clydefrog 3 Posted September 26, 2012 I'm having a problem with a third party faction, the faction's name is "SpecialForces" which I got from running this in the units init hint getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf player) >> "faction"); Here is my first task in my init.sqf that I only want that faction to see: ["Task1","Deploy from USS Thorne","Deploy from USS Thorne to the FOB or your first objective.","SpecialForces"], But the task hint won't appear, it is fine if I leave it as normal (i.e. to show for everybody), is there any way around this or is this just a problem Taskmaster has with some third party factions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shuko 59 Posted September 27, 2012 You can add the faction's string name to the taskmaster.sqf in the line 307. if (_cond in ["USMC","INS","CDF","RU","CIV","GUE","CIV_RU"]) then { I'll update the download stuff later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clydefrog 3 Posted September 27, 2012 You can add the faction's string name to the taskmaster.sqf in the line 307. if (_cond in ["USMC","INS","CDF","RU","CIV","GUE","CIV_RU"]) then { I'll update the download stuff later. Ahh brilliant, thanks Shuko. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jaime 10 Posted October 2, 2012 (edited) Hi guys I think this script I a really good idea cause briefing are terrible dificult to implement in arma 2. If tried using this script for a coop mission im making and its been imposible for me to make it work if tried for 2 days but no luck at all. Im no scripter or programer so no idea if you explain me very quick what to do. The script is well explained but only for real veterans in coding y personaly dont understand much. If looked for tutorial on how to set it up but only found this and its not very good: Lets start frome the begining, first y download the example mission and if got 2 files that i dont know what to do or if to copy to mi folder mission: init_localize, stringtable.xml My mision goes like the folowing there are 2 objectives 1) destroy an AA 2) Get some data from a lap top grab it basicly. I dont care in the order of the task just if it says objetive 1 or objective 2 is more than enought i just want that when the objective 1 is complete it tells al the group or faction. If tried lots and lots of combinations in this 2 days with no luck this is one of them but no idea if it was the best. if tried things like or very similar but no luck: [[ ["Task1","Task1Title","Task1Desc",true,["mrkGreenStart",getmarkerpos "placeholder1","Start","ColorGreen"]], ["Task2","Task2Title","Task2Desc",true,["mrkGreenStart",getmarkerpos "placeholder2","Start","ColorGreen"]] ],[ ["Note1","something",West], ["Note2","something",West], ["Credits","<br />Made by: Shuko of LDD Kyllikki<br />Contact: shuko@Quakenet<br /><br /><br /><img image=lddk.jpg' width='100' height='100'>] ]] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "shk_taskmaster.sqf"; EDIT After a long fight if finaly got it working im using this code: //TaskMaster (Objetivos) [[ ["Task1","Task1Title","Task1Desc"], ["Task2","Task2Title","Task2Desc"], ["Task3","Task3Title","Task3Desc"] ],[ ["Note1","Hello group A"], ["Note2","Hello group A"], ["Note3","Hello group A"], ["Note4","Hello group B"] ]] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "shk_taskmaster.sqf"; y got it from this tutorial: now only have to set triggers and the rest thx a lot Thanks a lot for the help and sorry but im very noob with scripts. Edited October 3, 2012 by Jaime Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shuko 59 Posted October 3, 2012 Good to hear you got it working. I'd make better instructions if I wasn't so hopelessly bad at explaining things. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jaime 10 Posted October 3, 2012 Good to hear you got it working. I'd make better instructions if I wasn't so hopelessly bad at explaining things. :) No worries shuko the script is amazing just like everything first time you do it in this case me it takes some time. If got just a little problem im unable to solve, this is mi first objective its in spanish but i think you understand the order. How can y add a marker on the map of that objetive. If tried placing a marker naming it obj1 and then this tipe of code but it gives me errors and dosent work. This works perfectly but I have to place the marker manualy on map: ["Objetivo1","Destruir Antiaereo Strela","En el castillo de rog se encuentra un antiaereo Strela, debeis destruirlo para poder hacer una extraccion segura al final de la mision."], This Dosent if tried a few combinations but no luck. ["Objetivo1","Destruir Antiaereo Strela","En el castillo de rog se encuentra un antiaereo Strela, debeis destruirlo para poder hacer una extraccion segura al final de la mision.",true,["markerTask1",getpos obj1]], Thanks for the help Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shuko 59 Posted October 3, 2012 What error are you getting exactly? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jaime 10 Posted October 3, 2012 What error are you getting exactly? Shuko Thanks again if got it sorted y was missing th public variable on the trigers. Thanks all sorted this is way easy to edit objectives like this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
