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Just a quick one, I have 4 objectives, 2 created at the start and 2 created during mission. Everything is fine during coop mission on a dedicated server, ie objs added and updated correctly, also after respawn everything is fine, the problem is when you JIP into the server, i (this was near the end of the mission) get 4 objectives (correct) and obj4 is currenttask(correct), the problem is obj 1,2,3 are not marked as complete on client JIP machine. All my setting of task complete done through triggers.

Anything i should do for JIP players?



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So, tasks get added, but states are not correct?

I shall investigate.

---------- Post added at 04:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 PM ----------



Fixed: Change in v0.29 broke task state update for JIPs. States were being overwritten (reseted) by setcurrenttask command.

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Worked like a charm.

Just another note, i get this error in the rpt file when testing my latest mission,

Error in expression <erpos _dest) };

case "ARRAY": { _handle setsimpletaskdestination _dest };



Error position: <setsimpletaskdestination _dest };



Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected

May be something im doing wrong, but i only use your script in this mission, and dont call 'setsimpletaskdestination '



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I'm sure I fixed that already. Are you still getting that with this?

How are you adding tasks/what does your task array look like?

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Let say for the first task there is 2 or more items to destroy. Is it possible to create a marker over each object for that task?

Also if I wanted to create grayed area say 2km dia. Would that be possible with the way the scripting is? Sorry still still learning the taskmaster and by the way great work its gonna be very hand for me and my squad.

Edited by Krazy1976

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Version 0.32

Added: Now it's possible to define multiple markers for a task.



The area marker you will have to do yourself. This script was made to handle tasks, not markers. ;)

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I'm sure I fixed that already. Are you still getting that with this?

How are you adding tasks/what does your task array look like?

My bad, I had only updated my other mission with the latest script, the one im still making which was giving the error was still using 0.29.




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Thanks as far as I see it works great. Sorry I have one more question. what I'm trying to figure out is with taskmaster is there a command that I can use to check which task is active so that I can call a script when task 1 is active then when task 2 and so on that I have that will create some units and such. This script will be used for various tasks plus I have specific markers that will be created which it uses. This way I can reduce the number of triggers and markers placed directly in the editor.

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"TaskName1" call SHK_Taskmaster_hasTask

Returns true if the task is created.

"TaskName1" call SHK_Taskmaster_isCompleted

Returns true if the task is failed, succeeded or canceled (created and assigned returns false).

These are meant to be run on the server, they might work on clients, but I'm not going to guarantee that. However, since you are planning on spawning units etc, server is the way to go.

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Shuko, just like to say great work.

i found this script incredibly useful and easy to implement. I've used it in a number of missions with great success.

keep it up mate!!


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Hey Shuko,

just built a mission regarding OPFOR EAST vs PMC GUER,

task appears for EAST but not for GUER. Not sure and i can't seem to get it working.

 ["TaskEast","Title East","MISSION EAST",EAST],
]] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "taskmaster.sqf";

Edited by roy86

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Independent/Guerilla/Resistance side is Resistance. The string format is "GUER".

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ah of course, Cheers Shuko, this script is running perfectly.

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Hi There

I have a little question which I'm hoping is easy to answer. I have the following line in my init

["Taskinformant","Secondary: Meet Informant","Make your way to the village and meet with the Informant we have in the area. Their Intel should help you to secure the Primary Objective.",true,[["mrkvillage1",village_1],["mrkvillage2",village_2],["mrkvillage3",village_3],["mrkvillage4",village_4]]],

Now this works great but it uses the default markers. How do I alter that to use custom markers like you can add to a single marker ?

I'm wanting them to show like below

["mil_unknown",getmarkerpos "mrkvillage1","Village","ColorGreen"]

Basically using the green colour and the question mark marker.

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Try replacing




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Hi shk,

need some advice please ?!

I have some laptop, and in the init i have the following so when it is picked up it should activate another task:-

this addAction ["Recover Laptop", "laptop.sqf"]

The laptop.sqf:-

/* deletes the object */
deletevehicle laptop;
/* Hint */
hintSilent "Laptop recovered";
/* Removes the marker beacon for the laptop  */
deleteMarkerLocal "laptopmarker";
/* deletes the object */

if (isServer) then
  [nil, nil, rHINT, "You now need to clear the Camp marked on the map."] call RE;

["Task20","Camp","A camp has been found you need to Eliminate all enemy combatants in the camp <marker name='task8a'>found here</marker> ",true,["markerTask20",getmarkerpos "task20a","flag","ColorYellow"]] call SHK_Taskmaster_add;

When i run this in MP on local it works great , tried it on the Dedi server with a few players and the laptop removes fine but no task or Hint comes up after retrieval

Any idea why ?

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Actions are local, so the script is only run on that one player.

You should put only a pubvar in the laptop.sqf:

LaptopPickedup = true;
publicvariable "LaptopPickedup";

Then make a trigger that has LaptopPickedup as condition and in onAct run script that actually has all the stuff that needs to be done. That way it will be run on all machines, including server where Taskmaster commands need to be run.

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thanks will amend now I will learn one day what is run local :)

---------- Post added at 09:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ----------

In the trigger if i need a hint to show on ALL screens would i just use hint then and the below ?

if (isServer) then
  [nil, nil, rHINT, "You now need to clear the Camp marked on the map."] call RE;

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Simple hint will do since it will be executed on all machines.

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Thanks it works very well. It's a great script for community :)

Edited by Dalia

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Hi Shk,

Is there a way to have 3 markers on 1 task appear ? ,marker on map are task1aspawn,task1bspawn,task1cspawn

["Task1","Task1","Your first Mission 3 places  ",true,["markertask2",getmarkerpos "task1aspawn"]] call SHK_Taskmaster_add;

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