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co@34_Domino, more realistic Domination...

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... post deleted by myself, as I'm leaving and won't leave this unfinished business behind :) ...

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Looks interesting, but doesn't seem to work when hosted? Clients get markers, but the host sees no markers and no vehicles/crates are created.

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Looks interesting, but doesn't seem to work when hosted? Clients get markers, but the host sees no markers and no vehicles/crates are created.

Host it on a dedicated server!

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... post deleted by myself, as I'm leaving and won't leave this unfinished business behind :) ...

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Sure, you can run a server and the game on the same computer. It still isn't as simple as hosting a game though. Just put a note about it only working on dedicated and I'll pipe down ;)

Interesting spin on domination, I like the role restrictions and not having to face T90's at every side mission. Any chance of using the ACE airlifting module for the vehicles by the way?

A few things I noticed:

- It says in the mission notes that medics can't build MASH, but I was able to as charlie squad medic.

- The mission started with yellow player names above each player, but those seemed to disappear after my first respawn (suits me well, as they display together with ace recognize).

- Intelligence report and similar sections appeared within the 1st time player section instead of notes.

- The fortification placed by Charlie team engineer might be more suitably called HESCO section or sandbag wall.

- I didn't seem to get the sidemission reports (new/completed) while inside a vehicle, only when outside and near it (or a player with a radio).

A final thing regarding the limited weapons. When respawning you get back the weapons you had before dying, even if another player took the weapon from your body - after a few respawns those who initially started with iron sights soon had acogs or machine guns.

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... post deleted by myself, as I'm leaving and won't leave this unfinished business behind :) ...

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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- Marker Names: I've never seen it during testing, and not on the first server I played on today. But I saw it on the second, but I don't know how that can happen, at least not yet. I'm going to check it out more. Yes, I removed it since it duplicates ACE recognize feature.

That's strange then. Remove the script entirely perhaps?

- Intelligence report: Yes, by design. I've left the original Domination part in the notes section for now. At least I think so, will check it out :)

Seemed to be against the "standard" of them being in the notes section at least - but hey, they're not empty, so I can forgive you that :p

- Radio report: Will look into it. Btw, looked into the new radios, but figured I can't use them since they are not configured in A2TS addon yet. Probably later. Edit: Seemed to work for me, do you remember what vehicle you where in at the time? I might have forgotten to put them in. You will want to have a western radio or vehicle, enemy classes won't work. Hopefully such "encryption" will come also in A2T :)

I think it was in a stolen uaz, so it probably works as intended then.

- Weapon exploit: Yeah, one of my biggest nightmares actually :) Many feels that if someone dies, you should be able to pickup his launcher. For M136, I agree. For SMAW, not so much (requires special training that I'm told not everyone gets). Then again, "how difficult can it be, when the situation demands it"? So I figured, since SMAW ammo is sparse, those who pick it up won't be able to use it for long anyway. The original Domination way of handling limited weapons didn't really suit me well. And none of the other methods I've tried has really worked well enough (or at all, lol). I really don't want to punish the guy who died, by removing a weapon from his inventory if someone stole it. Works for structured players/games, but not on public. The only "reasonable" way left to handle it, although not realistic, is move the body away somehow the instant he is killed, but I haven't been successful with this approach yet.

Were there some problems with that approach? Worked well enough with killed eventhandlers in arma one, but I haven't tried after they added the scheduling for scripts.

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... post deleted by myself, as I'm leaving and won't leave this unfinished business behind :) ...

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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... post deleted by myself, as I'm leaving and won't leave this unfinished business behind :) ...

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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2. REMOVED: Player names completely from scripts, although I've never seen it happen on our server. Don't understand how disabling it wasn't enough, but those who got it should be happy... I hope.

Haven't seen this any more - hurray :)

Found a little issue, btw: It seems weapons on your back aren't saved, lost my rucksack as the smaw launcher was in the main secondary slot.

