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Here's how I got ARMA2 to perform smoothly using RAMDISK

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I can run the game @ 60 FPS without doing any tweaking:bounce3:


Windows 7 64

Intel Quad Core @ 2.66 MHZ

4GB dual channel memory

HIS Radeon HD 5970

just go get Radeon 5970 and you wont be dissapointed

@ the moment, heat is a problem for this card. better have a good case. I'm idling @ 55 degrees celcius.

Yah, just go spend $700.00 on a video card and all your problems will be solved :rolleyes:

Firstly, this is horrible advice.

Secondly, it won't solve the problem detailed in this thread as it is a storage i/o problem, not a video problem.

Thirdly, it is not relevant to this thread.


Edited by BangTail

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I can run the game @ 60 FPS without doing any tweaking:bounce3:


Windows 7 64

Intel Quad Core @ 2.66 MHZ

4GB dual channel memory

HIS Radeon HD 5970

just go get Radeon 5970 and you wont be dissapointed

@ the moment, heat is a problem for this card. better have a good case. I'm idling @ 55 degrees celcius.

And by the way lol, idling at 55 degrees really is not that bad for an ATI. The 4870's were designed to reach over 90 degrees under load, (and they are slower!), idling at 55 is perfectly normal :)

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Yah, just go spend $700.00 on a video card and all your problems will be solved :rolleyes:

Firstly, this is horrible advice.

Secondly, it won't solve the problem detailed in this thread as it is a storage i/o problem, not a video problem.

Thirdly, it is not relevant to this thread.


More than that we know its not true, and he doesnt give his Settings and where on Utes he got that... But yes the topic is about stutter/LOD issues.

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This thread is not about FPS numbers (I have more than enough with my "old" GTX 260). Its about hickups and stutters. If you claim to not have those, then I simply dont believe you.

well, it is possible, an i7 at 4ghz and an ssd - your hickups and stutters will be gone. and generally 60fps means no hickups and stutters. 40gb kingston ssd for $100 best upgrade ull ever do

yo kklownboy, thats not on max right? what benchmark result u get on benchmark 1 with EVERYTHING on very high and view at 2500 and AA at normal??

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Ofcourse it's expensive so dont get it if you cant.

All of my settings are High and I'm playing on chernarrus. the 5970 is the fastest card and it will improve your FPS.

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Ofcourse it's expensive so dont get it if you cant.

All of my settings are High and I'm playing on chernarrus. the 5970 is the fastest card and it will improve your FPS.

I have one, and 2 x 5870s and 3 x 280s and on and on.

The point was that your video hardware is not relevant to this thread and still isn't.

---------- Post added at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:30 PM ----------

well, it is possible, an i7 at 4ghz and an ssd - your hickups and stutters will be gone. and generally 60fps means no hickups and stutters. 40gb kingston ssd for $100 best upgrade ull ever do

Quite simply, not accurate.

Even on a 512MB OCZ Zdrive (A PCI-E SSD with it's own controller), the stuttering is still noticeable (I was hoping this drive would surpass the X-25 but it's more of the same).

SSD's are not a solution for A2's performance issues. I won't deny that they do help in some small measure but as far as gaming goes, SSD's speed up load times and little else.

RAMdisk is the only way to alleviate it (almost) completely. Further to that, you need a lot of spare RAM for the best results.

Edited by BangTail

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Ok so let me get thisstraight. I have a external hardrive. Will puttin Arma 2 on that help me in anyway with performance?

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dont think so, were not talkin about external hds. an ssd is hard drive but uses computer chips(solid state drive) and a ram disk utilizes some spare ram to load arma files off it.

Edited by Azer1234

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I dont have an ssd but I would imagine that if you put textures on normal (or even low, just for a test) the load on the ssd would decrease. Do you still have stutters with textures and model/terrain detail on low?

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I dont have an ssd but I would imagine that if you put textures on normal (or even low, just for a test) the load on the ssd would decrease. Do you still have stutters with textures and model/terrain detail on low?

That's true but you shouldnt be getting them on a decent HDD at that level of detail either so it's sort of a moot point.

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Well I have a decent hdd and if I fly low over a big city from a freshly started up arma 2 I get massive stutters no matter the level of detail (exept if I run from a ramdisk of course)

I suspect that with a good ssd this stuttering will be reduced massively (in this low-detail situation) because they are so fast with small fragmented bits of data.

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Well I have a decent hdd and if I fly low over a big city from a freshly started up arma 2 I get massive stutters no matter the level of detail (exept if I run from a ramdisk of course)

I suspect that with a good ssd this stuttering will be reduced massively (in this low-detail situation) because they are so fast with small fragmented bits of data.

Depends on a lot of factors, I'd really need to see your full spec to give you an accurate response.

But as I previously stated, I don't find that SSDs make a huge difference in ArmA 2 (apart from load times).

