Engioc 10 Posted June 14, 2010 (edited) Hi everyone, been a member here for a while but not posted till now. I do enjoy ArmA II, great game but after having struggled through the Campaigns (both Harvest Red and EW) due to so many annoying bugs (even with the latest and greatest patches). So many restarts sometimes because I did something wrong, but more often than not it was due to some stupid action mistake by my team, a building, unit, or things which just wouldn't work as described in manuals, here on forums etc. Just wondering if any of these will ever get fixed, some of the most annoying issues: Build a heli and it appears on a spot right on a building making it impossible to take off without being destroyed, or sometimes appearing and immediately being destroyed because of the stupid location it appears in. (noticed this bug many times during Dogs of War). Again during Dogs of War noticed how many times it would tell me to take a town but the messages often seemed confused as the town that was announced (spoken) was sometimes different to what was written, or it would end up being the next town to take rather than the current town. Whole system seemed really confused. Dogs of War again, I had two T72 tanks, one for me and two standard crew, and the other for the rest of Razor team. They would follow along as I drove around but man they are so slow and so many times have to stop and wait for them to catch up, seeing them having accidents on even the slightest curve in road. Where did these guys learn to drive, they are hopeless. Whats more they sometimes fire in my direction, attempt to drive over me, and then during Dogs of War while taking the main base my own crew would refuse to fire despite there being no damage and a full load (reloaded) weapons. Times my team got killed and/or stuck on buildings, walls, other objects, heli landed on them. Telling one of your team to kill enemy unit and then have them stand there doing nothing (and yes they are in danger mode, yes I tried telling them to crouch, go prone, nothing worked). Events that dont happen but I seem people on here and in walkthroughs talking about that never seem to happen for me (maybe its the walkthrough but so many people seem to get these events and I dont). Fast Travel I used a few times during Dogs of War, again number of times when we arrived at destination to have both tanks land on each other and crash and bounce around for a few seconds was annoying. During mission I think was called Razor Team and you have use of Maddicks? heli to help you get around, he would sometimes try to land on buildings, in among trees where there wasn't enough room, or some other stupid spot and end up crashing the heli, and usually he didn't actually try landing on the specific spot I asked, just somewhere near it. That guy shouldn't be flying a heli cause he has no idea how to land one. Again noticed during Dogs of War (but on other missions too), the number of times it does an autosave, then seconds later does another one. There seems to be no rhyme of reason to when it decides to autosave or not autosave. I'm the driver in a tank, I turn off the engine, then without touching keyboard or mouse, suddenly the engines come back on again, why?? In both walkthroughs I've read they say you can refuel and reload weapons at any town once its taken, but there seemed to be many towns where I was unable to get my tank reloaded with weapons, and I could never get tank 2 to refuel or reload weapons unless I got out of mine, got in the second one and did it myself. I would get out of mine and try to direct them to reload but they never did. The same thing was true even without tanks, just normal Razor team on foot, I would tell them to rearm, they'd run around a bit, sometimes never stop and run off in to the distance, sometimes they'd actually go to the building I directed them to, stand there a few seconds then stop, but then still claim to be low of ammo. Well that is just a quick list right off the top of my head without really sitting down and thinking about it, sure if I did think a little longer my list would also be longer. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed this game but so far I would have to say its a game I love and hate (plenty of swearing and cursing going on as I play because of the number of restarts/reloads due to bugs). So much potential, but so many bugs. Will these bugs ever get fixed? Will the expansion pack fix these bugs? (I know the expansion is standalone but I read on some sites that it would be possible to add game engine/improvements to the original ArmA II if you have it), but will it fix these bugs? Edited June 14, 2010 by Engioc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pravinrocks4u 10 Posted June 14, 2010 You are not alone! I also curse this game for bugs! People here love this game so much that they neglect the campaign bugs, take a look at my thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=99827 Finally I found a solution on Dogs of war bugs....Not to play it :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zipper5 74 Posted June 14, 2010 Those bugs are Arma 2's campaign-related bugs, therefore, since the expansion won't be touching the original Arma 2 content, it won't be fixed with the expansion. Whether or not it will be fixed in future patches is a different story. But hey, there's a hell of a lot more to this game than the campaign. