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AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

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You've done everything correct ;) But I think there could be the reason why it's not working:


if !(isServer) exitWith {hint "NOT Server"};
_as = [] execVM "Sys\Serv_bot.sqf";
_as = [] execVM "Sys\Lin_Kontakt.sqf";
sleep 3;
_an = [] execVM "Start.sqf";
sleep 1;
_as = [] execVM "Sys\Resp_Veh.sqf";
sleep 1;
_as = [] execVM "Garnizon\Random.sqf";

//init.sqf for Lurchi's AC-130 Script

//Call LDL_init for Lurchi's AC-130 Script
LDL_init = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "ac130\LDL_init.sqf";
[]spawn LDL_init;
waitUntil {!isNil "LDL_initDone"};
waitUntil {LDL_initDone};

The first line

if !(isServer) exitWith {hint "NOT Server"};

Means: If you're not the server, go out. That means your friend (who is not the server because that's the host.) won't execute the rest of this script. And there's the init for the AC-130.

Try to put the AC130 init in the first line of the init or somewhere above this code. ;)

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//init.sqf for Lurchi's AC-130 Script

//Call LDL_init for Lurchi's AC-130 Script
LDL_init = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "ac130\LDL_init.sqf";
[]spawn LDL_init;
waitUntil {!isNil "LDL_initDone"};
waitUntil {LDL_initDone};
if !(isServer) exitWith {hint "NOT Server"};
_as = [] execVM "Sys\Serv_bot.sqf";
_as = [] execVM "Sys\Lin_Kontakt.sqf";
sleep 3;
_an = [] execVM "Start.sqf";
sleep 1;
_as = [] execVM "Sys\Resp_Veh.sqf";
sleep 1;
_as = [] execVM "Garnizon\Random.sqf";

Maybe this version ?

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Big Thanks, i am noob in this work, but really thanks=) If this script would't work again, I'll write =)

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Thanks for the update Lurchi, great to see this MP compatible!


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We've been testing this mod extensively (= a lot of incoming for the enemy) and so far the only issues we found are:

1) Once one player activates the camera, he becomes the only player that can ever access it again;

2) A2TS3 mod does not work while in camera view;

3) Camera operator cannot open the map;

Great job! We're loving this, I would really like a mod version of this script, is it doable?

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We've been testing this mod extensively (= a lot of incoming for the enemy) and so far the only issues we found are:

1) Once one player activates the camera, he becomes the only player that can ever access it again;

2) A2TS3 mod does not work while in camera view;

3) Camera operator cannot open the map;

Great job! We're loving this, I would really like a mod version of this script, is it doable?

1) When does this exactly happen?

2) Never heard of this mod... maybe the mod doesn't work if a dialog is open...

3) That's because it's a dialog... I'll make one in the future.

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Wikipedia says that the AC130 carries the L/60 Bofors and "The gun fired a 900 g (2.0 lb) high explosive 40 × 311R (rimmed) shell at 850 m/s (2,800 ft/s). The rate of fire was normally about 120 rounds per minute (2.0 rounds per second), which improved slightly when the barrels were closer to the horizontal as gravity assisted the feeding from the top-mounted magazine. IN PRACTICE firing rates were closer to 80–100 rpm (1.3-1.7 rounds per second), as the rounds were fed into the breech from four round clips which had to be replaced by hand."

"The U.S. version of the gun fired three variants of the British Mk. II high-explosive shell as well as the M81A1 armor-piercing round, which was capable of penetrating some 50 mm of homogeneous armor plate at a range of 500 yards."

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Hey Lurch, first of all mate brilliant script. Really enjoying it at the moment, that being said i have a quick question....

Is it possible to disable the HUD (Show Troops On/Off)?? Basically this beast is overkill for pretty much any enemy and having the big boxes around any vehicle just makes it far too easy to target. I would like to disable the HUD totally, to force players into having to:

1. Search for targets.

2. Communicate with others to ID and engage targets.

Thankyou for any help you can provide and once again great job.

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Yeah, I'm definitely with Shadow.D.Bob on that one.

Lurch, note that the 40mm SABOT rounds do not produce a splash when hitting water. They should, just from the kinetics.

Edited by Uziyahu--IDF

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I really hope some one can help Lurch turns these scripts into an pbo addon!! Im pretty amazed no one has come forward to help him do this!

Ive seen many amazing scripts turned into mods by people offering their assistance... i cannot believe no one is willing to make lurch an ac130 and convert his scripts...

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I really hope some one can help Lurch turns these scripts into an pbo addon!! Im pretty amazed no one has come forward to help him do this!

