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Converting Nogovo To Arma II

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Well OFP:IP is for ArmA 2, ACE:IP was for ArmA 1, and in both cases you have to download atleast 2 gigs, more like 4 gigs for OFP:IP.

I have an idea for a project name. "OFP Evolved" could be good because while the landmass will stay generally the same (If i read that right) the towns and general landscape won't be, but they will look like they used to be, or could be, the old OFP towns we knew, but they have expanded in the last decade or so.

Did I get the last bit right?

Oh yeah, size does matter haha. Going to attempt to keep this inside a 100-200 mb range. Currently it's only around 13 mb I think, so maybe it will be somewhat small in size i don't know.

I like that (OFP: Evolved) and yup you did hit the nail there ;)

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Ok, looks like all those were made for arma 1, so unless there's another conversion or project running I'll continue this.

We from the CWR² Mod are already working on all OFP terrains. However the two projects do not collide as we recreate the terrains and villages so they match 100% with the original ones. You have something bigger in mind where compatibility doesn't matter. :)

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We from the CWR² Mod are already working on all OFP terrains. However the two projects do not collide as we recreate the terrains and villages so they match 100% with the original ones. You have something bigger in mind where compatibility doesn't matter. :)

Good to hear, I'll keep on working on this project then.

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my god if nogova is in arma2 i'm going to be the happiest little fan-boy ever. :inlove:

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my god if nogova is in arma2 i'm going to be the happiest little fan-boy ever. :inlove:

Wolle and team are working on porting the originals, this project is going to be all the islands together in one large map like the OFP World project. First post has a roughly estimated projection of whats going on here. You can download the early stage alpha there as well.

Map progress:

Sat maps coming along, they do look digitalized due to the sat image being the same size as the height map but like I said, just something to get this kicked over into beta then I'll redo it.

I'm going to wait to upload another version here until there's something that needs tested.

Random Tip:

Nice little tip for quickly testing your map:

-delete your CA folder inside your project folder. DO NOT DELETE "P:\CA", I'm talking about for instance... "P:\madm\CA" where madm is my project folder and the CA folder inside holds the .cpp files.

What this will do is keep the pbo compression process very short so you can check ingame for height changes/ sat or mask changes. The time difference for me is 3-5 min or 30+ min with .cpp's. You will get a good amount of errors in your log file or at least I did but you can still view the map and fly around etc. FYI I un-pbo'd most if not all of my arma 2 vanilla mods and placed them inside my P:\CA folder.

I don't know yet if I will have to link the config files for roads but we'll see. When I upload test versions I use a batch file to replace the missing CA containing the .cpp's.

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Contrary to many tutorials and as I've stated several times in these forums, the tools work very well;

a) with no "personal project folder" (ie madm)

b) with no CA directory copies or files except the main CA directory in the root of P drive.

The main CA contains everything from the game CA directory, De-PBO'ed.

I've also gone through and Un-Raped every CONFIG.BIN, though I'm not sure thats actually nessisary.

Your projects are then just a directory in the root of P drive.

I've built all types of addons (including terrain, but excluding human units) with this method and have no related issues.

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Gnat: yup, I must agree. I followed too many tutorials to be too late for that :)

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Good to know Gnat, when I switch over the next alpha I give that a try.

I'm using XP 32 bit so I'm stuck with 2 gigs of ram and it makes it a pain to deal with the shizton of windows I have open. I'm looking at gutting my PC and building a win 7 system here but I need to know if visitor runs well on it. Anyone out there using win 7 64 bit with visitor 3?

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Gnat;1620929']Yep' date=' did it all with WinXP and now doing it with Win7 64bit[/quote']

Thanks for the response, put my mind at ease :)

Island Update:

I'm going to redo this version of the sat/mask. It's too blurry to really see what and where things need to go. should have this done in 1-2 days.

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;1622765']Looking goooood...

thanks man, now did you find any odd looking areas? I was thinking that maybe the green on everon looks a little too florescent or something, idk. It almost bleeds a little too much or something. I'm wondering if it isn't just my color settings for this graphics card.

The mountain range on the east side of everon will definitely need to be reset sat image wise. I think the bridge area for novoga needs the water bank height to be blurred down too.

I think the beta will be very rough, I still might make the 1 month mark on it though. Maybe take another 2-4 weeks through the beta stage though idk.

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Cant say much about textures or blur..

Need more items and possible interactions.

Like driving a car on the road, doing something else..

Thats when you find the stuff you arent looking for..

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Ok, I'll dive into object placing soon here. Thanks for taking a look.

The process I thought I would go through is to draw red lines for roads on the sat, then place the road objects over top of that. I'll type out a detailed process for road placement once I get it down.

Oh snap, checked my email... new pc parts in route. Going to have to do some pc part testing here before I get into this.

I gotta spend some time fixing this PC build, project on hold for no longer then a week. Might be up and running agian in 1-3 days.

Edited by MadMardigan409

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Unfortunately I got some bad ram, good news is I can still use the old shiz to get some work done till my new ram comes.

I need a tutorial on roads, anything will do. I can't seem to find any tutes on the subject and the listed road tutorial in the sticky thread is gone. Help? Please and thank you!

Win 7 64 rocks btw.

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You're welcome...

And don't call me Sir - I'm not an officer... ;)


"I'm a doctor, not a Sir"

Leonard McCoy :p

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I tried both actually. You didn't set anything special for it? Like compatibility modes or anything like that?

Wonder if it's a open gl type of issue.

Edited by MadMardigan409

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Hey Mardigan I downloaded the islands and flew a few circles around it, and it seems to be the beginning of something wonderful, please accept my gratulations and convey it to your team too :)

I've been lurking around the OFP islands for some time, planning around what type of missions can be made on them? Playing with them is like going back to an old elementary school of yours, time has it shrinken drastically. Everything that was so big once, became much smaller as time passed (and visibility distance increased :D). I felt that anything I'd make would overcrowd these worlds. I was thinking about, what would be if these islands would be a bigger in the same shape?

Now they're here, gotten fat up, and grown some more hills on them :) Now they seem like areas where all kind of warfare can be conducted (armor, guerilla, infantry, you name the rest), but not where every territory can be conquered by just one type of those warfares. I can't even imagine where will it lead when they get forests, villages and cities. I think the more elevation will give many possibilites for new tactical challenges in future missions.

Some drawbacks are present of course; first, the very steep shores currently make amphibious operations very difficult, I don't know if they'll be changed, or stay, or tide cycle will make some parts accessible;

Second because of the bigger elevations, some areas became practically unusable but for sunbathing - thinking about for example the two "rocks" south of Everon; maybe they should just be left out, to spare some memory for the PC, or made flatter, so it actually can be reached with other means than a helicopter.

I'm not recommending any changes, just storming my brain with thoughts.

Keep up the good work, wish you luck!

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