad ?

cause using for example Polish banks : for transit of 8 or 9 EURO you will pay 12 Euro (50 złotych)

i advice him do as i do : send money in letter (after e-mail) and pay cash by letter

You didnt read all. Credit card is preferred but not necessary you can verify you paypal account by bank account number as well. So no credit card (regular VISA to be exact) required at all, because you can transfer money from your banking account (even from non-regular visa) to your paypal account easily (payouts and deposits). I know in Poland sucks because regular Visa's are only recognized as a credit cards :/.

For example in England you get regular VISA with a debit card which is awesome. Paypay is the best shopping, betting, gambling and so on :)

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okay, but first of all topic starter should say what country is he from

and what "cost for transfer" does he have

cause in my case best way was shoping by "bill in letter" :) and such way i bought some CD music from German or Netherland on-line shops including very rare metal CDs never printed in Poland (only on MC casette ) and i was surprised by speed of west-Europe post which was 2 days (from country to PL), while in our country sometimes 5 days from town to town :]

i am thinking about such way of buying OA :]

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what country that does not have Arma2 released ?

where do you live ?

and is it not possible to order and pay to postman when letter arrives ?

i know that if you are not older than 18 it is impossible in some countries to have bank account (and pay) or paying abroad is very expensive (in my country such cost of payment is 13 euro (50 ZÅ‚otys) , even if you buy CD for 5 euro from other country, so when i was buying music in Germany or Netherland, i put 10 euro to letter and they send me back CD, other wise i would have to pay 100 PLN ca. 25 EU/ 33 USD (more than whole day salary) to bank for transiting 7-8 or 10 EU :( )

so i understand your problem with goddamn banks

but i bought from Germany and Netherland stores some CD with music and there was never problem with sending them 10 euro bill in letter

they said that people from east europe buying this such way, cause they know our greed banks

i was sending email "sir, i wanna buy this record, can i pay in post or send you money in letter"

answer was "send me letter with 10 EU inside" and i received music CD from them :)

if you are under 18 and not have "full time job" bank may not give you have account - i know it :/

I'm from Bulgaria.And "pay the postman after delivery" is a payment method we use the most around here.That's my problem.I think my best bet would be to try sending the money with a letter as you said :) I'll have a look on ebay/amazon and give it a try :rolleyes:

And thanks to all of you guys for your help ;)

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Some E-bay (not all!) sellers usually accept cash filled envelope but there is no guarantee of safe delivery. Professional sellers like Steam or Amazon will turn down this method of payment.

Well, someone can take your money and mail it to you like - dude, I'm still waiting for the cash. This happened to me twice before I've started using paypal :/ Either I was tricked or money never reached my seller.

Western Union money transfer is an option too. I used WU once, was OK but commisions for sum 0-100$ are high (~15$ extra). Nevertheless this method is reliable and available in almost every bank.

Letter with cash, Credit Card, Western Union, Paypal or Moneybookers - I think that's all when it comes to paying for stuff purchased online.

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problem is in cost of transfer, from our east-Europe point of view 15-20 USD for transfer is big money (if you earn 600 USD for example and pay 200 for flat) cause for such money you have another game :P

cost of Arma in PL is ca. 60-70 zloty - 14 EU/20 USD

paying another 20 for transfer, while dinner in restaurant cost me 5-7 ??? it is 3-4 dinners (spagetti, kotlet mielony with potatos or pizza) and giving it to greed banks which made crisis ? never :D

if bank was taking 2-5 euro/US - okay, but not 15-20 :(

from Bulgaria? how much does your bank want for money transfer abroad ??

or maybe post office payment will be good (if send by envelope , than cost of letter is maybe 2 EU, so it is cheap for sending envelope through countries)

but it is good that your problem will be solved

Arma2 is worth effort to get it

buy it together with OA

Edited by vilas

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problem is in cost of transfer, from our east-Europe point of view 15-20 USD for transfer is big money (if you earn 600 USD for example and pay 200 for flat) cause for such money you have another game :P

cost of Arma in PL is ca. 60-70 zloty - 14 EU/20 USD

paying another 20 for transfer, while dinner in restaurant cost me 5-7 ??? it is 3-4 dinners (spagetti, kotlet mielony with potatos or pizza) and giving it to greed banks which made crisis ? never

if bank was taking 2-5 euro/US - okay, but not 15-20

With paypal you dont have to worry about massive charges. For example you deposit 100 PLN and then you buy something in Germany for 15Eu. Paypal automatically changes your PLN's into Euro's, so PLN -> EURO on paypal is like buying EURO's for PLN in you local money money exchange aka 'kantor wymiany walut' in Polish ;)

That's why I quit using banks and WU for abroad money transfers. It's too expensive.