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MavericK96 0 Posted June 14, 2010 Did you guys report these in the tracker? Best chance of getting fixed if you do that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Engioc 10 Posted June 14, 2010 (edited) Did you guys report these in the tracker? Best chance of getting fixed if you do that. What is the tracker and how to I report bugs using it? I haven't reported them but only because I didn't know how/where to do it. Just to make it clear again, I did enjoy ArmA2 even with the bugs and I'll be buying OA expansion even if it doesn't fix the problems. Always happy to support a dev who's prepared to go the extra mile and create something really different to the average shooter (I know ArmA isn't exactly a FPS but you know what I mean). In fact I hate most FPS and prefer games in any genre that offer something really different to the norm, and ArmA definitely does. More than happy to report bugs in some official way and look forward to future, hopefully less buggy, releases from BI. My post really is meant as a constructive criticism not simply an attack on BI or ArmA, this game isn't perfect (like all games) an so I see there is still plenty of room for improvement from BI. After buying ArmA2 I managed to buy Arma Gold version and enjoyed that much more because while there was still a few bugs it was nothing too bad, but I gather that wasn't the case on release so it seems BI aren't terribly good and fixing bugs before release, lets hope that changes in the future, although bug ridden games seems the norm these days, GTAIV and AC2 spring to mind. **edit sorry scrap that question, I see in one of the earlier posts it has a link, I'll use that. Edited June 14, 2010 by Engioc I just saw the tracker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laqueesha 474 Posted June 15, 2010 But hey, there's a hell of a lot more to this game than the campaign. The editor. 'Nuff said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Engioc 10 Posted June 15, 2010 (edited) The editor. 'Nuff said. Wrong, a great editor and MP don't mean its ok to be sloppy with SP. If you want to beat the CoDs of the world you need to create complete games, not just games where only part of it is great to play. It seems so many people on this board are blind to the problems or ArmA and are all upset about what they see as BI bashing, but thats not what its about. Its about realising this game has some bad points that should and could be addressed. Not simply stating that because it has one or two good features its an excuse to make the rest of it bad. CoD wins for more gamers because its a more polished product, personally I cant stand those games, but reality is bug ridden games dont sell well and many people want to be able to pick up and play without having to immediately begin creating their own maps because the ones that shipped with the game are so bad. I ask anyone here to honestly tell me its good when someone buys a game and immediately has to begin spending time creating their own content because although they just paid $70 AUD for the game its SP campaign is unplayable? is that a good experience?? If it had great SP, no editor and poor MP you'd all be jumping up and down to get it fixed, so why shouldn't SP be fixed when its the problem. People talk of realism in this game, yes its meant to be real but many things I see are very unrealistic even when thats how it was designed......example: I walk up to one of the enemy camps in town (Harvest Red) and kill the machine gun guy in front, I stay there and keep staring at the now empty machine gun nest and suddenly another man appears our of nowhere. Is that realism?? men materializing right before your eyes, NO I dont think so. I understand why they've done it, and I have no problem with more AI units being produced but maybe it would be better if it happened off screen?? Oh maybe thats too hard for the dumb AI and they'd get stuck trying to find their way back to the camp to retake it. Fix the dam AI then. Realism, the amount of time it takes to build units such as tanks and helis seems very quick. Again I understand why, nobody wants to be standing around forever waiting for stuff to be built, but maybe it should be longer and perhaps simply force players to plan ahead rather than build a T72 in 5 minutes. Now maybe in the field they can throw together a tank in quick time but I still doubt its as quick as in ArmA, even more so for more complex units such as aircraft. Maybe another way around this would be to allow us to call using radio for units, eg radio base and let them know we're on our way back and we need a T72 ready to go when we arrive. As part of that, why the heck do tanks, heli etc explode if they are sitting with nobody in them on friendly turf? I understand in real life some units do explode to prevent enemy from using it or stealing tech but I am sure they dont explode by themselves while on base. This feature does make it hard to build units ahead of time because when you arrive back you'll find its been destroyed. Now maybe a battle took place, but if you stand around long enough after building a new unit you will see it explode for no good reason. Realism, seeing a member of Razor team getting stuck on some object like a radio tower, bridge wall, or something else?? Ordering my team to get in a 4 door car, I jump in as driver and then one or members of the team state they cant get in simply because I jumped in the drivers seat he was going to take. How about having the smarts to just get in the next available seat. I didn't specifically say get in as driver I just said get in. Realism, watching a pilot land his heli on a house, tree or something else and explode because he didn't