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Crusades/Medieval Mod

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:D I think, that this may be even made possible in regular fight, but with very small occurrence probability (eg bigger for strongest strikes, but depends, how this is implemented, and of course only for finishing hits).

Yep setting a low percentage might be a good way to do it, this way the effect wouldn't eat all the resources.


Hail Richard and his french friends :bounce3:


Some progress here and there between work and stuff, lately I've moved the sword, dagger and flail to the backpack item so weapons can be easily switched out. This also helps reducing the number of needed models.

Shields won't block any arrows though. No luck with that.

Also worked on small but atmosphere stuff like icons and an intro mission:


I'm also creating some custom loading screens, it probably makes more sense to not just fix the theme to the crusades so I call this mod "The Dark Ages" for now.


I have my stuff saved at dropbox so if they don't smoke up and one of my 3 HDDs dies the files should be safe :rolleyes: .

Haha fantastic things :).

well horse is slow maybe not two years but certainly that many months i think :)

In the meantime I might throw in some hobby horses like in Monty Python ;) .


Maybe that was abit unclear, I threw a date into the first post.

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if u want help detailing what the game should have in it i am pretty go at writing armature documents for games.

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would be EPIC'aly handy 4 Warfare conversions "Crusaders versus Assasins" or "Richard lionheart lifestory" or "Robin Hood warfare" :)

and some others epic stories from medieval history :) riding/siege/assaulting Carthage or Rome ? saving Greece ? repel Turkey ? re-do Napoleon or Macedon empire ? wannabe a Temujin ? LaoTsu ? Japan shogun ?

no problem !! with little help of shiny/new shuper-duper-cool addons for wonderful Arma2 *waves magic wand and such DLC box appear in hands*


mid-east should fight ingame[within Arma2 ;]rather than in real-life, IMO :)


also would be nice to have mods for "Ninjas versus Samurai" or "China versus Japan" or "Kung-Foo Tuournament"[cyberfight mode ;]conversions ;)

Edited by BasileyOne

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would be EPIC'aly handy 4 Warfare conversions "Crusaders versus Assasins" or "Richard lionheart lifestory" or "Robin Hood warfare" :)

and some others epic stories from medieval history :) riding/siege/assaulting Carthage or Rome ? saving Greece ? repel Turkey ? re-do Napoleon or Macedon empire ? wannabe a Temujin ? LaoTsu ? Japan shogun ?

no problem !! with little help of shiny/new shuper-duper-cool addons for wonderful Arma2 *waves magic wand and such DLC box appear in hands*


mid-east should fight ingame[within Arma2 ;]rather than in real-life, IMO :)


also would be nice to have mods for "Ninjas versus Samurai" or "China versus Japan" or "Kung-Foo Tuournament"[cyberfight mode ;]conversions ;)

I THONK YOUR GETTING A LITTLE OF TRACK WITH WHATS TRYING TO BE DONE HERE. SORRY CAPS, any why i do however have to admit that i dave hoped that this guy would eventualy start woring in a fudal japane thing myself but thats what i want. so taking in to consideration it his prodject perhaps we should offer to help him with what he wants to do. so again im willing to help write an outline of what the game should have and let you pick what u like from it but i dont think ur at that point yet. u still seem to be trying to scrip the most basic stuff. why dont u tell me were u are in all of this.

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great work :D i always applaud mods which are not "another modern special forces pack" :D

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great work :D i always applaud mods which are not "another modern special forces pack" :D

consider it "Robin Hood Special forces pack" :P

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great work :D i always applaud mods which are not "another modern special forces pack" :D

Didn't see you posted here, thanks Vilas :)

Not so much news on the medieval front these days but when I recycled my roman models from ArmA1 for the post apocalypse units I couldn't help but go back in time abit.

So I resurrected these models I made back like ages ago, edited them abit and put them into ArmA2.

Atleast for walking the AI scales pretty good at their formation, who's gonna script a fsm for battle line fighting now :p ? For regular fighting these guys can allready use rydgyiers melee script but still it'd be more awesome seeing them fighting 'the way they did'.

As for the pilum, I allready created one model which you can see on the legionnaires.

The legionnaires all have two pila, atleast I read it on the net that it was common to carry two. They wear lorica segmentata, the more famous armor which was introduced in the 1st century AD.

The helmet is not really done and missing some sections, like the rear neckguard. The skirt-protector-thing (forgot the name) is also missing.

The dude seen in the beginning of the video is supposed to be the Vexillarius of the legion (standard bearer guy) but he has no standard to carry yet.

The total number of men seen in the video is 160, which makes up exactly the number of Legionnaires deployed in one maniple. One maniple (after the marius reforms) consisted of 2 centuries with 80 legionnaires each.

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So wait how does it actually work? I mean is it going to have swords and stuff? if yes this is the question how will it work? The only working melee weapon I saw in ArmA 2 is DayZ's Axe...

Nevertheless this is looking epic! If this is going to work well I would love to see a 1700's mod like set in the French-British war of North America!

EDIT: I just watched the video previews, is it perhaps to see like it in First Persion View of fighting with sword or firing the bow?

