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31st Normandy mod for ArmA2: WW2

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i guess the mod-team should decide for they own.

also i think the mod and the history is more than some missing insignias.

that what happened in the past,would happened without the "hakenkreuz" too.

think 'bout that;-)

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Can't see it being illegal? Only place it is arrestable is in germany and that's in public? Also you see games with Nazi insignias all the time... MOHAA? Wolfenstein?

I'm not a German legal expert or claim to be one..

The amount of complaints in the form of emails from people that were offended by the swastika were significant compared to the small handful of those what wanted them included. Those emails, some from legal authorities threatened legal action which I do not care to deal with. While the chances are minimal someone will sit down in public and open up their laptop and someone else see's the swastika or is offended by it. I'm not going to take that chance. I can easily delete two or three emails from people that want the swastika included vs. two or three hundred that don't including some from legal summons.

There will be no swastika in this mod. Period.

*What you do with this mod and it's material after it's released is your own perogative. :j:

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I agree with ya 100% Rip. Plus the removal of swastikas allow the mod to be used in countrys that have banned the symbol. If your part of a clan/tournament that wants it to be as realistic as possible i have 4 words for you.

Passworded Server & Squad XML.

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why dont create 2 germans soldiers pack , 1 with no insignias and another 1 whit it and left that to the mission makers.

you get arrested because you are playing a game whit the nazy symbol ? IT IS ONLY A GAME . have a simbol in a game does not mean that you are a nazy or from the ss . like when I play ofp in the URRS side it does not mean that I am a comunist

Edited by zombo

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There will be no swastika in this mod. Period.

I quote Rip31st. There will be no swastika. End of. :)

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I quote Rip31st. There will be no swastika. End of.

Okey, not that it affects how AWESOME this mod is gonna be!:D

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Some screens from testing, (its getting closer).

This is all from one of the final test of german tank part.




to big

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I'm very pleased with troc's work! It will benefit this mod!

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Will T_Roc's work be included? It looks good. :)

Or is it a separate mod? I can't quite tell, both look super. :D

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Will T_Roc's work be included? It looks good. :)

Or is it a separate mod? I can't quite tell, both look super. :D

It's in the mod, as well as all of Beton's maps and objects.


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Great job. For I learnt about the closing of FAFw you are my last hope to play a little bit more to this game.

Thank u and as young person I'm very impatient

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Looks great! There is no other game out there like ArmA 2, the one thing I have missed is it being set during WWII, not modern times. So I am really looking forward to trying this out!!!

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Soo, will there be any Grey uniforms for the germans in this mod?

Or just Camo uniforms?

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Soo, will there be any Grey uniforms for the germans in this mod?

Or just Camo uniforms?

No there will be gray as well, but grey was not standard german color at this time they used green.

But many soldiers did hang on to their old uniforms as long as possible as the new ones were of lesser quality.

So there will be gray as well as green and camo.

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So units with M40 and M43 uniforms will be in? The diferences betwen these two arent only the color of the Feldgrau (the color varied trougth the war, but still had the same name), but also the design of the pockets and little details. Also the M43 uniform had an wermacht (6 butons) and an SS (5 buttons) variants.

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There are a lot of sets of infantry in this mod that should please most.


Edited by Rip31st

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everything looks just great ! can´t wait ;) even the weaponsound is incredible accurate ... i just hope, that the way weapons are hold is correct( especially mg 42, 34 )

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everything looks just great ! can´t wait ;) even the weaponsound is incredible accurate ... i just hope, that the way weapons are hold is correct( especially mg 42, 34 )

Me too! For your sake! :rolleyes:

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Awesome with the Grey uniforms.Any progress on the Americans yet?:) would be nice to have a look at those too:)

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Is it made by your screen resolution or is the german helmet (M42 type was used at that time) a little disproporcioned?

About the decals on the helmets. From 28.8.1943 an order were issued (for wermacht) to get rid of these decals. So in 1944 there shouldnt be many units with the decals.


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Decals stay as this mod is not made for historical accuracy. Also I think the helmet (which I did not make) looks great!

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