bother to land on the perfectly clear grass area a few meters behind the house. I honestly doubt that creating a map in the editor would solve these problems, as they dont seem like something controlled by any one map, but rather a problem with how the AI decides where it should or shouldn't land a heli, or how to drive a tank without sliding off road and stopping ever few minutes. The only thing which solves these kinds of problems is to eliminate AI from the game and have only humans. So essentially the game will remain broken until AI and SP are fixed. Sure MP is much better, real people always are, but mr average gamer buys a game that works close to 100% not just half a working game. This game will never reach its full potential and popularity while it remains such a bug ridden experience. Stop trying to protect them or get all upset when someone presents problems, stop making excuses as to why its ok for SP and AI to suck, just fix it and more people will buy and enjoy this game and it doesn't need to be at the expense of dumbing things down and going arcade. ArmA2 can remain exactly as it is and attract far more people if only it didn't have so many bugs and they didn't give reviewers a reason to complain. Edited June 15, 2010 by Engioc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pravinrocks4u 10 Posted June 15, 2010 @Engioc I totally agree with you :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted June 15, 2010 Editor for me too. Screw the campaign. The true game is in the Editor. Although I must say. I've never had any problems with the campaign. Played both numerous times. Take care. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zipper5 74 Posted June 15, 2010 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is more buggy in it's current state than Arma 2 is, and Activison and/or Infinity Ward seem to have no intention patching it any further, and would rather pump out $15-costing DLC. I would say more people hate MW2 right now than like it. So no, people don't look for CoD games because they're more polished; they do it because they are uber-hyped. BIS realizes that there are more important things to be spending money on than advertising the game to MW2 standards. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Engioc 10 Posted June 15, 2010 (edited) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is more buggy in it's current state than Arma 2 is, and Activison and/or Infinity Ward seem to have no intention patching it any further, and would rather pump out $15-costing DLC. I would say more people hate MW2 right now than like it. So no, people don't look for CoD games because they're more polished; they do it because they are uber-hyped. BIS realizes that there are more important things to be spending money on than advertising the game to MW2 standards. ;) Well I admit I have no experience with CoD or MW, or infact any of the other FPS so I have no idea how bug ridden they are. My argument though is no less, simply because its ok for the likes of CoD or MW with their already established fan base doesn't mean its ok for BI with their relatively unknown name and game. I would have to say though its no surprise that those games also suffer from bugs, its sadly an increasing trend in PC gaming that games are released with serious bugs, and if I was to buy any of those games I'd be making the same complaint/suggestion on their forums. Games can be released with some bugs fine, nobody expects a bug free experience its just not possible, but surely they can do better than this. Its not that I don't know how to use or want to use the other features people keep mentioning in ArmA, but my argument is still that 100% of the game should work, not just parts of it. Also that the average gamer will turn away from a bug ridden, unknown title. When it comes to the latest over hyped craz game like CoD people seem to overlook the bugs, its unfair I admit, but thats how it is. ArmA wins for me and everyone else here because they are doing something really different in the FPS (or milsim if you prefer) genre but why not also be known for being one of the few devs that also cleans out the bugs before they start screwing us for money. Not so long ago I had a discussion with an ArmA fan on the AC2 boards at Ubi, and my argument (that time in support of Ubi in a way) was also based mostly on it being a business and I understand how and why they came out with their new online DRM (I dont support the DRM just understand how and why its there). My argument is the same now, stop looking and pointing at other developers and saying "but they do it and people still buy their games" and focus on how to improve ArmA. One way is to keep the bugs to a minimum, thus forcing reviewers to stop giving it such poor reviews, and in turn less gamers will be turned away based on those reviews. Then you make a bigger profit and a better game. Also dont under estimate word of mouth, it can work for you but right now it could be the killer for BI, each person that buys ArmA and ends up hating it for one reason or another then tells all his buddies not to buy it because he thought it was crap. He never tried MP or the editor, his initial experience was bad and he gave up before he tried those features, . I applaud BI for concentrating on gameplay instead of wasting money on generating hype but don't let it kill you because nobody knows your title exists. They need to advertise and they need to make sure people are saying good things about their games in mags and not saying its great BUT don't buy it because its bug