Edited by Sakowski

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great work man, i love your addons! :D hmm for the quiver, you could make it useable like a backpack. so people can put the arrows into it.

or even better, like in the I44 mod the flamethrower has a gastank as backpack. without the backpack you dont have any ammo. you could put in the quiver lets say 30-40 arrows or so. then you wouldnt have to use the normal ammo slots at all.

i'm so looking forward for the release! =)

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Hey, you need some Gauls to kick their ass :292:

... and here they are (atleast the first warchief), thanks again for your models :)




The armor (replaced texture), shield, sword, helmet and beard are all from ProfTournesols VVV mod (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?134507-Veni-Vidi-Vici-Mod-beta-1-0) and they look pretty good even in ArmA2 I think.

Note the units still have a normal hand position. I solved this for my knights by deleting the finger selections and moving the fingers manually into the right position so the hand is only moved by the left / right hand selection. This way they grasp the blade and it doesn't magically float.

Here's also some new features on the legionnaires (added Profs VVV stuff -helmet, scabbard, signum and standard used)



Nevertheless this is looking epic! If this is going to work well I would love to see a 1700's mod like set in the French-British war of North America!

EDIT: I just watched the video previews, is it perhaps to see like it in First Persion View of fighting with sword or firing the bow?

Thanks, yep I can do such a video, 18th century would be nice but I don't want to open up another bottle. Ofc. the scripts could be used in some way.

I'm really excited for the release!
great work man, i love your addons! :D hmm for the quiver, you could make it useable like a backpack. so people can put the arrows into it.

or even better, like in the I44 mod the flamethrower has a gastank as backpack. without the backpack you dont have any ammo. you could put in the quiver lets say 30-40 arrows or so. then you wouldnt have to use the normal ammo slots at all.

i'm so looking forward for the release! =)

Thanks dudes, about the archers, I have created two types of archers. One type has limited ammo (12) and the other dude gets a new arrow everytime he shoots one so I think it's a OK solution.

I also added animation syncing to rydgyiers melee script so it works in MP and it's pretty fun playing "tower defense" with hordes of enemies storming the tower.

Edited by Icewindo

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Have any of you guys made a working " Sword melee" with animation or so?

Our mod would be intressted in a melee sword animation for Japanese Officers Katana Sword.

I´ve seen Dazy has some " Hatchet", " crowbar" melee.

We all know Arma 2 is not a melee hack & slash game so get melee to work good is very hard.

Maby BIS- has somthing in the future that will let us have working melee system now that they are working on Dayz, what I mean is what is a Zombie game without melee, so I hope BIS add/fix melee for Arma2.

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hey , iv been following this mod for a long time now and decided it was time to make an account and say how good your mod looks and i cant wait to play :P i was wondering if the units will work in the HC module, as in will they follow the move waypoints or chase a fleeing enemy to the end of the map? also you proberly get asked this alot but will there be a beta and do you have an idea on when it will be released? like befor christmas?

thanks for making a great mod :cool:

EDIT: if you want a extra playtester, ill happily take the job ;)

Edited by ryanbeckey0

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:P well romans,gauls,saracens why not throw some other things into the mix theres also a dragon model icewindo (i think) made

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Have any of you guys made a working " Sword melee" with animation or so?

Our mod would be intressted in a melee sword animation for Japanese Officers Katana Sword.

I´ve seen Dazy has some " Hatchet", " crowbar" melee.

We all know Arma 2 is not a melee hack & slash game so get melee to work good is very hard.

Maby BIS- has somthing in the future that will let us have working melee system now that they are working on Dayz, what I mean is what is a Zombie game without melee, so I hope BIS add/fix melee for Arma2.

The melee system for this mod is scripted (made by Rydgyier) and it's intented for in the sense of arma - unarmed units - . I think the dayz approach (use a real weapon as a melee tool) fits better to your mod as it still allows the unit to use rifles/handguns, which the melee script doesn't. You could take a look at the config files and see how dayz does it, although this wouldn't work for AI I guess.

Yep and it would be nice to see some melee enhancements / native implementation in ArmA3 like in OFP with the "strokegun" (that allowed melee combat for players+AI without any scripts at all).

will you be adding your orc model from rincewinders magic mod?


Well Ryan wasn't kidding, I made even more weird stuff... like this :) :

(that was by accident... i changed the model.cfg when I tried making the shields to stop arrows, but it didn't turn out as planned)


About the orcs, I guess these would stay seperate, like the romans. Keeps the download size small and people can decide what they want to use.


And here's two videos showing some of the roman stuff (and telling a little story - took some time so i hope you like it) :

Edited by Icewindo

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Nice Roman stories ;)

Thanks :) - there were definitely some tricky scenes in there.

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@icewindo walking tree, neat we can have some ents ;). A few more units and we have something out of Lord of the Rings :)

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Great movie.

This reminds me of the Roma Victor mmo game.

If Arma 3 get some working Melee this will be great.

If they going to release DayZ as a standalone game they must have some up to date melee system, right? I mean what is a Zombie game without melee?

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