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Is it possible to play Arma 2 without the DVD?

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I just wanted to know if there is any way to play Arma 2 without the DVD? If not, is there any way to make a safe copy of my DVD so that i don't have to put the original DVD in my computer? I have the original disc of course

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There are ways, most of them illegal. :rolleyes:

Just use your original.


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If you had the original copy of the disc, why would you want to make a copy to put in your computer? What else are you going to use the original disc for? :rolleyes:

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If you had the original copy of the disc, why would you want to make a copy to put in your computer? What else are you going to use the original disc for? :rolleyes:

I didn't buy the DVD version (and keep the crappy german 1st released download version) for the simple fact of not having to have the DVD and hearing it everytime I boot up, fire up A2, and such. I'm still not convinced to go buy a DVD version, even though playing on signatured servers with admins unable to put decent keys in it (Wiper ftw) forcing my game to german kind of pisses me off. But that's how I dislike having the DVD in the PC

So, yes, there are reasons for not having the DVD in the PC.

The day the official patch removes the DVD check, I go buy a DVD copy

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I really don't understand why people find it that annoying to put the damn dvd into the damn dvd drive. Noise... i can barely hear mine :confused:

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I really don't understand why people find it that annoying to put the damn dvd into the damn dvd drive.

If you only have one DVD drive, you'll have to take out the disc and physically put in another one to play a different game.

For some people, it's time consuming if they want to play several different PC games.

It's easier to just click and play without having to insert and eject discs all the time.

Some PC games add the ability to play the game without the disc via patches.

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Use the lastest beta patch. It does not have any DVD checks.

Any other ways, I believe, are illegal and not supported in any way by BIS.

Ty, this is what i was looking for... I know that many people use no-dvd cracks for illegal playing but i just don't want my dvd get scrached (i know it sounds stupid):D,and another rerason is that i have a million cd´s/dvd´s so it is just easier this way...

Edited by imatic

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I have a legit copy of the game on disk but I've used the no-dvd crack as I blame Securom drm for fucking up my dvd drives so quickly.

I'm now playing the beta's as they add this in a legit way plus they run so much better than 1.04

Edited by PogMoThoin

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The betas give you that PLUS superb improvements. I cant play anything but beta's as they are so far ahead of the official patch. ;)

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If you only have one DVD drive, you'll have to take out the disc and physically put in another one to play a different game.

For some people, it's time consuming if they want to play several different PC games.

It's easier to just click and play without having to insert and eject discs all the time.

Some PC games add the ability to play the game without the disc via patches.

LOL i'm sure the 5 minutes you have spent at the end of the day chaning disc's won't kill you :p

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LOL i'm sure the 5 minutes you have spent at the end of the day chaning disc's won't kill you :p

What about the new dvd drives I've had to buy because of Suckurom?

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What about the new dvd drives I've had to buy because of Suckurom?

I have NEVER had any problems with any dvd copy protection ever and i have been playing games for many many years on many different computers with different dvd drive brands :)

Anyways, this was about having to put your dvd into the drive which i still fail to see can be that big of a deal.

But as said use the beta's patches if it really is that much of a pain to insert your dvd ;)

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because dvd drives wear down with overuse. they are surprisingly flimsy.

i tend to use them only for installation to prolong their life span.

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My original OFP disk no longer works because of scratches ... yes ... it has seen that much use ;) I'd show you a picture but I'm lazy :D

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because dvd drives wear down with overuse. they are surprisingly flimsy.

i tend to use them only for installation to prolong their life span.

I've never had a DVD drive fail even when playing games that require a DVD check. Hell, I'm still using an Asus DVD drive (non-RW) that I got with my previous build like 6 years ago.

Buying cheaper isn't always better....And even then the more reliable DVD drives are still pretty darn cheap.

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Anyways, this was about having to put your dvd into the drive which i still fail to see can be that big of a deal.

It's more of a convenience issue.

Do you need a cupholder or a radio in your car? No, but it sure helps to have them. :D

Edited by Laqueesha

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Aah ... yeah, but check all the checkboxes afterwards not to be "bemothered" by Steam too much.

And if your internet connection doesn't work ... you are all alone with no DVD disc.

After my birth I tend to avoid umbilical cords .. .

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I bought the German downloaded version and the UK retail - If you install the German, uninstall then install the UK retail it keeps hold of the starforce or whatever it uses and as such you have the UK version installed and the German (no dvd) copy protection.

Works a treat, also as mentioned, the beta's do not have the disk check copy protection in the .exe.

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Do you need a cupholder or a radio in your car? No, but it sure helps to have them. :D

Do you need putting on your safety belt when driving? No, but it sure helps if you get an accident or get stopped by the police :D

It's more of a convenience issue.

Well then these forums could be flooded with threads about what people would like done to make their life easier.

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In my opinion, putting a disc in your drive is not going to make it live for less time. I mean, it's like saying:

"I will only drive my car after a fresh oil change, because running it will make the engine break."

The disc drive is designed to operate discs, if it can't handle that, I would recommend changing who you buy pc components from. I don't mean to sound rude, and i know that just because the problem hasn't effected me, does not mean it doesn't exist at all, but it sounds more like lazyness, than an actual problem.

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Aah ... yeah, but check all the checkboxes afterwards not to be "bemothered" by Steam too much.

And if your internet connection doesn't work ... you are all alone with no DVD disc.

After my birth I tend to avoid umbilical cords .. .

I know some people dislike Steam, but it's worked flawlessly for me over the years. As for the network being down , well, doesn't happen often for me and I can't recall a time that it was down and I wanted to play a game. Even if it is down it won't be for long and I can find other things to do.

It has been invaluable when, for instance, I wanted to reinstall a game I had previously uninstalled. Just a few clicks of the mouse some time to download and I'm off and running. No hunting for a DVD and key and no obtrusive DRM, what's not to like?

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About steam. I've said this before and some people didn't believe me... I can understand that since it works for them, but every couple of days I start my pc up and I get the message that I can't connect to steam. That means I cannot play. The next day it usually works but that's something I don't need.

Just my two cents.

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The more will you put the disc in to your drive the better way to make scratches on the surface of the disc. In most cases it will result a skating rink like effect with a "massive" usage of couple of years, doesn't counts how careful you are.

I also do not want to talk about Steam service it is a disappointment.

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