ridden. What little coverage BI gets is negative. Heck even on the official ArmA 2 website on the side where they show a blurb from reviews include negative statements about the game and its bugs. So the team who put the website and advertising together couldn't find a review that was positive, the best they could find was one which said its a good game BUT..... That cant be good for BI and a long term future in game design/publishing. **Edit: also forgot to mention my problems with ArmA2 are not due to any lack of IT know how or PC game experience and in all my years of gaming I've only ever experience one game that was so totally broken I couldn't play after patching or finding my own workarounds. I mention this because I do put together my own PC's and always take care to make sure I meet minimum game specs, and to use well known established parts for compatibility and even when I was on boards reading posts about bugs in GTA4 and AC2 at that time I was one of the lucky ones and never experienced a single problem even at the time on a low end spec PC. I did however have sympathy for those who do experience problems as its never fun to install a game and find things don't work right. I don't and wont ever support/defend bugs in games, the number of serious bugs in games is partly to blame for killing PC gaming. For ArmA2 I did experience many bugs, as did others, and so did many of its reviewers, so just as with GTA4, AC2, CoD, and any other game you care to mention the bugs DO exist even if you personally didn't have any, and they still should be fixed if the dev team care about their fans, I believe BI is one of those companies who care so I hope ArmA2 will be patched. Edited June 15, 2010 by Engioc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Windexglow 10 Posted June 15, 2010 Arma is buggy at times - unpolished in others. But it makes up for it, and the developers do care about them. The buggiest game I have ever played is Fort Zombie..Oh my. Their excuse for not making it even playable? "It's a $10 game you should have read the reviews". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gera_CCT 12 Posted June 15, 2010 Finished OPF Campaigns and ArmA, but ArmA 2 i simply can´t, always some crashed and scripts problems keeps me away from the main campaign of ArmA 2, but hey!!, i still love this unique game. Just look closer to arma, there´s nothing that comes close to it, it´s an open engine with almost infinite possibilities, so don´t care much now of some bugs . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andromedagalaxe 10 Posted June 15, 2010 (edited) I didn't have as many problems as you in the campaigns, so I'm wondering... 1. Are you using patch 1.05? EDIT: If you have EW then the answer is obvious, sorry ... 2. Yes the AI driving is crap, but once you realize this, it works much better if you use the roads/open areas. AI tank drivers will not drive into forests, period. You have to go around them. (IN DOW I had 3 tanks, put them in column formation and used roads and open fields and had little difficulty with them keeping up with me). ALSO, might want to employ the AI driving addon (available at armaholic)... I haven't thoroughly tested it but it seems to be an improvement. 3. Never had a problem with being assigned the wrong town to attack (although the orders change constantly depending on whether the town has been conquered or lost by freindly AI .. maybe this is what happened as it is very common). Of course you can get around this by going to the map and voting yourself as commander. Basically it is best to ignore those orders and complete the more important DOW tasks to solve this mission. 4. I didn't notice a single bug in EW, so that's weird... 5. As for units getting stuck on buildings, this has only happened to me once (during a user-made campaign) so I don't know why this has been such a problem for you. Edited June 15, 2010 by andromedagalaxe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted June 15, 2010 A game like ArmA will always have bugs. I don't think that from release date BIS can release a bug free game, it's simply not possible due to the magnitude of their games. You could playtest for 2 years and you won't be able find them all. First of all ArmA II had a huge trouble shooting section of hardware problems. Technology advances continiously. How many thousands of different setups have people when playing PC games. It's not a standard setup as on consoles. They had to deal with a lot of incompatibility issues which aren't really fixed today, they keep working and improving. OFP ran well with patch 1.96. AI is something really different than in other games I believe it's not possible for the time being to programm a perfect AI behaviour in an open World game like ARMA. In other wargames you are forced to follow a path. AI's are restrained only in certain areas, you don't have the freedom of movement to go and attack from which direction you want. I love BIS games because of the freedom you have when playing them The campaign was bug ridden and I honestly don't know if it would have been possible to foresee all bugs in such huge missions. I don't want to excuse a failed quality control with that. This has definitely prevented BIS from making much more money. Once you are labeled for developing buggy games it is really hard to get these rumours corrected. This is something people really don't understand and in business terms it is something really damaging to a company. One companies loss is another companies gain.:D In any case, I know what I'm going through when