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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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Hmm... for manpads the max + total time required for tracking and missile activation is within 6 seconds. Imho the targeting-lock delay should be reduced a bit. Now even the AI are often refusing to aim and fire with manpads at aircraft.

Another thing that is a annoying is that the player don't have a chance to survive with manually ejecting flares against AA missiles. Why not implementing a manual/auto-dispenser? Such devices are working irl too. :)

Observed that the AI ejects flares after the AA missile exploded... :confused:

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great update mandoble!

Edited by Marko112

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Hi Marko, please, take 1 min to read MMA usage terms present in the download page as well as the first main post of this thread:

"First of all, you may not use Mando Missile (nor any of its parts) for commertial or military purposes nor include it into any other add-on or mod (not even partially) nor redistribute or mirror it without Mandoble's prior permission and agreement."

Said that, you may freely keep a link with the official download site in your armed assault page. These conditions will remain this way while MMA is in beta stage.

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Hello, thanx for this great addon. I have a problem with the hellfires, whether i use the AH-64D or the Cobra, i cant select the hellfires, i cycle through the weapons but Arma2 doenst allow me to select the hellfires. Any help?, thanx a lot.

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NoRailgunner, Igla, Stinger and Strella have a lock on time of 3 secs as long as you keep the target more or less centered on the sight. If you dont keep the target more or less centered, this time may be 6 seconds or infinite, as the lockon will not proceed any further as long as the target is away of the sight's center. AI doesnt have this limitation, AI uses BIS standard way to lock on a fire manpads.

I have little problem avoiding enemy AA missiles with the RWR and flares, except if the missiles comes head-on (flares will not affect these), or if the missile is fired so close that there is no practical reaction time.

AI dropping ability to drop flares is not also related with AI skill, so increase the skill to give them more chaces to drop flares in time. If the AI skill is too low, it might happen that they react too far, and they get hit when they are already "pressing" the flares button.

If you are using the script suite, you can play with all these parameters:


     // Auto countermeasures for all the planes/choppers, not for manned ones
     [[], 1200, 1, 5, true, 3]execVM"mando_missiles\units\mando_missileecm_by_type.sqf";

AI will react when the missile is closer than 1200m and then it might take up to 3 seconds (+ skill handycap) to drop the flares.

For the manpad times:




  3            // Normal time to lock

loco_aullador, mando missiles dont work as BIS missiles, default keys (that you may redefine at will) are:

TAB: Lock on

Left CTRL: Change HUD mode (change weapon)

Left SHIFT: Drop flares

Left Win: Fire missile

Read the included readmefirst pdf for more info.

maturin, you have this feature already implemented in the MCCs, in the lower right area you have real-time info of the last fired missile, you can check there if the missile lost the track or if it is still tracking the target, you can also switch on missile camera and follow the missile in-flight.

Flash Thunder, can you post here an screenshot of what you are seeing in the javelin sight?

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Another thing that is a annoying is that the player don't have a chance to survive with manually ejecting flares against AA missiles. Why not implementing a manual/auto-dispenser? Such devices are working irl too. :)

I have the exact opposite experience playing with ACE. In ACE, flares fire automatically on missile launch (even with RPGs and parked aircraft :/), but you are generally in deep shit if someone gets a fix on you. With Mando's launch warning and player-controlled flares (which complement the limitless ACE automatic flares) I am often evading MANPADS even in slower planes.

Maybe the combination of ACE auto-flares and Mando manual flares makes the difference?

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if you want minimum reaction time, just set it = 0 and they will start dropping flares as soon as the missile reaches the indicated maximum range to target. You can also set the 7th optional parameter to false and you will have automatic flares also for manned planes/choppers. But having auto flares for manned planes is a bit of non-sense as you will likely die over'n over if you dont break left, right to make sure the missile will not continue following you after going for the flares (case where the missile comes from your six, you drop flares manually or automatically but you dont change course).

It is all a matter of game balance, and you have all the required parameters to play with. In next beta I'll allow direct modification via globals, ATM you can modify them at will with missions using the script suite changing the parameters inside mando_setup_full.sqf.

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The F-14 module sounds fun, will try this :)

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maturin, you have this feature already implemented in the MCCs, in the lower right area you have real-time info of the last fired missile, you can check there if the missile lost the track or if it is still tracking the target, you can also switch on missile camera and follow the missile in-flight.

Could you explain this feature more specifically or link to a video that shows it? I have looked all over my HUD in the Cobra and Apache, and none of the displays seem to describe anything like that, and nothing changes when the missile fires or hits the target. When I switch to the missile camera once a hellfire is already in flight, I get the get the grainy zoomed-out view, not an image following the head of the missile itself.

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As said, this feature is present only if your plane has an MCC (as the one for the F14):


Check the lower right missile data area. Or just play the included mma_f14_test_addon.Chernarus demo mission.

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Is there anything special I need to do besides listing Mando "after" the ACE2 file in the launch shortcut to make this work correctly with ACE2?

ex. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -noSplash -noFilePatching -mod=@LandTex;@Islands;@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_PLA;@ACEX_SM;@TRSM;@mma;@mma_xeh

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^^ That should do it. Either load mma_xeh to have it autoload or skip the xeh and when you want it add the modules to the mission. All up to you. :)

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@A CEX_SM;@TRSM;@mma;@mma_xeh space after @A

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@A CEX_SM;@TRSM;@mma;@mma_xeh space after @A

You guys rock. Thanks so much :)

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Hi my issue with the Javelin Interface still persists, even though I have fully downloaded your mod, maybe I installed wrong?

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I'm guessing with all the FCS stuff recently added to ACE, MMA is becoming less and less compatible... Shame, I really want to use MMA in combination with ACE.

Btw. if you were targeting T-90 with Javelin that might have been Shtora system doing it's job...

Shtora is IR-jamming system effective against laser guided missiles. Javelin uses "fire and forget" heat guidance, so its alright imo.

Keep doing great job, Mando.

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Thanks Morhoo87.

Flash Thunder, might be you have it installed wrong, or might be you are not loading it. Here you can find the installation instructions.

To check it, start A2 with only mod=@mma; and run the included demo mission mma_test_portables_addon.utes from the editor and make sure everything works well. Then do the same, but also loading your Javelin overlay addon (the one that overrides BIS default one).

Remember that @mma_xeh should be used only if you want to have MMA in all and every missions, even these that have not been specifically designed to use MMA. @mma_xeh requires to have mma loaded (mod=@mma). If you are playing missions that have the script suite inside, then you dont need any mma addon at all.

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Thanks Morhoo87.

Flash Thunder, might be you have it installed wrong, or might be you are not loading it. Here you can find the installation instructions.

To check it, start A2 with only mod=@mma; and run the included demo mission mma_test_portables_addon.utes from the editor and make sure everything works well. Then do the same, but also loading your Javelin overlay addon (the one that overrides BIS default one).

Remember that @mma_xeh should be used only if you want to have MMA in all and every missions, even these that have not been specifically designed to use MMA. @mma_xeh requires to have mma loaded (mod=@mma). If you are playing missions that have the script suite inside, then you dont need any mma addon at all.

Alright, well I got it to work right, but the Javelin missle is glicthed, it doesnt hit its target, dont matter if I use direct or Top or ground attack, the missle will shoot out of the launcher but will disappear before even hitting anything or premature dentonate really fast, dunno whats causing this.

heres my modline: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -cpuCount=4 -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@RH_Mods;@LandTex;@ArmyACU;@MAP;@Distance;@MISC;@panthera;@Spec_troops;@Veg;@HiFi;@ZeusAI;@Mando

*dont mind the spaces* the forum is doing that i got them correctly set up. :)

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Are you following the locking on and firing procedure?

Yeah Im following those procedures, at first I tested it on a empty vehicle without the engine on, so i thought that was the issue.

now the vehicle is turned on, and im still getting the cannot lock on icon, I changed my controllers a bit, but it says right is lock and zoom in my controls I dont see a lock target control config in the controls menu.

I also had auto guide AT option disabled thought that could be a problem so I enabled it no difference.

what could be the problem? Im using this in accordance with ACE by the way.

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Flash Thunder - This may be a silly question, but have you tried it against a moving vehicle? A static AI-manned vehicle might turn off its engine and therefore not be lockable. Try targetting a tank as it moves between two waypoints ??

If you've tried this already then can't help much more...:o

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Flash Thunder - This may be a silly question, but have you tried it against a moving vehicle? A static AI-manned vehicle might turn off its engine and therefore not be lockable. Try targetting a tank as it moves between two waypoints ??

If you've tried this already then can't help much more...:o

yeah I tried it on moving, static vehicles it just doesnt work. :(

I get the green box(BIS's Locking square not mandos) around the vehicle, I hold right since I made it LOCK and I dont get the Lock on javelin sqaure nor the beep sounds.

Also when I shoot without a correct missle lockon somehow I hits the tank, does a tiny bit of damage and somehow blows up like 2 twice, after it takes 30 seconds or so to go about 500 meters

i really f****d something up here, Is ACE causing issues the new stable version.

the missle will first show a small explosion in the sky, prematurely, then it will come back and it the vehicle I targeted without even getting the lockon using top attack mode, then it will explode a second time all with one javelin missle.....

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Did you try using Tab to lock? Just hitting it once. Although MMA uses some vanilla keys in their default functions, they're not necessarily re-mappable.

Javelins work in my up-to-date ACE.

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Did you try using Tab to lock? Just hitting it once. Although MMA uses some vanilla keys in their default functions, they're not necessarily re-mappable.

Javelins work in my up-to-date ACE.

thats where im confused, I dont see a Lock on Target control config, all I have is "Lock and Zoom" which by default is "second mouse button"

I made TAB select all units, also when I pull the javelin out, down on the left it shows the controls, and for Lock it says "RIGHT"

This is how I installed it,

I got one mod folder called @Mando in that I got Addons: all these files are in the addon folder:

Mando Missles.pbo and bisign

Mando Javelin.pbo and bisign

Mu90.pbo and bisign

MMA XEH Autolaunch.pbo and bisign

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If you're using the mma javelin mission, it has the mma logics placed on the map already for you. The xeh pbo will then try to initiate another instance of mma logics, which can do funny things.


-remove the xeh pbo from your folder and play the mma javelin test mission, or

-fire up the editor with your current set up (auto init) and make sure the mma logics aren't present on the map.

Hope that helps you

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