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Latest beta and CTD - please read

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Definately having problems with a USMC motorcycle and default Humvee here since installing the last beta. Happens right after I drive off. Back to previous, then...

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Ok i have been testing the MP on a berzerk server for 5 hours with the new beta.. so far so good. No CTD. Lets see if i can play another 5 hours again without any CTD.


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I did discover it in 60295, twice in a row hosting a Cipher MP mission. Nothing I can pin it on.

Anyone getting same issue with the 309?

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it's already fixed in 308/309

Not quite. Was just playing Cipher 1.41b, running beta build 60309 and it crashed twice in a row after just starting to drive away in an open truck. Works fine for armed offroad vehicle. (Helicopter kept crashing at the end - but thats a crash for a different thread :)

EDIT: Just tried a few unarmed cars in the editor...no CTD. *shrug*

Edited by Bascule42

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Not quite. Was just playing Cipher 1.41b, running beta build 60309 and it crashed twice in a row after just starting to drive away in an open truck. Works fine for armed offroad vehicle. (Helicopter kept crashing at the end - but thats a crash for a different thread :)

EDIT: Just tried a few unarmed cars in the editor...no CTD. *shrug*

Did you start the mission fresh, or continue from last savegame? Sorry for pointing the obvious, but that's the only thing that came ontop of my head right now

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I don't have any problems now. No more CTD i believe. I was playing for some hours last day, and had only arma2 hangup when i got shoot by heavy armor, like tanks. After that i can't respawn . Have to use task manager to close arma2.exe. Not sure if this is only for the berzerk server.

But the other CTD is gone.

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CTD's connected to this issue fixed. Latest beta should not have this problem anymore.

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Just thought id mention it seems like all my crashing to desktop (without a error message) is fixed but last night i was playing cti for a change & got a blue screen of death on beta patch 60588 while i was flying a chopper it was awhile into my flight after alot of action.

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I've been expieriencing random CTD's / system hangs with the 588 patch.

Seems completely random, closing the map interface, fire through a window, walking, breathing :(.

It runs fine prior to these crashes which usually occur within 20 minutes of starting the game but can sometimes not occur at all.



i7 920 @ 3.9


Gtx 285 x2

320 gb 7200rpm hdd



i7 920 @ 3.9


Gtx 285 x2

500 gb 7200 rpm hdd

Graphics options on both o/s installs are high with the exception of terrain detail (set to med), object and shadow (vhigh) AF (disabled handled by control panel at x8).

On a positive note, win 7 performance has seen some improvement with 588 when not crashing. It's armamark scores have surpassed xp's by some 400 points.

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