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well, it is possible, an i7 at 4ghz and an ssd - your hickups and stutters will be gone. and generally 60fps means no hickups and stutters. 40gb kingston ssd for $100 best upgrade ull ever do

They wont be gone. They cant be gone because its simply not possible in this game without a RAMdisk or an PCI-E SSD for 1500-8000 Euro like the OCZ Z-Drive Series (though I wouldnt be sure about that either). They may be decreased, but they are still there and noticeable.

60 FPS only tells you how much FPS you have. It doesnt tell you anything about hickups, stutters, LOD trashing, etc. As I said I have no problems with FPS whatsoever. The FPS numbers are perfectly fine and more than fast enough.

My CPU is an i5 at 4 GHz with a faster SSD than yours, and I still have very noticeable stutters and LOD trashing, even with a few PBOs on a RAMdisk.

Of all the things I tried to get rid of these problems, the RAMdisk makes the biggest difference by far.

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They wont be gone. They cant be gone because its simply not possible in this game without a RAMdisk or an PCI-E SSD for 1500-8000 Euro like the OCZ Z-Drive Series (though I wouldnt be sure about that either). They may be decreased, but they are still there and noticeable.

The OCZ Z-Drive (PCI-E SSD) is no better/faster than the X-25 (G2).

Edited by BangTail

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It is. It has up to 1.5 GB/s transferrate.

I have one, it isn't, at least not with regards to anything that matters. It might edge out the X-25 in theoretical benchmarks but that doesn't mean anything in terms of RW performance.

The only thing that it does do a little faster is write larger files. Nothing to write home about though.

Edited by BangTail

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Im trying to create ramdisk and I would like to know what is dubbing.pbo? Its pretty large 1GB. I had never seen it before.

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Just stumbled on this thread and thought I would put in my 2 cents on how the game works for me...

I run 4 7500rpm HDD's in RAID 0. I was doing this before I installed the game, but with all max settings it runs smooth like butter.

I don't have dual graphics cards or quad core or any of that nonsense. I've ran multiple drives for awhile because HDD speed is usually where games lag anyway. My friends with dual/quad whatever are surprised that I can run games better than them, well you just have to start at the source and that's loading from the hard drive.

It also helps to have your system set up correctly:


By the way, 4 250GB hard drives can be found cheaper than 1 TB drive. Save money, more speed, win/win!

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I can't hear a word you're saying, over the monstrous noise in your PC! What's making all that racket? :D

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You'd be surprised the drives are actually pretty quiet. As usual my graphix card drowns out all the rest :).

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Ok guys,

Need some assistance regarding the discussion. I have Win 7 installed on my Raid 0 Vertez 2 SSD's. I have a third SSD connected to use for Dataram Ramdisk. How do I know the Ramdisk is running on the third HD and not the Raid 0 since it creates a separate drive for ram?

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Ok guys,

Need some assistance regarding the discussion. I have Win 7 installed on my Raid 0 Vertez 2 SSD's. I have a third SSD connected to use for Dataram Ramdisk. How do I know the Ramdisk is running on the third HD and not the Raid 0 since it creates a separate drive for ram?

I think you're misunderstanding the difference between RAM and a HDD/SSD. ;)

Hint: A RAMdisk does not "go on" an SSD.

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So you would not benefit from running the ram program from a second HD or SSD? Gosh I just spent some serious cash for nothing, sigh. I understand it creates a "virtual ram drive" but I figured launching it from a different HD/SSD would help. I am desperate to play this game with the great rig I have, I do not understand why it runs so poorly.

EVGA X58 Motherboard

12 GB OCZ Memory Gold 1600

Windows 7 x 64

2 x 5870's in Crossfire (Catalyst 10.6 drivers)

H50 Watercooling

2 x 60 GB OCZ Vertex 2 Raid 0 SSD's

i7 930 (not overclocked yet)

Edited by ranger1979

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So you would not benefit from running the ram program from a second HD or SSD? Gosh I just spent some serious cash for nothing, sigh. I understand it creates a "virtual ram drive" but I figured launching it from a different HD/SSD would help. I am desperate to play this game with the great rig I have, I do not understand why it runs so poorly.

Well, if you understand how a RAMdisk works, from where you run the RAMdisk program makes no difference. All the RAMdisk software does is create a virtual drive using RAM instead of your HDD or SSD. So, with your 12 GB of RAM, you could create a fairly sizable RAMdisk. Then, you copy over parts of the game you want run off the RAMdisk, preferably the ones that get a lot of I/O usage (see the rest of this thread for details).

You can try installing the game itself to its own SSD, though I don't think it would be any faster necessarily (if at all) than running the game on your RAID 0 SSD setup.

What settings are you using in-game? Your rig should be tearing this game up. Though it could be Crossfire-related, I hear the game does not work so well with Crossfire. Try using one GPU instead of both just to see what happens.

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I am using normal on everything except for AA which is low, and PP which is low. 1920 x 1200, and memory on normal, tried default and very high with no real difference.

Just tried w/o crossfire and the grass and trees are still popping real bad.

I will upload a video real soon.

Thanks for any advise.

---------- Post added at 11:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 PM ----------

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTkFhbhzqCc&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTkFhbhzqCc&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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