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High Command Icon change

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i have set up some troops with the HCM,

it all works but all the icons are 'infantry squad ones'

is it possible to change the icons like, repair team and recon etc?

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I guess this is the best keebt secret from BIS ever - I started a thread similar to this and aksed the same question over and over again with no luck yet. Gaia mentioned something about it but never followed it up... - U can see the thread here.

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Hmm, from looking at the other post:

(group player) setvariable ["MARTA_CUSTOMMARKER","b_recon"];

I would take that to mean that every group has a variable called "MARTA_CUSTOMMARKER" that stores any custom icon to use in, for instance, the High Command interface. The above example would, thus, be pretty limited based on my understanding, and might be better replaced with

(group this) setvariable ["MARTA_CUSTOMMARKER", "b_recon"];

into the Initialization field of any unit (by convention, the leader) of the group you want represented by said custom icon. "b_recon" would of course be replaced by the marker icon of your choice (don't ask me where to find the names, haha)

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ahh thanks, any 1 have any leads to the full list?

(ill try think like r_engineer) maybee thats redfor engineer?

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Does anyone has a fullworking example of this - both how to change the icon but also how to change the strength...?

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Yeah I third this because this code does not work

(group player) setvariable ["MARTA_CUSTOMMARKER","b_recon"];

there must be some other way because if you can setGroupID then you have to be able to change their group Icon.

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As a step on the way, this actually "works":

(group this) setVariable ["MARTA_customicon", ["b_recon", "group_3"]]

Why did I say "works"? Well, you will see that the icon for the group in question will change, but the group size indicator (team/squad/section/platoon etc) will be reset by the HC system. The group_3 name above should put three little platoon size dots above the recon icon (and for a while they are there), but looking at the code in ca\modules\Marta\data\fsms\marta_local.fsm, that part of the custom icon functionality is broken at the moment and commented out in ArmA II 1.05. Maybe in the future?

I'll keep digging...

Edited by Killswitch

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You're right, it's not customMarker, but customIcon. Don't know what I was thinking when writing that. This should work:

(group player) setvariable ["MARTA_customIcon",["b_recon"]];

Setting group size is not available at this moment. Can't remember why's that, but I'll check it after holidays. It's definitely feature worth adding.

Markers are defined under cfgGroupIcons. Should be in UI.pbo config (if not, search in central bin; sorry for not precise info, writing from my home).

Edited by Moricky

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Sweet! That works perfect!

to change group marker in HC module:

(group player) setvariable ["MARTA_customIcon",["b_recon"]];

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Well - one down

(group player) setvariable ["MARTA_customIcon",["b_recon"]];

One to go...

Setting group size is not available at this moment


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By the way - do I have to define the markers in the config file or can I actually load custommarkers from the mission folder...? :)

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I am making a level where I don't want to know the location of certain friendly units or enemy units. An example of this would be a hostage. The objective is to stumble upon him accidentally. The problem that I am having is that he shows up on the map when in "High Command Mode" along with all of his captors.

I have tried this in his init field:

(this) setvariable ["MARTA_customIcon",["empty"]];

but that doesn't seem to remove him. Do you guys know of any way of doing this?

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I am making a level where I don't want to know the location of certain friendly units or enemy units. An example of this would be a hostage. The objective is to stumble upon him accidentally. The problem that I am having is that he shows up on the map when in "High Command Mode" along with all of his captors.

I have tried this in his init field:

(this) setvariable ["MARTA_customIcon",["empty"]];

but that doesn't seem to remove him. Do you guys know of any way of doing this?

possibly you can use:

group removeGroupIcon icon ID

I think you can find the icon ID # by going into the mission file and finding the unit that you are wanting to removeGroupIcon. I think it may be this

class Item1











init="this setFace ""face47""";

once again not 100%

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By refering to my thread here I would like to inform you that I've made some additional markers for use at both High Command and at map.

Map view


High Command Icons


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I would really like to know if after 3 years someone knows if:

Any chance of using empty markers to make squads invisible on map under High Command??

Need to find a randomized crash site, but with HC module, the crashed heli icon is visible from start,

Thanks in advance,


not a pretty one, but you can attach your blue group to a guerilla leader, and just after the mission starts delete the guerilla leader. They will not be marked on map in HC mode.

Edited by Lato1982

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