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problem is in cost of transfer, from our east-Europe point of view 15-20 USD for transfer is big money (if you earn 600 USD for example and pay 200 for flat) cause for such money you have another game :P

cost of Arma in PL is ca. 60-70 zloty - 14 EU/20 USD

paying another 20 for transfer, while dinner in restaurant cost me 5-7 ??? it is 3-4 dinners (spagetti, kotlet mielony with potatos or pizza) and giving it to greed banks which made crisis ? never :D

if bank was taking 2-5 euro/US - okay, but not 15-20 :(

from Bulgaria? how much does your bank want for money transfer abroad ??

or maybe post office payment will be good (if send by envelope , than cost of letter is maybe 2 EU, so it is cheap for sending envelope through countries)

but it is good that your problem will be solved

Arma2 is worth effort to get it

buy it together with OA

Hehe,you're absolutely right :D As I said in first post,I managed to preorder OA (still waiting for it to arrive),so that just leaves me searching for the vanilla ArmA 2.I found some guy that sells CD-keys and they say he's legit,but it's kind of a gamble you know.He's from my country,but he wants me to pay him via credid card (online).I'll ask him if there's a chance to pay after delivery.I also made a thread on a buy/sell forum that I'm buying this game,but I doubt that I'll get any response.

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if i knew that post is safety i would myself send you Arma from shop (69 PLN = ) by envelope, but i don't know how it is safe


EUR 4,15 PLN

+ 7 PLN for stamp and 2 PLN envelope would give total cost 80 PLN (20 EU/ 24 USD)

but it is Polish language, so it is useless for You , Polish edition do not have English language as i remember (thats why we have delayed AO here)

Arma2 is worth to get it, island is super, vehicles are super, all is super

BIS made awsome job

i wish you luck with buy, cause it is worth buying (and in my addons you have Bulgarian AK47 in black plastic, hehehehehe )

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if i knew that post is safety i would myself send you Arma from shop (69 PLN = ) by envelope, but i don't know how it is safe


EUR 4,15 PLN

+ 7 PLN for stamp and 2 PLN envelope would give total cost 80 PLN (20 EU/ 24 USD)

but it is Polish language, so it is useless for You , Polish edition do not have English language as i remember (thats why we have delayed AO here)

Arma2 is worth to get it, island is super, vehicles are super, all is super

BIS made awsome job

i wish you luck with buy, cause it is worth buying (and in my addons you have Bulgarian AK47 in black plastic, hehehehehe )

Niice :) We have good AK's :D Anyway,thank you very much man,for all the help.I really appreciate it.

P.S. And I hope I'll see you soon in the game,hehe

Edited by Tzvetoslav

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Distribution unfortunately has always been absolutely hopeless from ArmA up till OA it has got worse with every release.

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CD-Key resellers are almost never legit: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=93566

How good is your internet? Is it up to getting a digital version of A2?

It is,but as far as I know the digital version distributors require an online payment via credit/debit card :confused_o: Is there some way I can pay not online?Or can you check if the guy selling the keys or the key itself is legit,or I'll just have to find out :j: ..?Thanks.

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I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll arrange either a boxed A2 or Sprocket A2 for you and as payment you can make a donation to http://bulgariadogs.webs.com/ which is an excellent cause as I know there's a problem with stray cats/dogs in Bulgaria and they don't get treated particularly well, I don't have a spare A2 myself as I gave my "employee" copy to my nephews, but I'll try to get one sent directly from a BIS colleague, or alternatively get a Sprocket A2 bought then we'll work out how much you shall donate to the poor dogs of Bulgaria (I saw on their website you can donate via your bank), how does that sound? :)

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Distribution unfortunately has always been absolutely hopeless from ArmA up till OA it has got worse with every release.

yes, more countries need Arma2 and more countries armies national addons variety is what we need :)

thanx Placebo for helping man

shame that not all countries have Arma2 in stores , even in Europe

hope to see more of them presented by addonmakers :]

Benjing to amsterdam

berlin to buenos aires

sydney to l.a.

rio to

stockholm to athena

dublin to gutaemala

london to brazilia

madrid to philladeplphia

paris to san franscisco

detroit to warsaawa

moskau to mexico

oslo to new deli

helsinki to new orleans

vienne to ankara

roma to lisboa

on earth we are all...

playing Arma2 :D

parafrased Samael :D

new york to tokyo

melbourne to budapest

prag to dschaipur

shanghai to montreal

voncouver to singapur

sophia to johannesburg

hong kong to st petersburg

now Sofia will be in this list :D

Edited by vilas

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I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll arrange either a boxed A2 or Sprocket A2 for you and as payment you can make a donation to http://bulgariadogs.webs.com/ which is an excellent cause as I know there's a problem with stray cats/dogs in Bulgaria and they don't get treated particularly well, I don't have a spare A2 myself as I gave my "employee" copy to my nephews, but I'll try to get one sent directly from a BIS colleague, or alternatively get a Sprocket A2 bought then we'll work out how much you shall donate to the poor dogs of Bulgaria (I saw on their website you can donate via your bank), how does that sound? :)

That sounds..unexplainable.I have to say,I've always believed that there are good people on this planet and I'll keep believing in that.For you choosing such a truly great cause,to help the animals in our country and an unknown stranger like me,you sir have my utmost respect!

P.S. I just saw the site and the address.It's in my hometown,so I can even go there and pay them personally :)

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P.S. I just saw the site and the address.It's in my hometown,so I can even go there and pay them personally :)

Perfect, I'm sure you can forgive me for requesting that you receive some kind of receipt for your donation? Which we can post here and show the world something good was done for the helpless animals for only the price of a computer game :)

Obviously no need to do anything yet, next step is for me to arrange a version of the game for you, TBH I think Sprocket is best because then we avoid postal costs, is that fine with you? :)

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