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What you're thankful for.

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We did this tonight at a friend's for dinner, thought I'd bring this Thanksgiving tradition here this weekend and see who wants to opine.

I'm thankful that this holiday season, I get to spend so much time with my wife and kids. Work's taking me away for a year soon, and it's going to be a couple years before I get to do this again.


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Relatively good health, a home, friends, family, and chocolate milk.

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I am happy that my K/D ratio on MW:2 is finally above 1.00.

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I am thankful that I don't live in America :)

America bashing after just four posts. That's got to be a new record. :rolleyes:

We don't celebrate thanksgiving over here, but I'd say I'm thankful for having an enjoyable job, a nice flat and a gorgeous woman to share it with ;). Also salted butter, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Arma2, big flat-sceen TVs and american television.

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i dont understand the whole TG thing.....whats it about?

but i am thankfull for my better half, and the fact she got me A2. ....

thats about it really, not much els to be thankfull for this year or last, its been complete and utter crap tbh.

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I thank the US citizens for Obama.

I thank BIS for caring so much about their games, even long time after release - think about delivering another beta-patch on Armed Assault in November 2009 and all the betapatches on Arma2 until now which show continous work - noone of us ever did pay for.

Sure they don't do that for nothing - seems like they are working on their future business.

I like that. I like them not to spoil too much money for marketing shit.

I thank our cogamer Tophe for the Ode to Bohemia.


Don't come with "but they had to because it was buggy" - a lot of software enterprises don't and that's what I call the standard. Just remember Microsoft Windows just up to Windows 98 - it was so buggy though Bill Gates had so much money jumping out of his pockets. And, most important, immensely open games like the BI games cannot be bugfree to a large extent due to their open nature.

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I'm thankful I don't have to eat a turkey named Courage. :yay:

Also, that I don't have another damn holiday at this time of year, as if Crhimbo isn't expensive enough. It's all a con anyway. It's lost its meaning. I mean how many people who buy & receive present are actually church going christians? Eh? Answer me that one. And don't talk to me about bloody kids at this time of year! "But, Chrimbo is for the kids". Me arse. Its about crossing people, mainly kids, off the pressie list and saying things like "Phew, I'm glad that's over". And what thanks do you get for the gifts you spend most of your money on? A barley audible grunt "Ye". Is that a thanks? I don't think so. And what do you get in return? Eh? A box of f'kin Malteasers and a pair of bloody socks. Well, not this year. No. "Credit Crunch". That's what people are getting off me, a note, not a card, just a note saying "Credit Crunch".

Anyway, I digress - back on topic:

What am I thankful for? Peace and Goodwill...

...me arse.

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I'm thankful I don't have to eat a turkey named Courage. :yay:

Also, that I don't have another damn holiday at this time of year, as if Crhimbo isn't expensive enough. It's all a con anyway. It's lost its meaning. I mean how many people who buy & receive present are actually church going christians? Eh? Answer me that one. And don't talk to me about bloody kids at this time of year! "But, Chrimbo is for the kids". Me arse. Its about crossing people, mainly kids, off the pressie list and saying things like "Phew, I'm glad that's over". And what thanks do you get for the gifts you spend most of your money on? A barley audible grunt "Ye". Is that a thanks? I don't think so. And what do you get in return? Eh? A box of f'kin Malteasers and a pair of bloody socks. Well, not this year. No. "Credit Crunch". That's what people are getting off me, a note, not a card, just a note saying "Credit Crunch".

Anyway, I digress - back on topic:

What am I thankful for? Peace and Goodwill...

...me arse.



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That my dog pulled through her teeth surgery the other day. :pet5:

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I'm pretty grateful that I wasn't born in a dictatorship or a third world country in which you have to eat your own faeces to survive. The fact that my family is better off than many others, the fact that I've got good friends..and that I'm a member if this community. Everybody here rocks so hard.

There's other stuff as well, but I can't be bothered mentioning it.

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That my dog pulled through her teeth surgery the other day. :pet5:

has she had them removed or just a few fillings?

no bs we had a minature toy yorkie, she was a star, born with bone marrow defect, walked like a clowns car with square wheels, didn't have a tooth in her head for the best part of 8 years... she died summer this year after 14 years of life. vet said from the start when she was 3 month old that she wouldn't live long.

dogs are harder than you think ;)

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For the brave man who first put kebab on pizza, and for the person who decided to bring Red Stripe to Sweden.

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has she had them removed or just a few fillings?

no bs we had a minature toy yorkie, she was a star, born with bone marrow defect, walked like a clowns car with square wheels, didn't have a tooth in her head for the best part of 8 years... she died summer this year after 14 years of life. vet said from the start when she was 3 month old that she wouldn't live long.

dogs are harder than you think ;)

She had two teeth removed - molars. Apparently they were very infected.

That's both a sad and heart-warming story about your dog. Sounds like she was a strong animal. :)

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oh she was a true trooper alright. propper little dog ;)

your dog will be fine. she only had two out, but her gums will still become hard as a rock in time :D

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I dont do this thanksgiving stuff, but i AM thankful that BIS stayed true to it's roots and didnt go mainstream on us.

It would have been so easy to do just that.

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