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l mandrake

Adjustable crosshairs splease

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I'm not sure why you would wish to do that (once you're TrackIRd up it'd be confusing to constantly switch between functional and non-functional, it's interesting how quickly you get used to the fluid moving of your head ingame) but when you use the scope you lose the head tracking and just look down the scope direction. In iron-sight mode you get the iron sight up but you can still move your head around.

It's a generally very well implemented solution, but as I said some amount of visual cueing is needed to prevent you from pointing all parts of yourself in different directions :D for a start, in TrackIR mode you'll find it best to disable the floating zone as it's increasingly confusing and actually not needed.

I do not have it so just speculating.I just can't afford it right now.I just purchased smoking video card and an SSD drive and I still get stutters.TrackIR is not in my future for a long time till I can get this game finally smooth.GTX480/3.6quad CPU and I am having to bring details down to normal for the gameplay I like.Even the tiniest stutter and I feel kicked out of the immersion.It sucks that I am one of those people who need 60 constant fps to not see any stutter.

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It sucks that I am one of those people who need 60 constant fps to not see any stutter.

Then I feel rather lucky that I can play at low FPS and not really feel pulled out :D even at sub-20 FPS, as long as the gameplay is good I can look past it. But, we each have our foibles :D

BTW, TrackIR will not suck any performance as it's a hardware tracker (unlike the freeTracker which takes valuable CPU cycles). So as soon as you can afford it, I'd recommend it as an immersion builder, maybe it'll distract you from the FPS ;)

BTW, I doubt ArmA2 will ever achieve great FPS, it just seems to be fundamentally limited. Even Operation Flashpoint (the original not the new one) is limited in FPS, even with modern PCs. It's better than it was certainly, but it's not blistering high FPS like you'd expect. If you can get a regular 30 FPS out of ArmA2, I think that's about as good as you're going to get.

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Then I feel rather lucky that I can play at low FPS and not really feel pulled out :D even at sub-20 FPS, as long as the gameplay is good I can look past it. But, we each have our foibles :D

Everyone can, as long as its more or less stable. As long as it stays ~20 your eyes/brain will adjust to it and you wont even notice it anymore. But if your FPS goes from 60 to 20 and back all the time then you wont get the chance for that.

Turning off the FPS counter is the first step though, all long as you keep track of it all the time you will never be satisfied. ;)

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My game goes from 60 to 20 whenever I turn my viewpoint then goes back to 60.I go into a house with same wallpaper all around and windows and the game goes bananas.Every new window is a huge texture load.:rolleyes:I mean why can't grass texture stay around so it doesn't need to constantly reload.I tried an SSD drive and no help.Now I am gonna try the USB trick.

Scary about going out with a bang.:butbut:Would they do that?

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What's scary is how quickly this thread went OT... :j:

Edited by Big Dawg KS

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I've been using afp's excellent minimal crosshair mod for a long time. It is great for single player, but obviously does not work in pvp multiplayer because opponents with normal crosshairs have an advantage (or server is set to no crosshairs).

Hence my request for more crosshair options to be built-in by BIS.

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With minimal crosshair mod you can manage to find center by averaging way too quickly, as ticks are located right over or by side of each other. And personally I could never like the new white color, I preferred the old greenish one. Fixing that myself, the addon was naturally not signed again, and unusable. But even when color was changed, I found it too quickly to estimate center from due to where the ticks were located.

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What's scary is how quickly this thread went OT... :j:

Sorry,I need to stay on topic.

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With minimal crosshair mod you can manage to find center by averaging way too quickly, as ticks are located right over or by side of each other. And personally I could never like the new white color, I preferred the old greenish one. Fixing that myself, the addon was naturally not signed again, and unusable. But even when color was changed, I found it too quickly to estimate center from due to where the ticks were located.

agreed. It's far from perfect, but far better than the default options, and the only solution I've seen so far. Actually I find the white colour adds to the difficulty slightly, as it can get lost against some backgrounds.

I would love to try your idea of diagonal ticks as I also dont want it to be too easy to find center; I want my game to be suitably challenging.

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Most crosshairs have the center empty and you having to find center yourself.Thing is its too easy as brain takes the 4 ticks and calculates it instantaneously.CarlG tried using inverted triangles to trick the mind.I think I stumbled onto something better.Just a single dot that is offset to the side of actual aimpoint.

I don't know if its just me but something happens when you switch from a close target to one further out.What looks like the same distance from this dot to actual aimpoint is wrong.Example of this effect is when zooming.You zoom in and put dot on a spot and bullet hits 1/4 inch away...then zoom out and the dot now looks like its 1/2 inch away from aimpoint.Its a pretty dam kool effect and fools the brain.So up close is easy to target while further away gets harder as in real life.

Whats great also is that the dot is easy reference as to where you bullets will hit in vertical plane as in real life its easy to tell whether your weapon is gonna shoot at ground or not.Another "great" effect is you can now easily get scopes on target by placing the dot to the left of it.

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Most crosshairs have the center empty and you having to find center yourself.Thing is its too easy as brain takes the 4 ticks and calculates it instantaneously.CarlG tried using inverted triangles to trick the mind.I think I stumbled onto something better.Just a single dot that is offset to the side of actual aimpoint.

I don't know if its just me but something happens when you switch from a close target to one further out.What looks like the same distance from this dot to actual aimpoint is wrong.Example of this effect is when zooming.You zoom in and put dot on a spot and bullet hits 1/4 inch away...then zoom out and the dot now looks like its 1/2 inch away from aimpoint.Its a pretty dam kool effect and fools the brain.So up close is easy to target while further away gets harder as in real life.