uknoppo 10 Posted October 31, 2012 Shuko I love this script but I am coming a bit unstuck and I hope you might be able to help. As far as I can tell this has not been covered already, apologies if it has. I am using taskmaster to add tasks using this format which works fine: ["Task1","Title","text",west] call SHK_Taskmaster_Add; In my singleplayer mission new units are spawned during the game that the player can teamswitch to. I want to be able to synchronise the exiting tasks with these new units. The script I am currently using does not quite work properly; the new unit gets the tasks but already existing units get an extra copy of the tasks too. Example: I start the mission as "Man1". I get two tasks using the code above; Task1 and Task2. When a new switchable unit is spawned, "Man2", I run my current script and Man2 gets Task1 and Task2 (which is good). But Man1 also gets an extra set of the existing tasks, so he has his original Task1 and Task2 and a duplicate of Task1 and Task2 (not so good). So, is there a way to synchronise the existing tasks between all units without those units that already have the tasks getting duplicates? I hope that makes sense. The current script I use is: if (isServer) then { SHK_Taskmaster_showHints = false; SHK_Taskmaster_TasksLocal = []; // Array member: ["TaskName","TaskState",TaskHandles] if (!isnil "_this") then { if (count _this > 1) then { private ["_notes","_i"]; _notes = _this select 1; for [{_i=(count _notes - 1)},{_i>-1},{_i=_i-1}] do { (_notes select _i) call SHK_Taskmaster_addNote; }; }; }; /* Initially wait for server to send the task list for briefing. After briefing is created, add an eventhandler to catch the updated task list server might send. Wait for briefing tasks to be created before enabling taskhints. This prevents hints from briefing tasks from being spammed at the start of the mission. */ [] spawn { waituntil {!isnull player}; waituntil {!isnil "SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks"}; if DEBUG then {diag_log format ["SHK_Taskmaster> Tasks received first time: %1",SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks]}; private "_sh"; _sh = SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks spawn SHK_Taskmaster_handleEvent; waituntil {scriptdone _sh}; SHK_Taskmaster_showHints = true; SHK_Taskmaster_initDone = true; "SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks" addpublicvariableeventhandler { (_this select 1) spawn SHK_Taskmaster_handleEvent; }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shuko 59 Posted October 31, 2012 Have you tried using SHK_Taskmaster_hasTask? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
uknoppo 10 Posted October 31, 2012 Have you tried using SHK_Taskmaster_hasTask? No, how would that work? (My scripting is still quite basic. The script I use that does half the trick I managed to find in a previous thread, I don't undertsand all of it). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted November 27, 2012 (edited) I tried to use taskmaster. I really didn't understand the example mission/files. I would like to incorporate taskmaster into my mission for jip players. My mission consists of 5 objectives. 4 of them to secure different towns. 1 is to destroy a radar tower. Each objective has a marker that gets deleted upon completion. All objectives and markers are pre-placed in the editor. All objectives are shown from the start, no dynamic or progressive objectives. The mission is pretty straight forward. @shk - As I was confused with the current example mission, would it be possible to make an more indepth example mission, with realistic type of objectives and more precise instructions? Regarding the current example mission, it sounds silly, but the radio triggers, the named vehicles on the map (which idk what their use is/was) and the files included in the mission threw me for a loop. I'm not understanding how to use this taskMaster. Edited November 27, 2012 by Iceman77 I figured out the basics Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted November 27, 2012 Okay, I figured it out. Took me some time to understand how it works. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted November 27, 2012 In the example mission, what is the init_localize.sqf for? Do I need that? Or is that to test on own machine or something? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted December 7, 2012 Are icons the only markers that can be created? Or can ellipse & rectangle be created too? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shuko 59 Posted December 8, 2012 In the example mission, what is the init_localize.sqf for? Do I need that? Or is that to test on own machine or something? It's just example how to do multilanguage briefings using stringable.xml. You dont need it. ---------- Post added at 08:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 AM ---------- Are icons the only markers that can be created? Or can ellipse & rectangle be created too? Icons only. It was just a little additional feature so save the effort to manually script all the small task markers. You can use the createMarker script command etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted December 8, 2012 I really like taskmaster because it's MP compatible in both tasks & markers. I think I'll just stick to using icons for all objectives rather than trying to do magic and make editor placed/created markers jip friendly. Unless ofcourse you can tell me a small, fullproof marker jip system/code? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shuko 59 Posted December 8, 2012 Unless ofcourse you can tell me a small, fullproof marker jip system/code? If you don't mind using addons, you can do that with CBA pretty easily. Otherwise, you need to spend some time and learn about and addPublicVariableEventHandler. Of course, there is also the Multiplayer Framework. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
uknoppo 10 Posted January 27, 2013 Hi Shuko I have been working on other aspects of my campaign, but am still stuck on synchronise existing tasks with newly spawned units. As I mention before I am using the script below to synchronise existing tasks but it tends to create duplicate tasks for units that already have the task. if (isServer) then { SHK_Taskmaster_showHints = false; SHK_Taskmaster_TasksLocal = []; // Array member: ["TaskName","TaskState",TaskHandles] if (!isnil "_this") then { if (count _this > 1) then { private ["_notes","_i"]; _notes = _this select 1; for [{_i=(count _notes - 1)},{_i>-1},{_i=_i-1}] do { (_notes select _i) call SHK_Taskmaster_addNote; }; }; }; /* Initially wait for server to send the task list for briefing. After briefing is created, add an eventhandler to catch the updated task list server might send. Wait for briefing tasks to be created before enabling taskhints. This prevents hints from briefing tasks from being spammed at the start of the mission. */ [] spawn { waituntil {!isnull player}; waituntil {!isnil "SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks"}; if DEBUG then {diag_log format ["SHK_Taskmaster> Tasks received first time: %1",SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks]}; private "_sh"; _sh = SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks spawn SHK_Taskmaster_handleEvent; waituntil {scriptdone _sh}; SHK_Taskmaster_showHints = true; SHK_Taskmaster_initDone = true; "SHK_Taskmaster_Tasks" addpublicvariableeventhandler { (_this select 1) spawn SHK_Taskmaster_handleEvent; }; }; }; You suggested I use SHK_Taskmaster_hasTask but I am not sure how to integrate that into the script above. Alternatively it occurred to me that if the script could be altered to only synch with a named unit it would solve my problem, ie when I spawn "man1" I could run a script to synch only "man1" with all existing tasks. This should stop the duplication issue. I think this should be possible but my scripting is not good enough to work out how to do it. Would you be able to help? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
highlander_xwg 10 Posted February 9, 2013 (edited) I have a problem with getting the Destination waypoint marker to show up. I can get a waypoint maker to work but its in the wrong location, I cant figure out how to attach it to a marker correctly. Could someone explain what I'm doing wrong here, ["Obj1","Obj1Title","<marker name='obj1'>Obj1 location</marker> test",true,["mrkObj1",getmarkerpos "obj1","mil_unknown","ColorGreenAlpha","Marker Test"],"created","setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "wp1")"], Update; Ok, after sleeping on it I figured out I was way over thinking it line should be this; ["Obj1","Obj1Title","<marker name='obj1'>Obj1 location</marker> test",true,["mrkObj1",getmarkerpos "obj1","mil_unknown","ColorGreenAlpha","Marker Test"],"created","obj1"], Edited February 9, 2013 by Highlander_XWG Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jaime 10 Posted February 24, 2013 Hi guys I am trying to create a TvT mission using