Edit: Could you readd the stretchers to the field hospitals? Nice to have around in case the medic is far away and someone get their legs blown off ;)

Edited by HulkingUnicorn

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... post deleted by myself, as I'm leaving and won't leave this unfinished business behind :) ...

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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The weapon on back is not visible to the ammo and weapons commands, it's just a variable on each unit (atleast it was in ace1, "ace_weapononback" or smth), so it might not be included in your weapon saving script.

Stretchers should work without wounds, they are just vehicles that need two people who can walk for optimal performance (if there's only one "horse", he will drop the stretcher after a few meters). The stretcher occupies the launcher slot, in my opinion it could be in the cargo of every truck actually. Then each squad could evacuate the wounded in a quicker fashion than dragging/lifting.

Being able to use an action at the base to recreate morphine effects would go some ways to prevent drug addicts while still providing an alternative. Why not add this possibility to buildable mash as well, to give it a purpose? There's no need to give a huge amount of supplies to those when built, to reduce the utility.

There should also be an action to give morphine to an unconscious teammate as well then, if there's no medic present. Epinephrine would probably need a similar approach.

To give medics extra worth, you could conceivably give morphine or epi back to the medic after he's performed medical care (justified by medic rucksack being designed to carry medical supplies, and so being more efficient). This way it's not wise to portion out the drugs to the regular soldiers. Perhaps he would get one back every two applications, or something akin to that. As long as the system gives you enough equipment to take care of the wounded over time (the limitations of gear given to the medic is a bit worrying), it sounds cool to me. If the odds of being nursed back to life is slim, the player might be a bit too tempted to respawn, after all ;)

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... post deleted by myself, as I'm leaving and won't leave this unfinished business behind :) ...

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Been going a lot back and forth today, will check if it helps any before I release anything new. I'm puzzled, as it uses pretty much the same code as in Domination (incl "ace_weapononback"). It may be problematic there as well, but the impact of the bug is less severe. Anyway, when I tested, I actually didn't drop anything. It was still there, hidden somehow. If the model was not shown, I could still switch to SMAW and get up the ruck of all things. No, I didn't try firing the ruck I found that if I clicked "on back" a couple of times, things got back to normal.

Odd, does the order of adding weapon/setting the variable change anything? Perhaps delay it a bit?

Wounds system is up and running. Only medics get everything, sniper team also gets epinephrine (but not morphine) since they may be hard to reach, and grunts only gets bandages. At base I'm trying some ACE calls to get ALL the effects (should give possibility for MEDEVAC if no medics are in play) if you play without teleportation. Thinking about doing same for ambulance, except the morphine maybe?

What's the point of giving them epi and not morphine? One of them would have to drag the other back to base, use morphine action from tent and then use epi on the patient.

By the way, will you enable the surrender module as well then (as well as handcuffs, obviously)? Kinda nasty to have to execute any survivors instead of handling them properly.

Medics now get 12 bandages (to pass along obvsiously) and 4 each of morphine and epinephrine - per each dropped crate. Pluss in the base for the first run (no vehicle support yet), you get a double dose of everything. Drop crate at site, and you have triple. Also, if you visit the base between each target, you get the possibility to get restocked in the respawn area ammo crate. So the "punishment" in terms of lacking supplies is proportional to how fast you want to play. During initial phase, you should be able to have plenty. Relying on ammo drops later on, you might run low, but now also enemy is getting lower in personell. Spend a little time to do the logistics, and you should never run dry.

What do you mean by dropping crate? Some feature I've missed?

As an experiment, I've also added CSWs to Charlie engineers, but they have to team up in order to get what is needed. One gets the guns, the other one gets the tripods. Ammo is heavy (70-80kg if they choose to go with a full load), so utilize their HMMWV or squad truck to get around. These will not respawn if destroyed, so T-E in cooperation with rest of Charlie being forward is a good approach for immediate indirect fires. It gives a nice edge on the start of the battle, since vehicles are not awarded yet. I just hope it is not overkill against the current enemy.

Sounds awesome :D

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... post deleted by myself, as I'm leaving and won't leave this unfinished business behind :) ...