buying BIS games, and I know also that they will fix as much as they can. I believe a game as ARMA will never be perfect and since I'm aware of that I can accept certain things which others evidentially can't. The money I invested by buying their games stands in no relation of the payback I received in terms of fun. Fact is . . . or you get hooked by the game or you don't, it's as simple as that. People have the right to play what they want and what gives them the most fun. I prefer ArmA over all other games so that makes me probably a fanboy,it's just that other games don't give me the same satisfaction. Just my 2 cents kind regards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Engioc 10 Posted June 15, 2010 (edited) I didn't have as many problems as you in the campaigns, so I'm wondering...1. Are you using patch 1.05? EDIT: If you have EW then the answer is obvious, sorry ... 2. Yes the AI driving is crap, but once you realize this, it works much better if you use the roads/open areas. AI tank drivers will not drive into forests, period. You have to go around them. (IN DOW I had 3 tanks, put them in column formation and used roads and open fields and had little difficulty with them keeping up with me). ALSO, might want to employ the AI driving addon (available at armaholic)... I haven't thoroughly tested it but it seems to be an improvement. 3. Never had a problem with being assigned the wrong town to attack (although the orders change constantly depending on whether the town has been conquered or lost by freindly AI .. maybe this is what happened as it is very common). Of course you can get around this by going to the map and voting yourself as commander. Basically it is best to ignore those orders and complete the more important DOW tasks to solve this mission. 4. I didn't notice a single bug in EW, so that's weird... 5. As for units getting stuck on buildings, this has only happened to me once (during a user-made campaign) so I don't know why this has been such a problem for you. 1. yes I do have the latest patch 1.05 as I said and I do have EW and its patch/hotfix 2. I was on the roads and their driving is still crap and they end up losing control on many corners or sometimes even on completely straight roads. Heck if you watch an AI controlled convoy you will see them making the same stupid driving errors and losing control for no good reason. 3. Not saying I was assigned the wrong town, just that the system itself seemed confused about which town, spoken message say Stary Sobar, while text says Novy Sobar, check the map and the marker for where you need to go will show the correct location so I kept following those and ignored what the messages said. I wasn't confused, the system was. Oh and I do realise that when the AI take a town that the task gets cancelled and I get sent somewhere else but again even taking that in to account the system gave conflicting messages about which town to take. Somtimes it would say NOvy Sobar, then seconds later Stary Sobar, but yet Novy Sobar hadn't been taken, Stary Sobar ended up being the next town after I went and took Novy Sobar. As I said ArmA itself appeared confused. This may be partly due to the number of restarts/reloads due to other errors/bugs because the more times I reloaded the worse this problem seemed to get. 4. I dont recall saying I had a problem with EW, I didn't experience many if any bugs in that one. Plays much better than Harvest Red, there may of been one or two times when scripts didn't run, when you finally get to friendly base the leader is supposed to give you a gun, a couple of times when I played through he didn't give it to me. Usually he tells you to come here and on the ground in front of him there is a gun and ammo to take. The two times he didn't it seemed to be because while he was talking to me in the house some enemy came up behind and he and the rest of his team were busy fighting but even once the fight was over they kept targeting more enemies while the leader started running off towards the next way point/location leaving me without a gun, and also leaving the rest of of his men behind. When we finally arrived at our next point (I managed to catch up to him) we were totally out gunned because all the rest of his team were still back near the house engaged in combat. The leader and I survived long enough that his team finished their fight and then started sending messages asking where we were, the AI sorted it out and they found us but we were close to dead by that time since I had no weapon so only the leader could shoot back. I have played EW many times I really enjoyed that more than Harvest Red so I am prepared to overlook the errors in that since out of a dozen or more plays its only screwed up twice. 5. Final mission when your taking Lopotev to the Russians, the fight breaks out and you order your men to go in danger mode and prone, then using the map ordering them to attack enemies that have been spotted. They then proceed to crawl around in one direction then another, with seemingly no idea where they want to go to try and attack as asked. They end up crawling around to the left side of the bridge (not on bridge, beside it) and get stuck in the small space between the bridge and the bunker/strong point next to it. Example two, while search the island for Lopotev, I had taken lopotev already but then decided to order my men to do a sweep of the hill up to the radio tower, once they arrive at the radio tower despite asking them a number of times to regroup or move to a spot closer to me they start telling me they cant. When I