taskmaster, y did a campaign with and people loved it. But if got no idea how to do it or if it is possible and maybe you have a possible tip or way to do it. Ill give you a general idea of what im trying to do and what problems if encountered so far. 1) I'm trying to crate a task to take and secure an area basically destroy all enemy units or have a majority of blufor or opfro there. So first of all y try to create a task with an ellipse type marker a big circle area but dont know if it is possible. if tried things like ["Objetivo2","Title","Description",west,["markerTask2","objetivo2",getmarkerpos "task2mkr","mil_destroy","ColorGreen","Destruye esto",],"State"] and many combinations but canot create a task it always says in the rtp y mis a [ so dont have a clue on how to do it. If tried using the ellipse type marker but its strange it dosent come in the page class Markers { items=5; class Item0 { position[]={4852.646,339,9704.5254}; name="Zone1M"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; type="Empty"; colorName="ColorOrange"; a=50; b=50; 2) This I haven't tried yet but would it be possible to make a few contested areas with the taskmaster. By this y mean 2 or 3 areas that have to be captured, they start neutral or to bluefor, but for example if opfor takes it, a task would be assigned to blufor to take it. and if bluefor take it. a task would be assigned to opfor, and so on in a infinite maner. Im very noob with scripting so thanks a lot for the help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jaime 10 Posted February 24, 2013 OK if solved the east west thing and the changing marker type with this code, but still no luck creating a ellipse type of marker or a area one. ["Objetivo2","Title","Description",west,["markerTask2",getmarkerpos "task2mkr","mil_destroy","ColorGreen","Objetivo1","Destruye esto"]] now im working on the triggers to see what I can get out of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A-SUICIDAL 11 Posted February 26, 2013 (edited) First off, ELLIPSE is a shape, not an icon, that is why it is not in the list of marker types. Markers can either be an icon or a shape, but not both. So that is probably why you were having problems with that. Taskmasters use it's own helpful markers. I actually edited the taskmaster script slightly to use different markers specific to my mission. But I also use many other markers for specific targets and other things, so that's when I need rely on other methods. This is what I would do... Place an empty marker in the mission and name it according to the task, for example if it's task 3, name the marker "task3_AO_marker". Then place a trigger in the mission radius: 0 activation: None trigger name: task3_trigger condition: task3_started on Act: "task3_AO_marker" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "task3_AO_marker" setMarkerSize [1000, 1000]; "task3_AO_marker" setMarkerColor "colorRedAlpha"; deleteVehicle task3_trigger; When you want the trigger to activate, use this in a script: task3_started = true; publicVariable "task3_started"; It will activate the trigger, change the empty marker into a big red (slightly transparent) ellipse marker 1000x1000 in size. Then the trigger will automatically delete itself permanently so it cannot be activated again by players that join the game later(JIP), because if you later set the marker to be green, JIP players will turn it back to red if the trigger still exists. With this method, JIP players will see the marker when they join even if it was created before they joined. Shuko taught me stuff like this himself a over the past couple of years, I've learned a lot from him. His taskmaster script is a life saver. I use Taskmasters2 to generate random tasks, which will create my basic red AO marker when a task is assigned, but then I use a trigger to activate many other target/objective markers within the AO. It's a simple system. And as targets are destroyed, the target icon markers change from red to green and players that join late can see exactly what has been accomplished so far and what targets still need to be destroyed, captured etc. Edited February 26, 2013 by A-SUICIDAL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clydefrog 3 Posted March 11, 2013 Shuko, any idea if this works properly for Arma 3 or are you going to be working on a newer version that supports it properly? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shuko 59 Posted March 13, 2013 Shuko, any idea if this works properly for Arma 3 or are you going to be working on a newer version that supports it properly? I have no idea really if or how well it works. I don't have any interest or motivation towards A3. So, at the moment, I won't promise anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites