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Anzac Mod Wip

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Great looking Super Hornet, but I'm pretty sure the Super Hornet can only carry two AMRAAMs on each of those four inner pylons.


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ReconTeam - where did you get that comparsion graph from? I'll be interested in finding out more about the differences between the two aircrafts.

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ReconTeam - where did you get that comparsion graph from? I'll be interested in finding out more about the differences between the two aircrafts.

the hosting site of the image is this: http://www.ausairpower.net/

so it's probably from there.

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Just so you guys know I got that chart from APA not because I agree with their views, but because they simply happened to have that chart.

AirPowerAustralia is an organization that strongly pushes for a mix of F-22s and upgraded F-111s for the RAAF. Carlos Kopp, the head of APA is extremely critical of the Super Hornet and F-35, and is very generous when it comes to Flankers and Russian weapon systems. He is known to twist the facts a bit and has a rather mixed reputation. Take everything you read there with a large dose of salt.

Edited by ReconTeam

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Quick Vid using some of the NZDF guys from the ANZAC mod. I can make the training mission available if anyone wants it?


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hmm its alittle bit hard to update and add new stuff currently being 9000km+ away from my desktop. may look at passing the mod along depending what happens with this opportunity over here

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not being funny or nothing , i love this mod but seriously when is any group going to get an f/a 18 hornet released, was told it was near completion and would be in the next patch this was on like page 30, wtf is going on here?

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believe it or not some modders have a life in reality and shit happens

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not in any released version

Are you going to release it in 0.9 ? :yay:

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yep, not too sure when release of it is going to be currently as i have been quite busy the last few months

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Another addition to the ANZAC mod


Working on a collins class SSK

It's ingame, partially textured. It can submerge, and it's invisible in OA radar. Can carry some Specops. I plan to equip it with Subharpoons and working non Mando missiles torpedoes.

Release WID (When It's Done)

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.... working non Mando missiles torpedoes.

Nice project .... but I suspect you'll be hitting a LOT of brick walls getting torpedoes ingame without MM ;)

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How about this

A boat that uses a torpedo model is created when a fired eventhandler is called.

Then you set pos it in the correct position and spawn a civilian and you moveindriver him.

The you give him a waypoint located in the position of the called target and then the torpedo will move to the vecinity of the targeted ship.

If the torpedo gets near it you make it explode and you create three or four Mk82 in the target's position.

Bye bye ship

The concept works, I know because I have a mission that (re) uses BIs tomahawk code.

I have even tried setting tomahawks as antiship missiles and your krivaks sometimes destroy two or even three tomahawks before the rest impact and destroy them

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Well, I guess thats 1 way ;)

But I guess it moves about with the wave effects, and is subject to AI path finding.

I generally avoid highly scripted solutions myself, chances of conflicts or failures (in MP for example) are increased.

Yes MM is almost all scripts I hear you say, but its a stand-alone generic script solution that allows everyone to use the same solution.

If you continue to experiment I'd be interested in the end result obviously.

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Anyone waiting on the F/A-18 I wouldn't hold your breath as Crash has withdrawn from Arma. Whether he comes back or not is a point of speculation. The F/A-18 has a lot of issues as does almost every other thing in the mod due to the constant adding of other items rather than perfecting what was already there. I appreciate the work of those involved but the planning and execution of this mod has been poor to say the least, leaving me with a very bitter opinion regarding it. My recommendations are wait for the Australian's At War releases which have a lot of quality and effort put into one item at a time rather than trying to do it all in the one hit.

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