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Yomies 2, porting the infamous Yomies to ArmA2

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2011-04-29: Quick dirty sample Mors zombies 2011-04-29 0001.ZIP

The ZIP contains another ZIPs (sorry for this mess, i am too tired and thus too lazy to reupload it right now) with the addon mors_zombies.pbo, and 5 mission directories (you just unpack them in your user missions dir, and then open in editor).

Regarding the mission dirs - the most recent version of zombie scripts is in _yomies_test_chasing.Desert_E.001.zip.

Open it in editor, and press preview - it is the last test with infinite spawn for 20 zombies (when some are killed, new ones are spawned), with two squads of individual soldiers who are fighting them.

The zombies will attack the player too, but the player is invincible.

Some things worth mentioning:

- I am allways working with the latest beta of ArmA 2 OA, so your experience may differ when using older versions.

- the zombies (only one type so far) are available in the editor under Side:Independent \ Faction:Takistani Locals \ Class:MORS Zombies, but the AI will not work when placed in editor (not yet, but i will fix that later).

But you can place playable zombie to play as one (the melee attack works - just stay close to the person you want to hit, look at it, and fire).

- The zombies may have problems with vehicles.

They will probably hunt vehicles, but they are not able to harm them, so do not use vehicles unless you want to test that.

- If you want the zombies to ignore you, just use setCaptive on your unit.

- You can experiment with different types of spawns, but do not forget there is a limit of maximum 144 zombies spawned (across all spawns).

Also, i haven't tested the spawn methods yet, so they may be bugged.

So far my focus was on the FSM, and performance optimizations (which are not all in place yet).

Keep in mind that this is still just a quick dirty "demo".

- No MP compatibility yet.

- Many features are still missing (i started rewriting everything, so...)

Have fun :)

...and if you get any ideas, improvement tips, etc., be sure to let me know.

2010-07-21: Can't use the agents, back to square one.

After some testing i found it is not possible to use the agents as zombie units.

First i thought it would help the performance a little as the agents are not fully working units, and it would get us around the 144 groups per side limit as they are not in any group, but what irony - these are exactly the reasons why i can't use agents.

They instantly knows about any other unit, so i can't use any command which relies on the knowsAbout value to check if the zombie "seen" some non-zombie unit and should chase and attack it.

Even the nearTargets returns array where there are all units in specified range and their "perceived" positions, types, sides, and costs are instantly exact, so there is no telling if the agent really had LOS with that unit or not.

2010-07-16: I just posted a new "proof of concept" video on YouTube, featuring zombies in ArmA2: Operation Arrowhead.


With improved/fixed pathfinding in ArmA2: Operation Arrowhead it is possible to port the old ArmA1 Yomies to it.

This is a very simple "proof of concept" video, showing that the zombies are working (they still need much tweaking,

but you get the idea).

FYI: all zombies and soldiers are being controlled by AI, while the camera is switching from one soldier to another

when the actual one has been killed. I then only switch the camera between 1st person and 3rd person view.

(used ArmA2: OA beta build 71900)

Old original of this 1st post

I started porting the old Yomies to ArmA2.

So i would like everyone interested, to post their suggestions and requests regarding Yomies.

For those of you who do not know what are Yomies, here is the old ArmA Yomies thread, so you can see what it is about (until i update this first post with the accurate ArmA2 Yomies info).

Here is a list of suggested features:

(i will be adding to the list as new feature requests/suggestions will appear)

  1. Make both slow and fast zombies
    (the "Romero" type and the "28 Days later" type of zombies)
  2. Light scripts, low CPU load and MP compatibility
    (well, that goes without saying)
  3. Use punching animations
    Use the animations amelpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amateruder1,2 or 3.
  4. Make zombies placed in the editor to work the same way as those created via scripts
    Zombie units placed in the editor, and units created via scripts should follow non-zombie units and try to kill them.
  5. Zombies should be considered as an enemy to all sides.
    (the only way i know of, is to use addRating to make them enemy of everyone, but then it also makes the zombies enemy to each other zombie, which could MAYBE cause some problems - we'll have to try and see)
  6. Zombies should be able to damage soft vehicles only
    Zombies should be able to damage only soft vehicles like motorcycles or cars, but tanks and other armored vehicles should be indestructible by them.
  7. System for automatic spawn/despawn of zombies
    If there are no non-zombie units near a particular zombie (depending on the view distance), the zombie will be removed.
    If non-zombie unit gets near the position of removed zombie, the zombie will be spawned back.
    That should allow for virtually "unlimited" number of zombies scattered all over the whole island.
    Or maybe not remove them, but stop their FSM to save at least some resources (maybe in MP the overhead of removing/spawning units would render this feature useless, or maybe could cause some desync problems?)
    - whatever gives better performance in MP will be used in MP, and another SP version of the script will use what is best for SP.
  8. Zombies in towns, rabid dogs in the woods
    Logic dictates, that zombies should appear mostly in tows, while animals (dogs) should retreat to woods.
    But in the end it will depend on the mission maker, where he places which unit or spawn point.
  9. Dogs should group themselves in packs
    The rabid dogs should be grouped into packs, and should behave like a pack of dogs.

Video from last test of Yomies basic functions (very bad quality)


Current problems to solve:

  • :mad: Find fix/workaround for the crappy AI pathfinding
    Problem is described in post #36.
  • :mad: Female zombies have no attack animation
    Female cfgMoves class is very limited - they have almost only the basic walking/running anims.
    I guess i could alter the config to make them use the yomieAttack, but they dont have grenade throwing animation.
  • :mad: Rewrite the attack FSM to make it more fluid
    When zombie is chasing target, often there are delays before the zombie gets new move order to current targets position,
    which looks stupid and makes it little bit more difficult for the zombie to catch anyone.
    The reason for these delays lies in poorly designed FSM structure, so that needs to be fixed.
  • Sometimes the zombie gets too close to target and wont attack
    When zombie get too close to his target (their models almost intersects each other), something prevents him to attack and he is just standing there, doing nothing.
    It doesn't happen often, but it happens.
    Maybe a bigger collision model for the zombie could solve this issue, or new FSM condition checking too high proximity.
    For now solved by checking proximity, and if too close, it will make the zombie move to random position relative to the target and 1.5m away from target.
    It works, but maybe different colision shape would work also, while removing the need for this proximity checking.
  • :mad: Make special zombie cfgMoves class
    Right now, the attack animation is the default grenade throwing animation, but the plan is to replace it with some better looking one.
    Also, i think we need the zombies be able to attack right from sprinting, because often they are chasing someone, and when they get near enough they must stop to be able to attack, and that allows the target to run away, making an attack impossible.
    I tried to create special cfgMoves for the zombies, but it is rather difficult, so for a while i will rather focus on more important things.

Edited by 5133p39

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You've made my day with this information!!

I will be awainting anxious for the release.

Will there be any slow animation for the zombies? If i can remember well they moved fast in Arma 1.


best regards.

Edited by anc

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I can't say if there will be slow zombies, but i already read some topic about "slow Romero zombies vs. fast 28 Days later" and i would like to make both to satisfy everyone.

My personal priority are the fast zombies, but the slow ones should be probably easier to implement, so i haven't yet decided on which type i'll start working first.

Right now, i am browsing the ArmA2 command reference to learn about any new possibilities of how to do things better and more efficiently than in ArmA1.

Also, i dont do animations, so for the slow zombies, i would have to find someone who would make some anims.

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have you checked the thread "Monsters, zombies and so on"?

It seems that Charon Productions had some problem and couldn't make slow anims for the females.

Best regards

Edited by anc

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I will check that topic, it looks like a good source of inspiration, but i doubt i will be able to help with the anims problem (i don't do anims).

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Please,Please,Please make it MP compatible, the only problem I have with Charon's mod is that it won't be MP compatible.

I know that you'd make me and a ton of my friends happy if u did this :)

Good luck on the mod!

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Best animation for the attack is amelpercmstpsnonwnondnon_amateruder1,2 or 3 they are punching animations so they're perfect

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Tonight happened two things, one bad, and one good.

The bad thing was that i spent whole night trying to figure out why units created by createAgent command wont move after using moveTo commands from FSM.

The good thing was, that i was only stupid, and it works, but i had to create addon of a new unit where fsmDanger and fsmFormation parameters are empty.

Looks like i will be able to use the "agents" for yomies, which should have some advantages over the normal units:

1. It looks like the game runs more smoothly with 200 "agents", than with 200 normal units (with one unit per group).

2. I must confirm this, but i think the "agents" do not share knowledge about targets (should be logical, because they are separate entities not linked to each other).

So when one zombie detects some human, then other zombies (who didn't seen that human) will not have the same knowledge.

And that is a good thing.

The only other way i know of to achieve this with normal units, is to use one unit per group - and then we would be limited by the group cap of 144 groups per side.

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One tip for testing: I've sped up your zeds in A1 and they were really fast. With that you can alpha-test their detection/movement (for example: they spot a plane and follow it, AI usually does that on Duala and other open terrain maps). Good luck on the project!

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What I'd like to see is a simple MP compatible zombie addon which provides zombie units that when placed in the editor or created via scripts follow non-zombie units and try to kill them. Also they should be considered as an enemy to all sides.

this way all the scenario elements are left to the mission maker: me.

also I would like if only soft vehicles could be damaged by the zombies. Tanks etc. would be indestructible by them.

Good luck with this project and all the FSM stuff. You're gonna need it. I'm really looking forward to it :bounce3:

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Yes, a simple zombie addon like your yomies is exactly what I like to have. Agree 100% with Dragonia.

Must add that Im happy to see you porting this to arma2!

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One tip for testing: I've sped up your zeds in A1 and they were really fast. With that you can alpha-test their detection/movement (for example: they spot a plane and follow it, AI usually does that on Duala and other open terrain maps). Good luck on the project!

What do you mean by "sped up"?

Do you mean you altered the speed of animations in their cfgMoves class?

Or you found some way to speed up the scripts?

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another zombie mod? charon productions is already making one in this thread.

he also made many videos of it. watch his youtube channel.

And? If you played the original Arma, you'd know that there were like 3 zombie mods made for that game.

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I have to announce a major success.

All problems with "agents" are fixed, so there is nothing in my way to use them instead of normal units.


Current status of the project:

  • Basic scripted FSMs are done
    The basic FSM which makes the zombies walk around their initial spawn point is working, and is missing only things like eating from corpses (if any), etc.
    The attack FSM is very basic, but it works - zombies are chasing their targets, and when they got near, they will attack.
    But both FSMs still needs to be polished, especially the attack FSM - sometimes it makes the zombies to move around too much while they are chasing someone.
  • Zombie attack and damage dealing works almost without scripting!
    Zombies are using special thrown weapon, based on the throwing rock. When zombie gets near its target, the FSM orders him to fire upon the target, then "Fired" eventhandler takes the thrown projectile and alters its speed and trajectory to make sure the zombie will score a hit to the target's head (without the trajectory and speed adjustment, it is nearly impossible for the zombie to hit anything).
    It is fast so you wont even see the projectile (which doesnt matter anyway, because i will make it transparent).
    So no more scripting the damage via SetDamage command, now the game knows who hit who, so the humans will actualy know that they are under attack, and who is attacking them!
    And it is also instantly MP compatible!
  • Animation speed of the zombies is 20% faster to make it easier for them
    This is of course related to the "fast" zombies only, the slow-type zombies will be much slower.

There is still much to do, but the new zombie attack is a major success, that made my day.

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5133p39: I have a huge favour to ask and its very closely connected to your mod. In A1 I wanted to take take "demons" script and make "Angry civilians" mod. They would yell random profanity and run to the soldiers and sometimes take a swing at them with fist ;) any way you could help me out release this stuff to the A2 community?

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Great job 5133p39!

Using as much of the engines own features as possible is of course the best way to go. The attack system sounds like a good catch. :yay:

I'm still hoping you will keep it simple and don't try to bite too big of a slice. Light scripts, low CPU load and MP compatibility is what most people are looking for anyway.

Keep up the good work! :ok:

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And? If you played the original Arma, you'd know that there were like 3 zombie mods made for that game.

i played arma 1 and i also played these mods. i just thought why having more than one zombie mod?? but... just forget it.

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@IceBreakr: i could try, but i have already too much to do with the Yomies2, so i can try and help to fix some problems, but do not expect me to make everything (sorry, we all know how tedious and long ArmA1/2 modding/scripting can be, and i already promised to deliver the Yomies).

@Dragonia: yes, low CPU load, etc., that is exactly my goal.

...added to the list of suggestions.

---------- Post added at 02:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ----------

i played arma 1 and i also played these mods. i just thought why having more than one zombie mod?? but... just forget it.

Its the same with missions - you could say "why does anyone need so many Warfare versions?" or "why does anyone need so many COOP missions?"

My zombies will be different than Charons - not because i want them to be different, not because i do not want to cooperate, but because my idea is just different than his.

And if you think something like its wasting of resources, then again - its not. Because if Charon sees something interesting or helpful in my Yomies, or i see something i could use in his zombies, then we both can use that inspiration and make our addons better.

Actually, sometimes it is to a great benefit when things are being created independently on many places - its like an evolution :)

Edited by 5133p39

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i played arma 1 and i also played these mods. i just thought why having more than one zombie mod?? but... just forget it.

If I remember correctly, Charons mod isn't MP combatible. That alone is a good reason to make another mod.

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it is MP compatible. you just cant put that much zombies on the map but thats because of arma.

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