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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I'm highly inexperienced with the wounds module, is it like ACE1 where you had to give both epinephrine and morphine to wake up sometimes?

Morphine is needed to wake them up. If they needed epi as well, they will fall unconscious again after a little while. Only giving epi might prolong the time they have to live, but I'm not sure if it does even that.

Lol, I've never considered surrender module and handcuffs. Enemies will despawn when new mission is generated, not sure how that affects stableness. If I do, it will only be for the RESCUE operators though (group size issues in MP), but undecided at this point. I know there are quite some groups which are not allowed to flee, which would make the surrender module a bit useless at least for these groups.

If an enemy ai is unconscious, you have handcuffs in your inventory and the surrendering module is activated, you can use an arrest option from the interaction menu. All weapons and ammo will be dropped on the ground and the ai will not wake up again - it will not join the group of the player doing the arresting. ACE just needs the surrendering module for the arrest option to show up, it will work no matter what courage etc the enemy possess.

Probably, if you've never played Domination before Yeah, pick up ammo crates from the ammo point in the base from choppers (not MH6) or the MHQs. You can only drop crate when in drivers seat (making it a "hot" vehicle). Pick it up again when changing MHQs position. Remember that while in a vehicle, AI will consider artillery more than mortars against you.

Did move some crates with MHQ in regular domination, but local ammo crates makes it kinda useless. Do you mean to say you can pickup crates from some building/marker at base then?

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Small update to make the mission playable again after the latest ACE update. Removing two letters from mission.sqm was all that was needed... Find it here.

Useless due to being local? How so? Shouldn't have any practical issues in that regard, as all players are updated about the event. But it prevent theft, allows custom stuff per player, and fixes a (for me) severe bug in Arma2 in that JIP clients won't see updated contents from before they joined. Not ideal solution, but no public player is ideal :) That problem still exists for the loaded vehicles, you might expect some negative comments about that.

Yes, just drive onto the ammo point with either one of the H-60s or MHQs, and an ammocrate will be loaded automatically.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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If a patient is bleeding and uncouncius and in need of bandage, epi and morphine he needs all this relatively fast, giving him a bandage + Epi and then transporting him to a medic tent will be risky the patient may die during transport, if he gets morphine too he can wake up and continue living.

The stretcher may save his life, but not letting everyone have morphine is gamewise just foolish in my opinion. but by all means test it out and find out for yourself.

in my opinion even though you may not have an actual medic its wise to assign atleast one guy who can have all medical aids avalible in the field so people can get a chance to be rescued from death. what if the medic gets killed? in real life the rest in the squad would use the medics supplies ofcourse with the supervision of the Squadleader.

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... post deleted by myself, as I'm leaving and won't leave this unfinished business behind :) ...

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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It seems brilliant. Im gonna test it and debrief here.

Thank you.

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Useless due to being local? How so?

I assumed you used the load ammocrate in the vehicle menu on the crates by the starting position - then the vehicle would only transport your own crate and bringing ammo for the team would be impossible.

Yes, just drive onto the ammo point with either one of the H-60s or MHQs, and an ammocrate will be loaded automatically.

That changes things.

About risk and stuff. Being killed isn't much of a problem. Sure, it's annoying to wait two minutes and get back to your team. But you can do a halo jump with the right gear, combat jump relatively near any location and even teleport to your group if that was arranged beforehand.

Now, if you died and had to wait until some numbers of other players had respawned as well, this might change (being confined in a waiting area or something). Perhaps making the teleport take time like the fast travel in warfare could be another possibility.

Maybe this is too radical for what is essentially a less serious mission type, but you've been modding it into something more hardcore so maybe not ;)

Currently testing with revive (ACEs poor mans revive) in the wounds version. Defaults to three minutes revive time[...]

Wish there was some action to freeze the timer for a while. If there's no morphine or epi around it might not be enough time to bring the wounded to a medic.

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... post deleted by myself, as I'm leaving and won't leave this unfinished business behind :) ...

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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