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Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

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On Topic: Are there any new screenshots available for the new units you are working on?

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louderthanu, just wait, new units not realised now, realise very close.

Remove your downloaded units and use old ver on waint to new

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Rgr that! That was my solution. Unfortunatly, some of my buds didn't think to archive the old version before updating.

I'm just giddy with excitement! :yay:

(and I really need a life...)


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louderthanu, just wait, new units not realised now, realise very close.

Remove your downloaded units and use old ver on waint to new

Sorry if this is rude, but I have to correct you. I'm seeing these words "realised" and "realise" used a lot around these forums.

It's Released and Release that should be used instead :)

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This is not intended to push a release date, but is there some estimated time of release on the units and island version 1.338 ?

I ask because we are currently working on a project for our clan and this have a certain time limit for when we need to finish.

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Sjaba: we (SBP Team) have a squadnight with FHW team this Sunday and I know a lot of folks are in the same position as you. Island bugfixing set me back a bit, I hope to finish the units asap and make a new update for island itself. We will host an MP event for everyone then, too.

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google translate got us stuck on rock #6 lol = spent all evening lloking for a clearing north west of where the rivers meet... any better hint?

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For all of you folks bitching about this, that and the other thing... maybe you should consider giving the man some money for his work and show some respect for his effort to provide you an immersive world to play in! Instead of picking apart his work or complaining that he didn't do it the way YOU think it should have been done, shut-up and just be greatful for people like him for providing quality content.

With all due respect (as hard as it is for me to say it), the fact that ppl are providing constructive criticism does not mean ppl are bitching, in fact, I have not seen a single person bitching in this thread. Second thing, who are you to tell ppl to hand over money to show their appreciation? People who mod do it for the love not because there is coin involved - I have been modding now for over 8 years on various games and I never asked for nor expected a dime.

Ppl show their respect in different ways, imho, throwing coin is the easy option. I prefer to show my respect and appreciation by spending a few months building a campaign or two on Icebreakr's map - how much is that worth? In future, think before you type.

Sorry but that comment really rubbed me the wrong way. Back on topic.

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eggbeast: wasn't that rock replaced by a new one in 1.337? :o

Lightspeed_aust: its completely optional, and yes... I rather see someone make a campaign or a mission for the island :)

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Lightspeed_aust: its completely optional, and yes... I rather see someone make a campaign or a mission for the island

well, i'm pleased to tell you that a new campaign, working name 'Jungle Fever: Free PNG' is underway presently - a 16-player coop using ACE2.

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Great work. Sadly many of us don't use ACE2 due to bad past experiences (long loading times, incompatibility with our missions that use older versions, etc.) :/ is it possible to make ace mod optional?

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on my side I made several versions of a war in Takistan by code34 for Lingor V1.337

ACE version and NO ACE.

I need the class names of buildings please.

I await your update to put your units on the map ^^

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Thx for the heads up IB :)

Probably will release as 5 series mission campagin as soon as the new updates are out. Just need to ensure things still work after island update ;)

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I rather see someone make a campaign or a mission for the island :)

I am working on a SP campaign on Lingor, but FTM, I'm waiting for the update and the units to be released.

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All units by infantry use the same class names as first units release (to use them until new releease, just delete new ibr_lcivilians). But there are new vehicles and even some new units. ARL now have different clothes, such as bandanas, boonie hats etc.

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sweet cant wait the wip screens look great and so does the island its great work ice and you can be very proud of it im looking forward to making some pmc missions.

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eggbeast: wasn't that rock replaced by a new one in 1.337? :o

Lightspeed_aust: its completely optional, and yes... I rather see someone make a campaign or a mission for the island :)

Well i put out a version of my SP mission "Lost" on Lingor, but i am waiting to update it with the new units. It'll be a great adventure to explore Lingor with!! Cant wait!

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eggbeast: wasn't that rock replaced by a new one in 1.337? :o

Lightspeed_aust: its completely optional, and yes... I rather see someone make a campaign or a mission for the island :)

ah we're not using that version yet (cos of the units lol)

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Lightspeed_aust: You're angry becuase I suggested people donate to IceBreaker instead of flapping thier gums about ilrelevant items... nice!

Fine, you are entitled to your opinon, just as I am. Now you've said yours happy?

I show respect and gratitude by making missions on the map AND rewarding the hard work with cash. Does that make me better than you? Nope. Does that make you better than I? Nope, but it does give some insight as to your charactor.

Sure you do it for "love" and if you expect you're going to make money of the efforts you are a fool. The possible amount of donations collected would never offset the hours and hours worked on the project, but having beer money is not a bad deal.

Grow a thicker skin lightspeed....

he never said he expected donations.

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I never said that he did.
if you expect you're going to make money off your efforts- you are a fool.

so yea..you did

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