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ATTN NOOBIES! - New to ArmA II or OA - Here's the place for your questions

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can anyone suggest some good single player missions? I have gone through the scenarios in arma 2 and would like to try some other missions .. Im not used to using the editor at all so would love to play some ready made missions ..

thanks in advance

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How do you run this game in windowed mode? I want to run it in windowed mode @ 1280x720 to get a performance gain.

alt + Enter

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I've got a bit of an older computer. My computer has are:

AMD Phenom II X3 720 2.80GHz

ATI Radeon HD 4650

I was looking to upgrade my GPU because at fairly low settings in ArmA 2 I get around 25 FPS, but which do you think should be the priority here?

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Lads been looking for some good guides on who to use the A10 and or other jets to take on ground targets, been playing around for a bit but some extra help would not hurt :)

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Regarding the jerky 'slideshows' I mentioned in an earlier post, it seems the Arrowhead 1.55 patch was to blame.

So I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and patched with 1.54 and there have been no more slideshows so far, touch wood..:)

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Lets say your flying an A-10 and you spot an enemy tank, and you want to use your guns (gau) what you do is get a little distance,

and then reduce your speed as you decend on him, line you gun sights and blam!

It takes a little practice the key thing is distance, and speed, lining up the sites works best when your already flying

at the tank not turning or manovering to aim, set yourself up to already be facign the target you wish to shoot, then work your speed.

Height is another factor, as based on your speed you will decend quick, and be on top of him before you know it,

this is where distance comes in, so you want some height, distance, and moderate speed decreasing as you get closer,

so you almost just float in, then line your sites up, and shoot, after you shoot, hit the thrusts and get out of there.

If you want to gain speed quickly, climb a little, then dive, from there level out. A satisfactory speed for engaging ground

targets is roughly 250 you can go slower then that, but I wouldn't get below 200 as around 160 youll drop like a brick, and getting out of it will be hard or not at all.

Speed with the A-10 is important, if you cant maintain the speed and a decent alitude your wasting your time,

and will get urself killed quickly.

For a plane liek the F35, the same concepts applies, although the F-35 is very quick and very manoverable,

you can expect to crash if your not paying attention to how you fly, lose any jerky movements as that plane will turn on a dime (very quickly as its sensitive).

Keep in mind that when taking off be sure to put your flaps down to create lift, tip your nose up when you reach about 165-70,

the f-35 can take off sooner as it is light, once in the air, your first priority should be to gain some speed mainly for the A-10,

without speed your a sitting duck for anthing antiair, or even general armored that will engage you with their mgs.

I dont know about any guide for planes, maybe some one knows of one, but personally trial and error,

and experience is your best teacher.

Lastly practice makes perfect.

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Can somebody give me a script to make my drones fly much higher, thanks

The UAV/ULB? If you want to control them directly just press the key for increasing engine power for aircraft (default Q). If you are seeking for a script line to control them in the editor try flyInHeight.

Edited by Myshaak

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Günter Severloh


Please explain to me how exactly to use CPBO tool..

I read your thread on how to edit an MPmission

I have follow religiously your directives but maybe

I did a mistake somewhere I don't know where axactly..

You wrote (I quote)


1.Go to your MPmission folder inside your main Arma folder.

2. Find your mission you want to edit.

3. open the MPmission with the CPBO tool.

4. "a folder with same title or name will show up same as the

mission PBO you just extracted"

Well for a reason that I don't know, that last part (#4)

doesn't happen.

I have install all the tools in a folder in my D drive not

inside my MPmission folder is that the problem sir??

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Hey Ranker, sorry for a late reply work as usual.

but dont matter where you install the tool. As for unpboing the Pbo (your mpmission pbo) right click on the pbo

(i should have mentioned that sorry about that)and extract it. now if its not in the list then go to "open with" and look for cpbo Icon in the list.

Remember right click the pbo, and then go to open with, and find cpbo in the list and go from there. once you open the pbo,

a folder with the same name will apeear under the pbo you just opened, or at the end of the mission list.

Once you have that folder, then move it to your

C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\ArmA 2\MPMissions folder

where you can open it in the editor. mind you that you edit the map in the mp editor not the sp editor.

You can edit mp missions in the sp editor but to have that folder to add scripts to that folder will be relocated to this path:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\ArmA 2\Missions

which is right next to your mp missions folder.

Whats the difference between sp and Mp editor some may ask.

The difference is that if you go to singleplayer and at the bottem is the editor.

If you got to Mp and then host a game, but it says "new editor" thats what you pick to edit.

Thats the difference. Just throwing it out there for anyone's information.

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Quote: "open with".. that must be it, because I was

clicking on the CPBO tool an nothing was apening.

I have to find a way to put that program in that list.

thank you so very much I will try it right away sir.

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When you "open with" and the cpbo icon is not in the list, then you need to search for it,

to do that Use the browse button on the bottem right of the window,and search for cpbo, once you choose it, it will be added to the list.

