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Show Classnames, Weapons, Magazines etc.

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This is a useful script for mission maker :)


This script will show you the
  • name
  • type
  • magazines
  • weapons
  • position (coordinates + mapgridposition)
  • items (only infantry)
  • primary and secondary weapon and pistol (only infantry)
  • turrets (only vehicle)
  • cargopositions (only vehicle)
  • driver, gunner and commander position (only vehicle)
  • total amount of seats (only vehicle)
  • driver weapons and magazines (only vehicle)
  • rucksack content (only infantry and only when ACE enabled)

of the Target you are aiming at.





arma2.rpt example for soldiers (+ ACE):

Unit: B 1-1-A:1 (Cyborg11) (Schütze)

Classname: USMC_Soldier

Weapons: ["NVGoggles","ACE_FAST_PackEDC","DMR","ACE_Glock18"]

Magazines: ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR","20Rnd_762x51_DMR", ...]

Items: ["ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","ACE_GlassesGasMask_US"]

Rucksack Weapons: [["m16a4",1]]

Rucksack Magazines: [["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",6],["HandGrenade_West",4]]

Weapon on Back: ACE_HK416_D10

Position: 035015

Coordinates: [3537.15,3570.88,0.00140953]

Download: http://cyborg11.cy.funpic.de/ArmA2/Downloads/ShowClassname1-4.utes.7z


  • The hint displays the magazines array now as following:
    [["Magazin1", count], ["Magazin2", count], ...]
    But arma2.rpt displays the magazines array as the normal magazines array (see the example above)
  • If ACE is enabled and the unit has a rucksack the script now displays the content of the rucksack and
    will save it in the ArmA 2 report file (arma2.rpt)
  • Action to change the target from cursorTarget to player unit and vice versa
  • Vehicle hint now displays the driver weapons and magazines if present


  • Added an action to write to the arma2.rpt - not automatically anymore
  • Fixed the total seat number


  • added pistol to infantry hint
  • infantry hint will display the pictures of the weapons
  • vehicle hint displays the picture of the vehicle now
  • position also displays the mapgridposition
  • getPos -> getPosATL


  • added turrets, cargo/gunner/driver/commander position for vehicles
  • weapons, magazines, unitclassname and position will now be displayed in arma2.rpt
  • new colored hint


  • first Release

Edited by Cyborg11

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The script saves the classname in the clipboard

so you can paste it in your script with Ctrl + V :)

Exactly for this I was looking since ages. Thanks alot! :)

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Made v1.1 :)

Much has changed. First two pictures of the new hints (left is a vehicle - right is a soldier):


Download v1.1: http://cyborg11.cy.funpic.de/ArmA2/Downloads/ShowClassnamesETC1.1.utes.7z

Now the following will displayed in your arma2.rpt:

Unit: B 1-1-B:1

Classname: USMC_SoldierS_Spotter

Weapons: ["m16a4_acg","NVGoggles","ACE_Rangefinder_OD"]

Magazines: ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", ... ,"ACE_Battery_Rangefinder"]

Items: ["ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","ACE_Kestrel4500","ACE_SpottingScope"]

Position: [3427.26,3573.94,0]

Edited by Cyborg11

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Nice work, thanks!

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Since you are now using formated text I would suggest for your next version to add pictures of the weapons/vehicles in the hints. It would be the icing on the cake.

Keep on the good work


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Since you are now using formated text I would suggest for your next version to add pictures of the weapons/vehicles in the hints. It would be the icing on the cake.

Keep on the good work


What for as you're pointing your mouse cursor on it ?

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Since you are now using formated text I would suggest for your next version to add pictures of the weapons/vehicles in the hints. It would be the icing on the cake.

Keep on the good work


Do you mean something like this? :D


The pictures were only shown on infantry weapons ;)

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Just a suggestion, might be nice if also grid number was shown together with position, like:

Position: [3427.26,3573.94,0] @ grid 113046.

That way we can collect a lot of interresting positions, paste them into wherever we want while we have the map open to verify grid is actually matching the position. With lots of positions in, it's easy to loose track on which target town was located where, if you know what I mean.

X_fnc_PosToGrid = {
File: PosToGrid.sqf
Author: Karel Moricky

Converts array position to map grid position.

_this: Object, Array in format position or String with marker name

Array in format ["X","Y"]
private ["_x","_y","_xgrid","_ygrid","_xcoord","_ycoord","_result"];

_x = -1;
_y = -1;

switch (typename _this) do
//--- Coordinates
case "ARRAY": {
	_x = _this select 0;
	_y = _this select 1;
//--- Unit
case "OBJECT": {
	_x = position _this select 0;
	_y = position _this select 1;
//--- Marker
case "STRING": {
	_x = markerpos _this select 0;
	_y = markerpos _this select 1;
default {
	if (true) exitwith {hintc format ["Bad input in ""PosToGrid.sqf"" - %1.",typename _this]};

_xgrid = floor (_x / 100);
_ygrid = floor ((15360 - _y) / 100);

_xcoord =
if (_xgrid >= 100) then {
	str _xgrid;
} else {
	if (_xgrid >= 10) then {
		"0" + str _xgrid;
	} else {
		"00" + str _xgrid;

_ycoord =
if (_ygrid >= 100) then {
	str _ygrid;
} else {
	if (_ygrid >= 10) then {
		"0" + str _ygrid;
	} else {
		"00" + str _ygrid;

_result = [_xcoord,_ycoord];


_grid = "";

_grid = format ["Grid: %1%2!", (_pos call X_fnc_PosToGrid) select 0, (_pos call X_fnc_PosToGrid) select 1];

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This can be very useful. Thx Cyborg11!

Put it on our scripts section at Assault Mission Studio.


ShowClassnames [1.1] by Cyborg11

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Awesome I love this, Helped me find the Class names of enterable buildings :D

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Just a suggestion, might be nice if also grid number was shown together with position, like:

Position: [3427.26,3573.94,0] @ grid 113046.

Done :)

Any other suggestions? :)


- pistol for infantrys

- mapGridPosition

- bigger picture for vehicles

- weapon pictures of inf weapons


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Do you mean something like this? :D


The pictures were only shown on infantry weapons ;)

Gorgeous !!!

PS: I might be (certainly is) overboard here but isn't there also a picture for the infantry/crew units?

Edited by AliMag

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Gorgeous !!!

PS: I might be (certainly is) overboard here but isn't there also a picture for the infantry/crew units?

Yes an empty picture :D

picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";

Dunno where the commanding pictures of the units are located :(

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Is the coordinate done with getPos or getPosATL?


But changed it to getPosATL now :)

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or instead you could use the mapGridPosition command :) And really nice work on this one, its a really handy tool.

Lol, holy cow! Never seen this one before. I've been asking for this one for a long time. It's a dream come true actually. Even works nicely with addon to invert y axis.


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And version 1.2 is out now! :D



Download: http://cyborg11.cy.funpic.de/ArmA2/Downloads/ShowClassname1.2.utes.7z



- added pistol to infantry hint

- infantry hint will display the pictures of the weapons

- vehicle hint displays the picture of the vehicle now

- position also displays the mapgridposition

- getPos -> getPosATL

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What is the turretpath? A number? Or the exact path to the turret?


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