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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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how do you get a rucksack to start on a player. ive serched for ages and cant find anything and ive tried this with no luck:

this addweapon "ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_WMARPAT";

player addweapon "ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_WMARPAT";

Just tried

this addweapon "ACE_Rucksack_MOLLE_WMARPAT";

and it worked fine. Not sure why.

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Just use the updater... I used to hate it but now that I have sorted it out, it is updating my mods, not just the ACE one, automatically everyday. No need to check forums for updates, no need to beg for mirrors. It is a one off solution.

Im actually at this point... It frustrating

I downloaded the game , works fine. Now i have to update , the thing tells me in too many ways that it just doesnt work...

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@Hbomber110 - ok, in the spirit of the ACE mutual loving community, why don't you PM me and let me see if I can help. Please detail your exact errors and your system configuration like I did in my signature. Its helpful to put your system config in your signature to help people understand your situation.

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Great, updating still did not work after renaming/deleting the modfolders.

Is manually installing CBA making a difference? Note that I do not have a CBA.7z in the SixUpdater folder. I manually installed CBA (night before last), did not add it to the updating config on the webserver thing. ACE would not update.

Added CBA to the updating config on the webserver - CBA updated but not ACE.

Renamed ACE/X modfolders, removed CBA from web config. ACE appeared to update, however I am still left with X.182 after the "update" SixUpdater installed.

I'm really at my wits end, so let me ask a second question: is the Yoma AddonSync/Kelly's Heroes method keeping up with the minor updates? I hear that we're up to X.184 today?

Edited by BigMorgan

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try running the update a few more times, sometimes it connects to a repository which isnt yet upto date.

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Where do I put the configs when installing the mod manually?

I have the ACE2, ACE2X, and CBA installed in mod folders.

Alright, looked around and the FAQ told me to "copy" the cofigs here:

@mod\userconfig\*** to userconfig\mod\***

What does that mean? :confused:

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Ok I think I found the issue, for some reason SixUpdater did not create rsync folders in my modfolders. Where do I find the appropriate rsync-related files?

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Is manually installing CBA making a difference?

No, and you don't need the 7z file for updates, only for install.

is the Yoma AddonSync/Kelly's Heroes method keeping up with the minor updates?

No. But you shouldn't worry about which version is out, but rather the version, most/your favourite server is currently using.

Edited by Ish

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My favorite server (AWP Warfare /shameless plug) isn't running it, this is just for fun in the editor. :D

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Manzilla made the first MFACE (made for ACE) mission at http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91572 . Its quite fun and uses almost all of the new ACE units and features. Its a simple mission that allows you to play the features to the MAX! :) Because there are sooo many new features and ways to complete the mission, this mission has become my fav setting for testing ACE features.

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Alright, looked around and the FAQ told me to "copy" the cofigs here:

@mod\userconfig\*** to userconfig\mod\***

What does that mean? :confused:

which conffigs? userconfig goes \arma2\userconfigs\ACE\(.hpp files here)

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Ish the next time you give out incorrect information you should check first, Kellys heroes server is running the latest version through Yoma and our server is uptodate... Also we have a RSS FEED running so you will know when an update has been released check it at www.kellys-heroes.eu

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Thanks jason. Any chance you know where I can get the repositories needed update the mod?

Once I get it updating properly I'll start searching for some cool missions, that one looks like a good start!

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Ok I think I found the issue, for some reason SixUpdater did not create rsync folders in my modfolders. Where do I find the appropriate rsync-related files?

.rsynch should be inside each modfolder i.e. \@ACE\.rsynch then the relevent folders and files inside of them

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Ah, okay, thanks. I thought the userconfig folder installed with Arma II by default. Instead, I had to make my own.

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.rsynch should be inside each modfolder i.e. \@ACE\.rsynch then the relevent folders and files inside of them

They are not - I think I figured out where I went wrong as I stumbled upon "ACE.rsync.7z" on Armaholic

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Thanks jason. Any chance you know where I can get the repositories needed update the mod?

Once I get it updating properly I'll start searching for some cool missions, that one looks like a good start!

I use the updater right from the start to avoid any problems. I don't download the folders myself from elsewhere and then expect the updater to update it... doesn't work that way. My advise since you obviously has the updater working already is to delete all the folders you downloaded manually and then start again using the updater... streamlines the process, avoids frustration.

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Quick question, When asked to put the .7z based files in the update foler, do you extract them first or just move them to the folder?

Just move them

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Thanks again jason, I tried that suggestion 3 times in a row (doing that always makes me think of that saying, "The definition of insanity is repeating the same process and expecting different results" lol) to no results. Now I put the rsync folder contained in the ACE.rsync.7z folder in the modfolders and I've got the updater doing something... will report back if it's installed X.184. :D

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alright i tried to download straight through 6-updater, it only downloaded @CBA and not @ACE or @ACEX. What am i doing wrong

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I was snoopin around the web trying to figure out class names and I came across some threads that showed a whole bunch of HK416's. Like 'ACE_HK416' and etc.... however when I tried to addWeapon "ACE_HK416", it said config could not be found?? Are these weapons not in game? and if not then can we expect them to be included in an update?? or where can I get them?? I really dig me some HK416 and would love to check out the ones made by ACE! I am currently using (and loving) RobertHammers..

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alright i tried to download straight through 6-updater, it only downloaded @CBA and not @ACE or @ACEX. What am i doing wrong

You need to include ACE and ACEX in the config website. You probably ran the updater without configuring the website thing.

---------- Post added at 03:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 AM ----------

I was snoopin around the web trying to figure out class names and I came across some threads that showed a whole bunch of HK416's. Like 'ACE_HK416' and etc.... however when I tried to addWeapon "ACE_HK416", it said config could not be found?? Are these weapons not in game? and if not then can we expect them to be included in an update?? or where can I get them?? I really dig me some HK416 and would love to check out the ones made by ACE! I am currently using (and loving) RobertHammers..

Wish ACE2 integrates RH's weapons like they did in ACE1. :) Currently unable to use CQB sights on RH weapons with ACE2.

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ohh good find meatball! Looking forward to them defo, @jason you so right about how easy it is to update through sixupdater, i open it press 2 minimise it and leave it a few mins to update and then open it press enter and im all ready and updated

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all three mods are selected for the beta preset, and it still only does the @CBA

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