The from now on when you want to open a pbo file,

you can go to that list and choose CPBO and hit ok and it will open the pbo.:)

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..... If you are seeking for a script line to control them in the editor try flyInHeight...

Thanks i'll try it..:)

Incidentally about 3 of us at The Few Good Men club have formed an ArmA multiplayer group but we want more AA players, so if anybody wants to join the club, come on over at my invitation (I'm second in command at FGM)-

SCROLL DOWN TO ARMED ASSAULT section- http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/forum.php

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Günter Severloh


all the very best sir

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I got the demo, and I just bought Combined Ops, and I'm convincing my friend to get it. How do I make a scenario in the demo for multiplayer? Since the scenarios I made don't show up in multiplayer.

Or do I use the editor?

I'm asking this because I see people on servers with their own operation or mission, like kill 300 people, but that isn't a default one. I want to make one.

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I still can't get my UAV's to fly higher, can somebody give me the FULL script line to put in the editor, thanks

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I still can't get my UAV's to fly higher, can somebody give me the FULL script line to put in the editor, thanks

I'm not at my computer to test but this should work, put shis line into the drone's init field:

this flyInHeight 100

(100 being the altitude)

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How do I make a scenario in the demo for multiplayer? Since the scenarios I made don't show up in multiplayer.

Or do I use the editor?

You got the game right?, why are you asking about the demo then?

Which editor are you using, probably not the mp editor, if your using the Sp editor then you need to export your mission to MP,

thats why it dont show.

To make your own mp missions (scenerios) go to Mp, and the create a name, and pw and host a game, pick the map you want,

and start a new editor.

then when you save your mission, save it as an usermission, and export the mission to MP.

For Mp missions your going to have to consider how you want to respawn, as if you die in the game thats it,

you have 1 life then you'll need to restart the mission to play it again.

Also for Mp you will need to have access to the mp mission you created which is a folder titled with the mission name.

You want access to that folder because in order to respawn in Mp you will need a very basic description.ext script,

and the script goes into the folder.

the folder path runs along the lines of:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\ArmA 2\MPMissions

If you wish I can walk you through it.

Let me know.

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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Thank you very, very much. I convinced my friend to get Combined Ops after playing a 3 hour long survival mission.

Great fun.

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Totally new to the ARMA experience, and it is a little daunting coming to grips with everything, but am enjoying the little I have managed to get my head around so far.

I have OA, and my question is to do with add-ons. I have placed the desired add-ons, @CBA;@CBA_OA;@SLX, in C:\.......\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\, and amended the target-line in the desktop short cut accordingly. They also show up in the OA expansions menu, but I have not checked them in there as I thought adding them to the target line was adequate.

I am not sure if what I have done is correct to make sure that SLX is working in SP and editor only at the moment, as I notice that the cross-hair is still present , but I think one of the SLX .pbo's is supposed to remove it (SLX_Modweapons_NOCrosshairs). At the same time it seems like other SLX features are working (more chatter, sonic cracks).

Have I loaded the add-ons correctly? If loaded correctly, do they affect the game-play in all areas, for me that is SP and the editor, equally? How can I tell if they are working?

Sorry if my question seems silly, but I am still very new to all that is ARMA.

Thank you.

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Hello, and welcome to the Community.

Your questions arn't silly they are good questions about things you honestly dont know, or understand to how it works.

No question is silly with this game, only silly questions are questions that ask for things of a game that cannot be done,

so your in the right game;)

To answer your questions as best as I can (as I dont own OA, just everything before OA) Most addons and Mods will affect pretty

much everything you play assuming that the addon is Installed correctly, and setup in your shortcut.

Be it Sp or Mp you should ideally see the results and or effects that the addon or mod was built to do.

What exactly is your target line?

The title of the folder that the addon/mod you have downloaded must be the same in the target line or the mod wont be read by the game.

But to know if a feature is working or not, from my experience I would go into the sp editor and setup a test based on what the features would be,

so for example if your looking to have no crosshairs, then put a soldier down and basically are the crosshairs there or no.

If not then you will need to make sure that:

1. the addon/mod is installed correctly (consider addons can have just a pbo and bisign and some can have configuration files,

as well as keys and sometimes other things, but generally they are pbos, and bisigns.

2. the addon/mod's is setup correctly in the target line

3. there are no other addon/mods that do something similar

4. check for mod conflicts be reviewing your game's RPT

What is the RPT?

The Rpt is a log file that the game produces, it will tell you many things, which addons/mods are conflicting, errors, ect.,

Where can this RPt be located?

The RPt is located at this folder address:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA 2 Oa will have the OA extention on it.

Rpt opens up with notepad or similar.

I notice that the cross-hair is still present

You dont need an addon, or mod to turn off the crosshairs assuming thats a feature of SLX,

but you can turn off the crosshairs under the difficulty settings under the options menu ingame.

I will pose the question to you so you dont forget what I asked:

What is your Target line, can you post it?

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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