head up the hill they're somehow stuck under the tower and refuse to find their way back out. Reload and try again, same result so many times in the end I just went up the hill myself and did the job. Told the rest of the team to park their ass at the house. Once I also tried going up the tower, forgetting to tell my team to stop, stupidly they followed me up the tower, when I came back down some them came down,but two ended up stuck up the tower and no amount of orders could get them down, continually stating they cant move to the location I ask, even if it was right below the ladder or further away. @nettrucker (and a few others) I've never stated BI should be attempting to release games totally bug free, your right, its impossible. However games could and should be released with less bugs and make every attempt to ensure there are no major bugs as was the case with ArmA and many other games over the last few years. Also my point is not meant to excuse other developers for also creating bug ridden games. Its meant as a simple HONEST look at ArmA and being brave enough to not only state its good points but look at its bad points so they can be improved in the current version or the next. BI will do itself no good by continually releasing bug ridden games, others may get away with it, small unknowns like BI wont. If OA comes out with bugs (I'll buy it) but they cant afford to have yet more reviews telling people its a great game but don't buy it or at least hold off because of its bugs. Only with its fans being open and honest about a games good points and bad points will the developer and the game itself improve. Putting up messages that make excuses as to why its ok for even one aspect of a game being shit is a poor/bad/wrong way to help and support BI. Want this game series to continue, show your support by being honest about its good points and its flaws so these problems can be sorted before they end up released again. If they aren't told about the bugs then OA using the same basic engine risks having many of the same problems, and thats not good for BI. BI dont need your protection, they need your support, ideas, honesty so they can improve and so this game can reach its full potential and a much wider community, and that benefits BI and its current fans, think how much more exciting your MP games are with more players (bigger teams, bigger battles) involved. Your all right that MP is where the real fun can be with ArmA but its more so with more people, and you will only attract more players by making sure you dont have things that turn people away, bugs and poor reviews. You and I may forgive them and note how bad other developers are, but many wont. Edited June 16, 2010 by Engioc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andromedagalaxe 10 Posted June 16, 2010 (edited) just to clear a few things up ... you did imply that EW was bugged, so that's why I brought it up. I do enjoy ArmA II, great game but after having struggled through the Campaigns (both Harvest Red and EW) due to so many annoying bugs (even with the latest and greatest patches). As to point number 2, you didn't address what formation your tanks are in. If you are in Wedge formation (standard) the tank is not going to be on the road and it will get stuck on houses or bushes (or at least have to slow down to avoid them). As to point number 5, can't remember if you can team switch in the campaign or not, but that might be a way to get them "unstuck" if this happens again. Good luck ... Edited June 16, 2010 by andromedagalaxe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Takko 10 Posted June 16, 2010 1. Fine 2. Does happen mostly on user generated maps. The possibilty on the official Chernarus is much lower. 3. Make sure you run this game with no mods. 4. Fine. 5. Your fault. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Engioc 10 Posted June 16, 2010 (edited) just to clear a few things up ... you did imply that EW was bugged, so that's why I brought it up.As to point number 2, you didn't address what formation your tanks are in. If you are in Wedge formation (standard) the tank is not going to be on the road and it will get stuck on houses or bushes (or at least have to slow down to avoid them). As to point number 5, can't remember if you can team switch in the campaign or not, but that might be a way to get them "unstuck" if this happens again. Good luck ... Yes your quite right I should of checked or made sure I know what I already said, EW did have a few bugs but I'm happy to overlook those since it didn't happen very often. With the tanks I tried a number of different formations including column which I would of thought was the most appropriate but still they keep making the same mistakes and the formation I choose seems to make little difference. As for point 5, in parts of the campaign they do allow you to team switch, unfortunately in the final mission to capture lopotev and all the strong points they take it away, so no that's not an option. I did use that in earlier missions to get the team unstuck. Not sure why they removed that ability, my guess is to make it a more difficult mission. @andromedagalaxe Just to make it clear I'm not having a go at you with this post or the previous one, just answering the questions, and a bit of healthy debate. I'm more than happy to hear suggestions from people as to how to resolve the problems I experienced. @Takko 1. Fine What?? I have no idea what your talking about, whats fine?? 2. Does happen mostly on user generated maps. The possibilty on the official Chernarus is much lower. I'm