Ive seen many amazing scripts turned into mods by people offering their assistance... i cannot believe no one is willing to make lurch an ac130 and convert his scripts...

totally agree ;)

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Wikipedia says that the AC130 carries the L/60 Bofors and "The gun fired a 900 g (2.0 lb) high explosive 40 × 311R (rimmed) shell at 850 m/s (2,800 ft/s). The rate of fire was normally about 120 rounds per minute (2.0 rounds per second), which improved slightly when the barrels were closer to the horizontal as gravity assisted the feeding from the top-mounted magazine. IN PRACTICE firing rates were closer to 80–100 rpm (1.3-1.7 rounds per second), as the rounds were fed into the breech from four round clips which had to be replaced by hand."

"The U.S. version of the gun fired three variants of the British Mk. II high-explosive shell as well as the M81A1 armor-piercing round, which was capable of penetrating some 50 mm of homogeneous armor plate at a range of 500 yards."

Arma 2 doesn't offer enough shells... if I use high explosion for the 40mm there's no bigger explosion for the 105mm left...

Is it possible to disable the HUD (Show Troops On/Off)??

Yes, it is ;) . Maybe spot via lasertarget (that the gunner can see)...

I really hope some one can help Lurch turns these scripts into an pbo addon!

Would be nice ^^ That would also solve the shell problem... I don't know but maybe I could make my own shells?

Is there a tutorial or something??


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Yes, it is . Maybe spot via lasertarget (that the gunner can see)...

I take it by this you mean it cannot be disabled in the current version, but possibly for future updates?

If so is there a way to at least disable that bit of code for now, until a new version?

I like the laser idea aswell, def more team orientated.

Edited by Shadow.D. ^BOB^

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What do you mean with old buttons? Q,E,C,X... instead of F1, F2, F3... ?

Sorry for not replying. I meant those buttons around the screen, the ones you got from bf2.....

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I take it by this you mean it cannot be disabled in the current version, but possibly for future updates?

If so is there a way to at least disable that bit of code for now, until a new version?

It's not difficult to disable it ;) Maybe I'll make a little update with this.

1. Go into the setup scripts:



Replace this line:

_enableHud = true; //Show vehicles as a square; default: true

with this line:

_enableHud = false; //Show vehicles as a square; default: true

2. Go into the ac130\ac130_init.sqf

Search for these lines:

			if (_dikCode == 64) then
			//F6 pressed
			if (LDL_showTroops) then 
				LDL_showTroops = false;
				(_display displayctrl 1002) ctrlSetText "Show Troops off";
				(_display displayctrl 1020) ctrlSetTextColor [0,0,0,1];
				LDL_showTroops = true;
				(_display displayctrl 1002) ctrlSetText "Show Troops on";
				(_display displayctrl 1020) ctrlSetTextColor [1,0,0,1];

And remove them or comment them out with




This should work...

Sorry for not replying. I meant those buttons around the screen, the ones you got from bf2.....

You could take the new picture and replace it with the new one. It's called Display.paa and is located in the Pictures folder.


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Hey Lurchi,

REALLY enjoying this script. Just brilliant work!

I have been experimenting more with WASD keys and I have found that pressing the D key for a while makes the AC130 hit full speed. This is an impressive sight but should, in my mind be limited.

The S key will increase the radius (I think) but the W key doesnt seem to reduce it.

As I have said before a more important function would be HEIGHT. Sometimes the AC130 is flying in clouds and needs to be retasked to fly lower 'on the fly'. Perhaps the W and S key could be height ?

I have put your scripts into Evo and am looking at implementing it into Gonza&L'Etranger's VTS.

A model of a proper AC130 would just be lovely, even without working guns.

Great work ... keep it up!


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Thanks for that Lurch, works a treat.

I hope you plan to continue developing this once OA is released. Using the new FLIR system in that would just make this complete.

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The way you has it setup in the first set of scripts before 0.3 where we could edit the settings of the AC130 in that one script was perfect. Could we get something similar in this version?

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I could put the options in a single file? Name it ac130_options or something... would be no problem ;)

At the moment I try to get familiar with making add-ons. :)

The new FLIR system will be implemented as soon as OA is released and I've figured out how it works. ^^

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Lurch, can you use a 40mm GRENADE as the 40mm HE round? From what I've seen in real footage, that would almost be perfect. Does ArmA 2 have a 40mm HEDP (dual-purpose, meaning ALSO armor-piercing, if I remember correctly) grenade, like Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising?

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It has a 40mm but as far as I remember the exoplosion was very small...

feel free to open the ac130_init.sqf and search for the calculateBullet part and replace the shells with one from the list. ("G_30mm_HE", "Sh_120_SABOT" and "Sh_120_HE")... I didn't found the perfekt one...

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This is a great script. Thanks for the work. I have added it to Domination and it works great.

One thing I have noticed is if you have more than 2 people load into the C130 it breaks the script. The option will not return unless you destroy the C130. (not a big deal as I added it to the rewards for doing main missions)

Looking foward to your next release.

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1) Great AC130!

2) How do you get the AI AC130 to fire other than 25MM. I can't get it to fire 40MM and 105MM at targets. I even placed tanks and it will not fire above 25MM, any solution?

3)Great work! Thank you!


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