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Is BI ever going to do anything about the voices?

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Whats bad is when you fire the game up to show someone and they are all into the graphics, scenery, watching the individual parts on the heli's rotor assembly and then the talking starts..its rather embarrassing

The voice work just doesnt seem right for a game with such a high degree of graphical polish w/ minute details.

I could understand if the game was about as graphical as goldeneye on nintendo 64.

ACE mod is definately the way around it for now.

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People keep praising ACE for letting you disable the voices.... Is this any different than turning the speech volume down in the options? Did I miss something?

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People keep praising ACE for letting you disable the voices.... Is this any different than turning the speech volume down in the options? Did I miss something?

My mind is thinking in the exact same way as yours....

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They should rework priorities too,so leaders commands would take effect immediately instead of hearing "hey,there might be some new chopper at 100 kilometers" for 5-500 seconds first.

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I tried the ACE mod but had to put the voices back in. I would have liked to have seen a reduced number of 'rubbish' radio chatter, but I missed the feedback of my orders being given. Can't get away with the ACE mod at all in fact :(

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People keep praising ACE for letting you disable the voices.... Is this any different than turning the speech volume down in the options? Did I miss something?

You wont turn down the VON at the same time.

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I agree that most of the voice actors are pretty bad (Corpse-man!), but that's only 25% of the problem. You can tell that the unfortunate voice actors are just reading verbatim the scripts BI have given them--which were written by Czech game designers. Game designers are not typically the best communicators even in their own native language, and these are game designers trying to write dialogue in a foreign language. So the best voice actor in the world would still sound ridiculous speaking some of Arma's dialogue. They really need to use native American English speakers--who are also decent writers--to write the dialogue. The BI crew may be very smart guys, and they all may speak three or more languages--but it's just not the same as being a native English speaker.

I used to teach English as a second language to international college students. I can tell you that it's nearly impossible for anyone not born and raised among English speakers to ever write believable English dialogue. Formal written English is hard enough to learn, but real conversational American English is nearly impossible, because it's just so sloppy and usually dripping with sarcasm and subtle idioms.

I'm sure BI could find many competent volunteers in the community who would be happy to act as script doctors. Hell, I would do it for free just so that I wouldn't have to hear the broken English in the next game.

Please stop calling it "American English", its ENGLISH. Dropping the letter U out of some words doesn't mean you've developed another language. If by American English you mean saying the word "LIKE" 20 times in every sentence then i suppose you have (un)developed your own language.

Please fix the voices BIS. "Go Im covering" totally kills the immersion.

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Please stop calling it "American English", its ENGLISH. Dropping the letter U out of some words doesn't mean you've developed another language. If by American English you mean saying the word "LIKE" 20 times in every sentence then i suppose you have (un)developed your own language.

Please fix the voices BIS. "Go Im covering" totally kills the immersion.

It is a reference to the dialect. Americans and Brits do not speak the same ENglish, the same as Mexicans and Spaniards do not speak the same Spanish.

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Maybe "Go I'm covering" is the new "like" or "totally"

"So me and jesse are walking down the Go I'm covering street and Go I'm covering we end up getting in this big Go I'm covering fight you Go I'm covering know what it's Go I'm covering?"

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Please stop calling it "American English", its ENGLISH. [sic] Dropping the letter U (sic] out of some words doesn't mean you've developed another language. If by American English [sic] you mean saying the word "LIKE" 20 times in every sentence then i [sic] suppose you have (un)developed your own language. (sic)





Edited by Laqueesha

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"And if yes, MEHTE, we'll show them who's the f*cking boss!"

*Throws out of helicopter into the water below*


*Fires a few rounds into the ocean where he landed*

I couldn't believe how bad that voice actor was. Seriously, some people are just in the wrong profession.

Agreed, that's the worst bit of voice acting I've come across in the game; indeed, the whole line is a glorious failure. The voice actor parses it completely wrong, but he's hardly got stellar material to work with: what American uses the word 'mate' to begin with? It's something I'd expect in some forms of British or (particularly) Australian English, but not from a U.S. Marine.

Then again, even if someone with the right accent had been selected, if they'd read it THAT way, it'd still sound ridiculous!

Edited by IpseDixit

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American English, British English...

Who cares, it all sounds pretty much the same, and everyone knows Brits know the proper way to speak :p

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Who cares, it all sounds pretty much the same, and everyone knows Aussies know the proper way to speak.

Fixed. :D

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Brits and Aussies are chattering away like women :D shut up and have a pint already :p

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Since when did Americans say "have a pint" :p

Everyone knows that Aussies make fosters, say mate alot, and then the british drink the Aussies fosters beer, and say mate even more, but at the same time make it all sound better :p

Although Aussies make good bbq's :D

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Aussies wish everybody a good day, and automatically refer to everyone as "mate." How cool is that? :D

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Concerning the voices, Nikita did a mod for ArmA1 that which was pretty nice, it replaced most of the normal voice commands. As the voice system isn't that different in ArmA2, a conversion might work. Sadly the author seems to be AWOL.

He also created a "silent" voicepack where every order given would be given at light volume, it worked pretty well.

See his threads:





Edited by Icewindo

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I think that one of the reasons for bad voice acting is that the game is made in Germany (I think) so it would be understandable that they can't do American accents and voice acting so well, unless they get American actors in.

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Wow, I have never experienced, nor seen in video, Arma 2 without too few sound channels. Not saying I don't believe you, but would you be kind enough to record yourself firing off every single Hydra in a Hind, at close range so you can also hear the impacts.

If this is true, you must share your secret :)

Sorry to dissapoint you, i cannot really reproduce it. Most of the time the sounds seem to cut out when i shoot all the Hydra's, sometimes it doesnt seem to do it though. (Maybe it does but it cuts out the enviroment sounds/some of the explosion sounds which cant be recognized)

I was talking about actual noticable things during gameplay though, even 1 wrong setting gives the weirdest results, like sounds cutting out noticably during bigger firefights.

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Hey Aussies..does the term POME ring any bells??? :p

(run off singing.... Rule Britannia... :D)

BTW - am waiting somewhat patiently for the next release eh..:D

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Hey Aussies..does the term POME ring any bells??? :p

(run off singing.... Rule Britannia... :D)

BTW - am waiting somewhat patiently for the next release eh..:D

It's "POHM", Prisoner Of Her/His Majesty. :)

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Sorry to dissapoint you, i cannot really reproduce it. Most of the time the sounds seem to cut out when i shoot all the Hydra's, sometimes it doesnt seem to do it though. (Maybe it does but it cuts out the enviroment sounds/some of the explosion sounds which cant be recognized)

I was talking about actual noticable things during gameplay though, even 1 wrong setting gives the weirdest results, like sounds cutting out noticably during bigger firefights.

Try it with VOP sound and have a mid sized firefight between 4-5 squads of infantry, and see if it cuts off. I notice sound cutoffs the most in that mod, as the sounds are much louder and longer lasting. I almost crapped my pants when i heard my first BDRM2 shooting at me due to how realistic the sounds sound compared to the firearms ive shotten.

Edited by bwc153

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