Whats great also is that the dot is easy reference as to where you bullets will hit in vertical plane as in real life its easy to tell whether your weapon is gonna shoot at ground or not.Another "great" effect is you can now easily get scopes on target by placing the dot to the left of it.

Sounds really interesting, I would like very much to try this out. Any mod makers out there able to replace the default crosshair with an (off-centre) dot? :o

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Take a sniper rifle and bring up the scope,then place a dot on your pc about 1/2 inch away from the aimpoint.Use something that will not be permanent....I use a dab of white silicon.LOLI think vertical is best since its easier in game to tell where the weapon is directed in left/right angle but kinda harder to tell where its pointed in relation to horizon.It makes for quicker target acquisition since with no crosshair you need to calculate vertical and horizontal position of your weapon in 3D world.

Its very good.It makes for a smoother game experience and yet it is hard to target properly with it since distance changes perspective and you will be off on distant shots.You could just play with no crosshair and practice with one weapon all the time and you would probably need no crosshair at all after awhile.But as OP asks for we need some different crosshairs with varying degrees of difficulty.

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I really think they need to add a new view where you look down the barrel but not the sights (just like trying to sight something in IRL). Maybe even add a PP depth-of-field effect with a VERY SUBTLE blur outside of a say 20-degree cone off the end of the barrel (not as drastic as the radial blur). So when you're firing "from the hip" you get no visual cue; then when firing "down the barrel" you get that PP effect + the general direction of the gun to help zero in a little better; then of course iron sights/scope

Edited by No Use For A Name

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I hear ya.Have you seen the ACE2 CQB sights for certain weapons that have them?This would look so good as the non-sighted view.I posted on this before and it was brought up that it looks wrong with view centered straight down the barrel.But when you shoulder a weapon you twist your head so that it actually is centered in view with your dominant eye.

It could be that when you press Rmouse the gun lowers and you sight down the barrel and when you release the sights come up.

CQB sights right at beginning of this video.

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The minute we got that would be the minute we got complains that we don't have sight toggle but sight hold, pluss it would break the vanilla hold breath bind (which I don't use myself). We can discuss sights all we want, but the major thing here is crosshairs. They are still needed for "non pointers" (TrackIR and floating zone users) and for commanding, and so serve valid points in the game even if you and me don't like them. Fixing/changing the sighting system imo does nothing regarding the crosshairs.

I tried some offsetting values to the rectangular ticks after it came to me unintentionally :) But it just felt weird to me. I haven't toyed with the offset dot idea yet, but I expect the same, that weird feeling. People expect an accurate indication to be accurate, and we would get a lot of complaints due to this "offset dot bug".

I also tried rotating the rectangular tick based crosshair by 90°, to illustrate less accuracy in elevation than horizontal. But that as well just felt unnatural, trying to fight the current screen aspect.

Ticks spread apart during movement or exhaustion. Maybe the vertical contraction should happen at a slower pace to illustrate the above?

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The spread of crosshair from exhaustion causes the offset dot to really be hard to use.Thats a shame since its easy to whip up a crosshair with just a dot.

You could also just have an over the barrel look as standard instead of the side of head view we have now.Then just one click to bring up the sight and zoom in with Rmouse held/hold breath as default is now.I love this over the barrel look.Found a new video that has Acog with it and it also looks good.

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You could also just have an over the barrel look as standard instead of the side of head view we have now.Then just one click to bring up the sight and zoom in with Rmouse held/hold breath as default is now.I love this over the barrel look.Found a new video that has Acog with it and it also looks good.

It's a ACE feature, nothing new.

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Its an ACE feature for weapons that have CQB sights above the scope itself.Its not set to standard shouldered view and you first have to bring up the sight then switch to CQB sight by pressing(not 100% sure) SHIFT-F.What if the standard shouldered view was over the barrel for all weapons.People would freak.:D

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you first have to bring up the sight then switch to CQB sight by pressing(not 100% sure) SHIFT-F.

When you have pressed Shift-F once it will stay in CQB mode everytime you bring up the sight.

Having that CQB view set as standard view, no thanks it would feel extremely weird to me.

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Yeah I guess your right.The weapon off to side we have now actually looks like your hip firing so it feels ok.You need to be told your actually shouldering the weapon to know it.

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Im for no crosshairs at all, so diffrent guns have their advantages and disatvantages.

If you want see the direction your gun is pointing press space and watch the big circle.

But permanent crosshair gives to much advantage to scoped guns and sniper rifles in close fights where non scoped guns should have their advantage over scoped ones.

just my 2 cents

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The weapon off to side we have now actually looks like your hip firing

Oh.. I didn't know your hip was located exactly where your shoulder is. :j:

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"Looks like your hip firing."Every past game Ive played the character fires from the hip and it looks like A2.

Pain,we already choice of crosshair and no crosshair.OP asked for more choices.I said an offset dot is pretty good and another one might be the crosshair we have now without the dot in center where the bullet will impact....like in some heavy machine guns.Makes it a bit harder.

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you think that maybe, i think what i said.

press space and look general direction where your gun is pointing. any other permanent crosshair would unbalance sccoped over qcb rifles. And that makes the game unrealistic, like you see on much servers where everyone is a sniper with an AT weapon.

the only way is no permanent crosshair at all

my opinion

Edited by Pain0815

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