playing the campaign, thats not a user generated map. It shipped with the game. 3. Make sure you run this game with no mods. I don't have or even know about the mods available for ArmA, I prefer to play my games in vanilla format since I see no reason why a game should need mods in order to work. 4. Fine. Again no idea what you really mean, what exactly is it thats fine?? 5. Your fault. Exactly what part of the bugs I've described are my fault? I use the options available to me in the game, and they don't work. How is it my fault that AI team members are unable to drive down a simple straight road, regardless of formation. So please explain how my actions cause this to happen? I'll also add its no wonder many people give up on ArmA when the best response you get from the community is, the part I like in the game works fine, so you should just play that part too and forget about the bugs, and its not worth BI's time to fix it. Very selfish attitude. Also again simply ignoring bugs doesn't help BI one tiny bit, ArmA shipped with many bugs, then ArmA2 again shipped with many of the same bugs, maybe if the community was a little more honest and reported bugs to BI ArmA2 would of had less bugs, but your all too busy making excuses and saying its all ok. I'm not the only one who experienced problems with this game. I never experienced any problems in terms of stability, not one single crash to desktop of lockups, game runs very smoothly even on 1920x1200 res and High settings for graphics so no problems there. Its fault lie in the game itself and its ability to make the right decision eg where to land a heli without crashing it. One hopes enough people will make a noise about the bugs (and report them through the available offical channels) OA, and ArmA 3 will not suffer from the same bugs because long term it will hurt BI. I've often talked about games like GTA and yes many other games also ship with bugs. One big difference I see between them is how well known the company and game are. Activision, R* and others who release very bug ridden games at least can fall back on a long track record and claim to have released at least one or more games that didn't have major bugs on release (ok your only as good as your last game), but gamers are more likely to forgive GTA4 for its bugs because the previous 3 GTAs didn't suffer from many bugs and had 1 patch at the most. Does BI have a reputation for releasing stable, bug free games, NO, so far its reputation is they make a great game but man its loaded with bugs. If BI continue to release games like this even many of the fans on here currently singing praise for BI will get tired of it and move on, wondering if BI can ever release a less buggy game. Reviews will continue on as they do now, turning new potential fans away and hurting BI financially, then what will happen to your beloved game?? I think they'll fold up and you wont have a realistic milsim to play and you'll be wishing they did take a little more time to fix up bugs before release and market it better so they could survive and keep on making great games. BI need to release at least one stable, fairly bug free game to show they are capable of doing it otherwise they will forever be known for bugs by the wider gaming community. I want BI to survive and I wont sit back and pretend the game doesn't have its fair share of problems that should be addressed. All games suffer from bugs and they get fixed with people letting the developers know what these bugs/flaws are. Edited June 16, 2010 by Engioc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted June 17, 2010 Engioc Just ignore Takko, if you follow his posts here you soon will notice that he often replies to threads he has no idea what they are all about, or he makes comments totally out of context or in worst case just bashing users to get his postcount up. We will stop that very soon. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dangerdog 0 Posted June 17, 2010 Will there be a non beta release of ArmA 2 when Combined Arms is released? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pravinrocks4u 10 Posted June 17, 2010 if I go and buy some XYZ game DVD for 40 bucks and come home and after 2-3 days, the seller realizes that the half of the notes I gave to him was fake:D and if I keep on saying that well so what? the other note was real one and he should be satisfied with that :D and if the seller comes to me complaining about it, instead of accepting my mistake and giving him new note, if I keep on telling him that the he should look more positively at the real note, how the note was clean and brand new, just drawn from ATM and all the bullshit:D what do you think, all the ARMA II lovers ? :j: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted June 17, 2010 Don't quit school. Any day soon you might learn about punctuation. Sorry, but that was just unreadable. Or I'm just too tired... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zipper5 74 Posted June 17, 2010 I think the point of such a form of mockery is for what you're saying to actually make sense. In that case, pravinrocks4u, you fail dramatically. :butbut: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pravinrocks4u 10 Posted June 18, 2010 I think the point of such a form of mockery is for what you're saying to actually make sense. In that case, pravinrocks4u, you fail dramatically. :butbut: & do you think you passed out, just because you don't want to criticize BIS, & BIS is going to give you 'Best user of the community' Award? :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites