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Brittany map

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the tip of Brittany in the game

I'd like to help with the binarization pbo card and give it for download on the forum

the map is not finished is nothing on it, but if there are those who are interested in working on the map they can is to open source

I need a tester that can also binarization pbo file

binarization not it takes 25 minutes to load the card into the game! :eek::confused:

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Well that looks very promising,:)

from where did you get the heightmap? It seems to have a good detail..

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with this map, a mod B 17 the Mighty 8TH be welcome

who would volunteer to participate?

working already on B17 bomber ;)



Edited by Non-Human

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good to hear it's still in the works!

good luck

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Yepp- looking amazing! Very much like where i live!

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Yepp- looking amazing! Very much like where i live!

I try to make more realistic ;) it works well in the game, but there's no grass on the ground. there is the land texture of course, but here I am to ensure there have for long grass in the fields, it is probably a problem I think cluster_grasse_long :confused:

thank again for your help mister Martin :p:)

Edited by colonel29

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I changed the satmap and I think it should now, that's a problem resolved


I met another problem, not much grass on the ground


I would like the land of my island looks like this


i don't know if it is a config.cpp file problem or a visitor3 cluster problem

if you can help me I thank you very much


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It can be config related or visitor related

How many textures are you using?

Maximum is 6 per cell

And, also, could you post your island's config ? (only the config related parts)

For example, in one of my custom islands clutter config is

class Clutter {

		class musStubbleClutter : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_stubble.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.1;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.9;
			scaleMax = 1.1;

		class musAutumnFlowers : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_autumn_flowers.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.4;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.7;
			scaleMax = 1.0;

		class musGrassBunch : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassBunch.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.35;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.6;
			scaleMax = 1.0;

		class musGrassCrooked : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrooked.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.3;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.7;
			scaleMax = 1.4;

		class musGrassCrookedGreen : DefaultClutter {
			model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_GrassCrookedGreen.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.3;
			swLighting = 1;
			scaleMin = 0.9;
			scaleMax = 1.3;

the cfgsurfaces part is

class CfgSurfaces {
class Default {};

class Water {};

class musSand : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "mus_pisek_*";
	rough = 0.1;
	dust = 0.35;
	soundEnviron = "gravel";
	character = "Empty";
	soundHit = "hard_ground";

class musRock : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "mus_skala_*";
	rough = 0.2;
	dust = 0.07;
	soundEnviron = "rock";
	character = "Empty";
	soundHit = "hard_ground";

class musConcrete : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "mus_asfalt_*";
	rough = 0.08;
	dust = 0.05;
	soundEnviron = "concrete_ext";
	character = "Empty";
	soundHit = "hard_ground";

class musGrass : Default {
	access = ReadOnly;
	files = "mus_trava_*";
	rough = 0.11;
	dust = 0.1;
	soundEnviron = "grass";
	character = "musGrassClutter";
	soundHit = "soft_ground";


and the cfgsurfacecharacters is

class CfgSurfaceCharacters {

class musGrassClutter {
	probability[] = {0.02, 0.03, 0.10};
	names[] = {"musGrassBunch", "musAutumnFlowers", "musGrassCrookedGreen"};


These are the three parts of the config that are related to the clutter

In the cfgsurface you define which texture is linked to which type of surface and which type of clutters are you going to show in that surface type.

In the cfgsurfacecharacters you define which clutter classes use your surfaces.

the cfgclutter defines clutter classes and which p3ds are used.

Hope the explanation is clear

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Strangely enough-i'm loving that 2nd pic without the grass! :D

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I continue to work on the project, rebuilt the settlement of German base, airport and road-network clustters addition of herbs and replant the vegetation, not easy and it takes time :pet6:


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Keep it up mate! :)

The problem I have is that I do not do as I want because the map is too large and that serious shit if I put too much vegetation or other objects

I will be forced to put it on download to the forum as it is there I just do not much :o

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Are you saying you might release as it is now?

If so might not be a bad idea? - so ppl can look at it and maybe give suggestions!

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Are you saying you might release as it is now?

If so might not be a bad idea? - so ppl can look at it and maybe give suggestions!


I have a version of the map that works well and turns in Arma2 but

I can not manage to add more vegetation the soil is too barren, the road network is too cut up, and visitor 3 crashes too often. very difficult :(

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Please keep going with this mate, the mission possibilities are endless!

Cool, very cool.

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